Re: [arch-general] Update to Boost Libraries

2020-10-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Hi, The package has been market out of date for quite some time now (almost 4 months) [0]. One release has now actually been skipped (1.73). -- Jayesh Badwaik [0]

[arch-general] Update to Boost Libraries

2020-10-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Is there a reason why boost libraries are stuck to version 1.72 when 1.74 are already available? I cannot find anything on the bug tracker. Thank you. -- Best Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] Test Message for DMARC Checking (Please Ignore)

2019-02-01 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Thank you. On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 12:09 PM Florian Pritz wrote: > > On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 06:41:54PM +0100, Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general > wrote: > > Test Message > > If you just want to test if your DMARC verifier works, there are a few > possibilities listed he

[arch-general] Test Message for DMARC Checking (Please Ignore)

2019-01-30 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Test Message -- Best Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] List of Files Created by makepkg

2018-12-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Yes, I meant the files inside the package. Thanks for the correction. I thought there might be a tool like `pacman -Ql`. Turns out, I was missing the `-p` option there. Thank you. -- Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed

[arch-general] List of Files Created by makepkg

2018-12-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Hi, I am trying to write an automated script which takes in packages and package files created by makepkg and uploads it somewhere. For this, I would need the list of files created by the `makepkg` command. Is there a way to get that? -- Best Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] Static Lib Build for SDL2

2018-11-03 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Hmm, sorry for the noise. You can safely ignore the mail. The problem was caused by incompatible configuration in other operating systems, not ArchLinux. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Static Lib Build for SDL2

2018-11-03 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
Fixed the link: -- Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[arch-general] Static Lib Build for SDL2

2018-11-03 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
. Also, it would be also good if the line 50 of the package was not done, since that causes problem with using CMake files portably across other systems. If instead such a thing is needed, I would suggest that a symlink `libSDL2.a` be created to point to `SDL2main.a`. Cheers -- Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] Reboot-less Computers

2018-10-28 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
ttps:// -- Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[arch-general] Reboot-less Computers

2018-10-28 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
information. Is there a reliable way to do this currently? If yes, I would like to know some information about it. Ideally, a tried and tested set of steps will be welcome. But things are never so easy I guess. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description

Re: [arch-general] Include paths for python 3

2018-08-24 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
I finally got around to editing my code, and I realized how bad my request was. Thank you for suggesting the good alternative. :-)

[arch-general] Include paths for python 3

2018-08-13 Thread Jayesh Badwaik via arch-general
table location like `/usr/include/python3`. Thank you. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] kde --> xfce how to remove all packages kde

2016-10-31 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
s just the desktop part of it, you probably also want to uninstall kde-applications-meta. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] What's with Ray Rashif?

2016-10-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Thanks a lot! -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Cannot receive files via bluetooth

2016-10-10 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
e by ArchLinux build process. If the bug is instead in the upstream package and not ArchLinux, report upstream. -- Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] i686 and SSE2

2016-09-18 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Sunday, 18 September 2016 07:53:56 CEST Doug Newgard wrote: > This thread is split between arch-general and arch-dev-public Ohh, my bad. Did not properly read the headers. Thank You. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] i686 and SSE2

2016-09-18 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
otherwise it is getting rejected by my mail provider and I need to know what? -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Arch svntogit/package.git what is Diffstat bargraph displaying? Lines?

2016-09-11 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
> What is 'this information' on the graph showing? Lines added/deleted? > Votes for change? Total number of line changes. Red is deleted, green is added. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] sddm autologin doesn't immediately after boot - but systemctl restart sddm solves the problem. Timing issue - missing systemd service dependencies?

2016-09-03 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi! I am not completely sure, but I know that sddm uses logind for session management, may be you can check making systemd-logind the dependency? -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Laptop cooling fan does not work

2016-08-23 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Wednesday, 24 August 2016 04:12:40 CEST Dragon ryu via arch-general wrote: > Don't forget run detect-sensors with sudo... Right. Forgot about that. Refer to the wiki page in case of doubts. ;-) -- Cheer Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Laptop cooling fan does not work

2016-08-23 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ontain your video driver module) $ lsmod | grep -i nvidia $ lsmod | grep -i nouveau At least one the above should return something. nouveau is the open source driver. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Pacman Hooks

2016-08-21 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ation linked there and put in the first directory > listed in that paragraph. You'll find some nice hook examples as well > in that directory Thank you all of you for quick responses. I read the pacman#Hooks page. It is not that descriptive, but alpm hooks look descriptive enough. --

[arch-general] Pacman Hooks

2016-08-21 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, I have been trying to write some hooks for my pacman and so, I search the internet for it. I could not find any documentation on it, apart from some examples and a blog post on Allan McRae's blog. I was wondering if there is such a documentation or not? -- Cheers Jayesh Ba

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
n bash. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
A beer from me too. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
software in public periodically. This is exacerbated by the fact that they *do* use patents to pursue their agenda. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ding to wikipedia. Almost free software licenses are only copyright, not patent. GPLv3 is an exception. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Friday, 19 August 2016 17:33:28 CEST Kwang Moo Yi via arch-general wrote: > I can't help pointing out that PowerShell is MIT. The point was patents. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Opinions on PowerShell?

2016-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ogle and Red Hat. Hence, not using something because of Microsoft is a very good argument given their track record of using patents nowadays to get even instead of competing on software. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] Arch Linux in Embedded Projects

2016-08-11 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Archlinux officially provides packages for i386/x86_64 architecture. You want to use embedded systems, so most probably, ARM and related architectures, wherein it is not actually an option. But you might want to look here: -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] signoffs are dead

2016-07-26 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Please don't top post. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [arch-general] What is the current wiki-poliicy for re-writing contributions?

2016-03-22 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ple would start writing tutorial like articles for simple enough uses. For example see [1]. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik [1]

Re: [arch-general] Issues with Bluetooth Headset

2016-03-20 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
I seem to have found the problem, but no solution yet. Downgrading bluez from 5.38-1 to 5.37-2 removes the problem. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

[arch-general] Issues with Bluetooth Headset

2016-03-20 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
h result 'core-dump'. 07:35:03 wadner systemd[1]: bluetooth.service: Unit entered failed state. 07:35:03 wadner systemd[1]: bluetooth.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] AUR Packages no longer visible from Archlinux

2016-02-29 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Monday, 29 February 2016 19:54:54 IST Marshall Neill wrote: > This is what I fail to understand; How did this get out of testing when > obviously something is broke? AUR does not promise any stability, unlike core and extra packages. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] AUR Packages no longer visible from Archlinux

2016-02-29 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Monday, 29 February 2016 22:10:00 IST Rafael Fontenelle wrote: > yaourt 1.7 is (or should be) compatible with package-query 1.8. A new > version of yaourt will follow in a few days :) Thank you. I guess I will be using pacaur for a few days then. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

[arch-general] AUR Packages no longer visible from Archlinux

2016-02-29 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, I am no longer to view any AUR packages using either packer or yaourt. Is anybody else facing the same problems? $ yaourt -Ss visit community/visitors 0.7-4 A very fast web log analyzer $ -- Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] mksh-52.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)?

2016-02-21 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
)? Similar errors have occurred when archlinux-keyring package is not up to date with other packages. $ pacman-key --refresh-keys should resolve this if it is the same issue. -- Jayesh Badwaik

[arch-general] Instructions to mount efivars as readonly should be linked to in Beginner's Guide

2016-02-01 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, I have read the dangers of mounting efivars as writable recently, and I think there should be an entry in the archlinux installation guide and beginner's guide which should say exactly what is said in the warning in [1], and then link to [1] for further instructions. -- Cheers J

Re: [arch-general] Unknown Trust and Corrupted Package

2016-01-25 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
should be updated in the archlinux-keyring package, but that may not be enough if the keyring package is not recent enough. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik [1] Package_signing#Adding_developer_keys

Re: [arch-general] Unknown Trust and Corrupted Package

2016-01-24 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Monday, 25 January 2016 03:23:25 IST Levente Polyak wrote: > Looks like people tend to forget about updating pacman keyring. > > pacman-key --refresh-keys Oops, feel very silly now. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

[arch-general] Unknown Trust and Corrupted Package

2016-01-24 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
(PGP signature)) Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. -- Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] Rerun bootloader from initramfs

2015-11-20 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
the linux's hdparm utility, and then you can unlock it from the the BIOS and vice-versa. So, I think that makes it standard enough, but not sure. -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik Center for Applicable Mathematics Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Re: [arch-general] Rerun bootloader from initramfs

2015-11-20 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
> Because I'm talking about this [1] and not software based encryption. > [1] Shouldn't BIOS take care of that? -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik

Re: [arch-general] newbie: looking for docs

2013-01-16 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
You might want to start here. On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Don Raikes wrote: > Hello, > > > > I am very new to archlinux (as of late last week, and I am struggling to find > any documentation on how to create new archlinux packages, and

Re: [arch-general] How to suppress the list of variables that are output at shell login?

2013-01-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Rodrigo Rivas wrote: > You may also add a `echo $profile` command in the /etc/profile file, just > after `for profile in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do` to see the trace of sourced > files. Thanks for the suggestion. I implemented this and got the following output. /

Re: [arch-general] How to suppress the list of variables that are output at shell login?

2013-01-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Alexander Rødseth wrote: > Hi, > > I'm using zsh and this doesn't happen here. > What does the .zshrc of the user you're su-ing into look like? > Have you seen this page? Yes, I have seen that page. My .zshrc is as attac

[arch-general] How to suppress the list of variables that are output at shell login?

2013-01-06 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, Whenever I login in zsh using an `su -l user` command, I get the following list of variables outputted on the shell HOME=/home/user LOGNAME=user PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/share/backuppc/bin SHELL=/bin/zsh TERM=xterm USER=user How can I suppress t

Re: [arch-general] Unofficial Repository Guidelines

2012-11-20 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Tuesday 20 Nov 2012 22:32:13 Patrick Burroughs wrote: > Who says he's not? All the packages he's mentioned are available on > the AUR, maintained by him; he's offering unofficial repositories as a > supplement to the AUR, for people like myself who don't want to kill > their laptop compiling all

Re: [arch-general] Unofficial Repository Guidelines

2012-11-20 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Tuesday 20 Nov 2012 20:48:42 Jesus Alvarez wrote: > When I brought the topic up in #archlinux, there was some concern I was > using a repo and not solely relying on AUR. Why do you not want to use AUR? -- Cheers Jayesh

Re: [arch-general] [gnome 3] PrintScreen key doesn't launch gnome-screenshot

2012-10-12 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 11:16 AM, fredbezies wrote: > In some way, yes. But I didn't try shutter. Same behaviour. > > What I meant was, probably the screenshots are getting saved? Even though there is no dialog? As is written there in a link in the comments? -- Jayesh

Re: [arch-general] [gnome 3] PrintScreen key doesn't launch gnome-screenshot

2012-10-12 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 11:09 AM, fredbezies wrote: > First log I looked at. Nothing is stored. Nothing in /var/log/errors.log > too. > > Dmesg | tail ? Nothing. > /var/log/everything.log ? Nothing > > This is really "dumb" and quiet. Far too quiet. > > Just out of curiosity, may be the situation

Re: [arch-general] [gnome 3] PrintScreen key doesn't launch gnome-screenshot

2012-10-12 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:12 PM, fredbezies wrote: > It is like the key is dead. But it is not a keyboard problem, same > thing happens with another keyboard. > > Use the showkey to determine, if the key is being determined by the kernel when pressed. If it is being determined, then probably it i

Re: [arch-general] Akonadi file content search

2012-10-05 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Andy Pieters wrote: > Hi girls and boys > > This may seem like a daft question, and I did research this at length > on Google, but is there any frontend that one can use to search file > file contents? You might want to try nepoogle which is there in AUR.[1] There

Re: [arch-general] sleep + lid events + kde => new problem - solved

2012-09-21 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Martín Cigorraga wrote: >> >> All is well!! >> >> > Did you mean All Izz Well!? (from > the movie "Three Idiots", a very great one) > I love Bollywood! Oh well! :-) -- --

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] merging systemd back to a singular package

2012-08-28 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
going to be making the changes. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Arch Linux and systemd

2012-08-28 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ted gnome devs to consider adding systemd as a dependency due to some funcitonality which was present in systemd only. [1] What is going on I am not sure, but this shows that GNOME in future is going to have a hard dependency on systemd. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | alwa

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] merging systemd back to a singular package

2012-08-28 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, Apparently, Gentoo has recently forked udev. [1] I am not completely sure since the main poster is a n00b according to the gentoo forum ratings, but rest of the discussions seems legit. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] merging systemd back to a singular package

2012-08-27 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ed for a long time, until it tried firing up pavucontrol and saw it was not installed and neither was any pulseaudio package.) Also, there is no systemd dependency in KDE. So, KDE might be bad for you in general, but in this case, it is definitely good. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail

Re: [arch-general] lib -> usr/lib move, glibc and curl

2012-08-22 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
man_image="/boot/initramfs-linux-pacman.img" > > and add 'pacman' to the PRESETS line. If this is done, would libcurl be automatically pulled into the initrd? -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] SystemD poll

2012-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
out turn on systemd issue. So, while the poll would have been a good idea in some other circumstances. In this, I am not so sure. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] SystemD poll

2012-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Sunday 19 Aug 2012 19:11:12 you wrote: > I think the debate of default is useless. I meant the voting not debate. That was typo. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] SystemD poll

2012-08-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
be widely supported. Systemd will be widely supported (for better or for worse), and the corresponding effort to install initscripts is very very small and developers time is valuable. I think the debate of default is useless. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Migration to systemd

2012-08-17 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
dependency stuff I just described at top. How do you expect someone to develop a better init system that systemd if the person has to first be compliant to all systemd things before even getting started. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post www.a

Re: [arch-general] SystemD poll

2012-08-17 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Thursday 16 Aug 2012 20:54:21 Ionut Biru wrote: > with or without this poll, we are continuing with our plan. +1 -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Migration to systemd

2012-08-16 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
want to shift completely. you can try testing systemd everytime you have maintainance on your servers. Or if you have a desktop, you can try testing systemd once in a while and report errors, which can then be resolved. With the variety of computers existing, it is possible that every case rep

Re: [arch-general] Systemd screen brightness

2012-08-15 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
eys have no > effect? They work fine in my case. So, the problem might be specific to your keys. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Lennart Poettering on udev-systemd

2012-08-15 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
or > this, just ping > > (where mezcalero is Lennart and falconindy is Dave). > > Really, I don't think this is something we need to worry about. > +1 -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

[arch-general] Lennart Poettering on udev-systemd

2012-08-13 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
an drop that support entirely.)" -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post | [1] August/006066.html

[arch-general] Chromium usage of KDE proxy fixed

2012-08-11 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, Just realized that chromium now uses the KDE proxy settings properly now. :-) Awesome work. Thanks to whoever did it. :-) :-) -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] What can be deleted, when not using systemd - was: polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-11 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
g to their design patterns, they would have liked systemd in initrd. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-08 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
an casual curiosity and also, I could find no other keyword in this context which would have got me the answer I wanted. So if someone from systemd and pulseaudio is reading this thread, awesome job people. I like your stuff. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] polkit package upgrade patch

2012-08-08 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
stuff? -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] New install media 2012.08.04 uses ZSH, if I may ask, why?

2012-08-07 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Monday 06 Aug 2012 04:57:33 Sébastien Luttringer wrote: > Maybe one day zsh will become the default shell on arch :) What a day that will be!! -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Texlive package install

2012-08-03 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
xLive 2012, but requires either Xetex or LuaTex. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Playback sequence in Amarok-2.5.0-2 gone crazy

2012-07-30 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
-/ Thanks for the information. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

[arch-general] Playback sequence in Amarok-2.5.0-2 gone crazy

2012-07-29 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
requiring which is now on my computer at 54 version and similar other files. I am trying to access Arch Rollback Machine right now to try 2.5.0-4 and will get back to you about what happens with it. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post

Re: [arch-general] lib -> usr/lib

2012-07-26 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Thursday 26 Jul 2012 12:50:47 Tom Gundersen wrote: > I don't think we will ever manage to get rid of /opt. However, if we > were to follow brainworker's renaming scheme I'd suggest > > /opt to /crap > > Should make it clear what kind of packages belong there

Re: [arch-general] Systemd : Analysis of reactions of Users

2012-07-26 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
am which can output all the configurations from different file onto the terminal describing the currently configured boot process. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] lib -> usr/lib

2012-07-26 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Thursday 26 Jul 2012 11:12:34 Ralf Mardorf wrote: > On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 14:18 +0530, Jayesh Badwaik wrote: > > > Well, then: > > > /opt -> /usr/opt > > > > > > And everyone will be happy :) > > > > No, I guess not, /usr is for vendor

Re: [arch-general] lib -> usr/lib

2012-07-26 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
> Well, then: > > /opt -> /usr/opt > > And everyone will be happy :) No, I guess not, /usr is for vendor-supplied stuff. /opt is for personal stuff. That is the conflict. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post | www.n

[arch-general] Systemd : Analysis of reactions of Users

2012-07-26 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ot; variables and they should take care of all the dependencies I guess. Thanks for reading such a long mail if you have reached this far! -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] lib -> usr/lib

2012-07-25 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
hich are specific to the machine and it will have /bin /etc /lib and stuff? -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Updating AUR package with pacman

2012-07-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Thursday 19 Jul 2012 18:44:13 Thorsten Jolitz wrote: > Jonathan Dlouhy writes: > > > On 07/19/2012 12:18 PM, Jayesh Badwaik wrote: > >> On Thursday 19 Jul 2012 17:13:44 Thorsten Jolitz wrote: > >>> Hi List, > >>> > >>> when I wa

Re: [arch-general] Updating AUR package with pacman

2012-07-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
n my machine > and pacman takes care of everything? > > You can just install the new version. Pacman takes care of it. But even better would be to use something like packer/yaourt. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] TexLive custom classes problem.

2012-07-18 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
ls me that the > jbnotebook.cls is not found. > > What can be the problem? Sorry, got it. After an extensive search, just realized that the problem was in TEXMFDB variable where a typo had rendered the home directory useless. Anyway, I had read that the TeXLive should automatically

[arch-general] TexLive custom classes problem.

2012-07-18 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
hare/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf- dist} And still when I run the latex command, it tells me that the jbnotebook.cls is not found. What can be the problem? -- Cheers Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] must be root to ping?

2012-07-14 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Ping requires/uses setuid. Probably, the new update was not compiled properly. On 14-Jul-2012 8:27 PM, "David Benfell" wrote: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > Hey all, > > Did I miss something? I now have to use sudo in order to ping: > > graton% ping > ping: icmp op

Re: [arch-general] Free photo scan software with batch process?

2012-07-09 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
il I found the correct workflow. ;) > > TIA, > Arvid XSane is a very good choice I suppose. Right now I don't know. But it used to do batch scans for my HP Officejet 4200 IIIRC. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Chromium browser does not follow the proxy settings

2012-06-23 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
The --proxy-server option is working perfectly fine for now. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Chromium browser does not follow the proxy settings

2012-06-23 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
the proxy url is the same url which I use when I use the -- proxy-server option and again, even after edit, the KDE application are working fine and process the proxy correctly and use it. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Chromium browser does not follow the proxy settings

2012-06-23 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
-- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

[arch-general] Chromium browser does not follow the proxy settings

2012-06-23 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
rking fine. It is the chromium browser that is causing the problem. Any solutions? -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Advice on opening the ".rm" files in ArchLinux

2012-06-21 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
e on windows it is playing video too so it is a video file in reality. Anyway, I will for now convert it too theora/mp4 from .rm from windows computer for now. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

[arch-general] Advice on opening the ".rm" files in ArchLinux

2012-06-21 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Hi, I have just downloaded the following file [0]. It is an .rm file but I am not able to open it in either VLC or Mplayer. I have posted -the error messages below. Thanks in advance. -- Cheers and Regards Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post

Re: [arch-general] Chromium's Langauge settings dialog not opening

2012-06-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
On Wednesday 20 Jun 2012 02:38:31 you wrote: >Probably you have a pop-up blocker enabled? (Just > guessing) Did not know what I was thinking. Please ignore it. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] Chromium's Langauge settings dialog not opening

2012-06-19 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
Works for me. Instead of dialog box, a new tab opens though. Probably you have a pop-up blocker enabled? (Just guessing) -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Re: [arch-general] No sound (anymore)

2012-06-13 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
.org/index.php/Downgrading_Packages -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post | [1] x86_64.pkg.tar.xz [2]

Re: [arch-general] Mailing lists vs Forums

2012-06-11 Thread Jayesh Badwaik
t done from the get-go, but it's not all that hard of a > thing to do. Even I am of the same opinion. Then, people would not miss something that was already present in the forums and would not have to invest time in watching the forums and the mailing list separately. -- Jayesh Badwai

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