I'm just wondering what the plan is, if any, for getting java 8
packages into arch?
Caleb Cushing
I'm just curious as to why we're still on apache-2.2, at one point I think
I assumed it was a php thing, but php-5.5 got lauched a bit ago and I can
think of at least one php application I tried to run which wouldn't work on
it, so that's probably not it.
term knowledgeable vim users too. what the default is I
don't care, I've long aliased vi to vim now.
Caleb Cushing
nvm... I just noticed the thread on -dev-public
Caleb Cushing
perl 5.12.2 came out at the end of august... I'm just wondering if
we'll be getting it... 5.12.3 should come out... I'd rather never see
a stable 5.14.0 because 5.14.1 should follow a month later... and
given the current speed of updated perls in arch...
5.14 and it'll break everything again.
Caleb Cushing
I'm just a bit curious on this, why release a -3 when upstream
released a new ABI compatible (as far as I know) release over a month
ago, that isn't yet in repo.
Caleb Cushing
is owned by libaio 0.3.109-1
so what's the fix here?
Caleb Cushing
east if the new 64 bit version is stable and secure
> enough.
++ the general consensus was to leave 64-bit flash in... when adobe
cancelled it for a bit... I don't know why it ever got removed. I've
had problems recently with flash and I suspect it's due to running a
Does anyone know if the workarounds are still needed or if that was a
fixed bug? I read the changelog but was unable to discern whether or
not these were on the list of fixed kwin bugs.
Caleb Cushing
On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:35 AM, Harry Strongburg wrote:
> Lastly, what mirror is the "most trusted"?
I use kernel.org I don't know that it's "most trusted" but...
Caleb Cushing
exists in filesystem
kdegames-kpatience: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kpat.png
exists in filesystem
kdegames-kpatience: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/kpat.png
exists in filesystem
kdegames-kpatience: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/kpat.png
exists in filesystem
Caleb Cushing
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 6:09 PM, David C. Rankin
> what else do I need to do?
out of curiousity have you tried building your own kernel and
bisecting it? or mailing the lkml?
Caleb Cushing
; to do, and neither
can anyone else. There aren't any patches needed (so far as I can
tell). The only thing left to do is rebuild community -dbd's and move
everything to stable (so far as I can tell), if there's more no one
has mentioned it.
Caleb Cushing
erything I
/can/ to get this rolled out. The fact is the small, very small amount
of work that has yet to be done... I can't do.
Caleb Cushing
've released kde before it was actually released (by
hours, but still), and that we had gcc 4.5.0 out in a week, which I'm
pretty sure wasn't all that ready.
Caleb Cushing
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Caleb Cushing wrote:
> how embarrassing.
I guess cooker is like their testing version... but according to this
it's in opensuse 11.3... we're definitely starting to fall behind
release distro's here.
Caleb Cushing
of perl http://jquelin.blogspot.com/2010/07/perls-state-in-mandriva-cooker.html
how embarrassing.
Caleb Cushing
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Caleb Cushing wrote:
> which is less than
> 2.15
err.. 2.14
Caleb Cushing
5 and now
2.15 would be 2.16
Caleb Cushing
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Loui Chang wrote:
> I would hope so. 1401 > 15
I'm trying to get upstream not to do this stuff. I know we've
convinced a few unfortunately most of it's reactive not proactive.
Caleb Cushing
#x27;t it be better to do the other way around... first the mass
conversions with no logic changes (more likely to be accepted?) then
the ones with logic changes in case some get rejected. that way the
mass conversion doesn't depend on logic changes by accident.
Caleb Cushing
e's time.
Caleb Cushing
out of date is...
http://www.archlinux.org/ < you can use the package search to find the
package you're looking for and make sure it's been flagged out of
Caleb Cushing
problem was introduced in.
Caleb Cushing
makes sure
> my text editors automatically detect the right shell syntax for syntax
> highlighting.
It has the added benefit of making it quite clear that the script will
not work on another POSIX shell.
Caleb Cushing
more easily apparently.
Caleb Cushing
d. I don't
actually wish to continue the argument.
Caleb Cushing
have webkit support in
konqueror so maybe that will work too.
Caleb Cushing
absolute) you can tell the package
you're looking for by converting it all to lowercase and replacing the
/'s or ::'s with -'s and putting perl- on the front.
Caleb Cushing
it loads them into it... it provides them... for example
running busybox vi will load busybox's version of vi. Doesn't mean
this isn't a good thing... symlinking vi to busybox and then running
that vi is the same as typing busybox vi.
Caleb Cushing
o dash as the main system shell in some
distro's these days... and as openrc show's it's possible to do things
similar to how arch does it (and gentoo used to) without bash.
Caleb Cushing
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 11:10 PM, Victor Lowther
> Questions, comments, flames, etc. welcome.
why go this way instead of the other? (clarification why go deeper
into bash instead of trying to posix-ify the scripts)
Caleb Cushing
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 10:53 PM, Shridhar Daithankar
> So why is phonon support disabled in Qt?
if memory serves correct from gentoo days it has to do with qt phonon
an kde phonon stepping on each others toes... however it might be for
different reasons in arch.
Caleb C
;s belong on AUR. also a week? that's it? get
some patience, you want to complain... perl 5.12 is going on 6 months
fast (and yes I am continuing to complain about that).
Caleb Cushing
They said world leaders... but not what world.
( going back to quashing the rebellion on the world in my head )
Caleb Cushing
m policy for login
managers... as a result of my pointing out that even if your shell is
false you can login graphically.
Caleb Cushing
So is there anything I can do to help to get this in stable? I haven't
had any problems personally in over a month. I think the only bug
still open for rebuilds is the dbd* one.
Caleb Cushing
yer also has a badge to indicate the video is using the
WebM format. If you don't see the "WebM" icon, the video is encoded
using h.264
so according to that you should see HTML5 WebM. Do you? I see HTML5
but no WebM which means it's using h.264. even if you append the
. I just get the html5 one. I hear it's been
backported in unstable and in chrome.
so firefox 4 isn't out, opera is in beta. I'm not actually 100% that
webm is in chrome stable. and this is ready? call me when stable
browsers have been released with it.
Caleb Cushing
's in enterprise
Caleb Cushing
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Jeroen Op 't Eynde
> Chrome 5
I thought WebM wasn't queued up until Chrome 6? pretty sure it's only
H264 in 5... but I could be wrong... I think even youtube says
something like that.
Caleb Cushing
4-bit flash anyways in order to do this. Once it's done
they'll re-release.
Caleb Cushing
) overhauling 64-bit flash), pandora could
have been implemented in js when it came out, they chose flash. I
believe flash had that market share when youtube was in its infancy
and maybe even earlier.
> I doubt that it will take too long until IE will adopt webm. And don't
> overvalue IE.
o maybe it's not all there yet, and flash isn't dead yet, but I think
> (and hope) it won't take very long.
I suspect unless IE adopts webm it'll be around for a very long time.
Caleb Cushing
using 1.2G of ram right now
without flash running... all of that between chromium and ktorrent. I
couldn't run most of what I do now on linux with that system... so yes
there are apps (like fluxbox) that would let me run that light. But
for the most part it's just not true anymore.
Caleb Cushing
ready. It's not supported yet. I hate IE,
and I might leave 'features out' of my IE support but I think that
even IE users should be able to access my content. The reason I
believe this is I know how many site's screwed us for years (and still
are). I don't
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Caleb Cushing wrote:
> yeah having a quad core with 6G of ram takes care of just about any
> system performance issues
however I was using flash 10 on a much less beefy system not so long
ago... and didn't notice issues... so I'd be curious to k
27;t see the cache for a html5 video on youtube
so it could all be perception... or just the fact that I tend to watch
1-2 hour video's on youtube and not the average 1-10 minutes.
Caleb Cushing
e more of a page). I'd love for
js not to be obnoxiously abused like flash is (if your site doesn't
work without js it better have a good reason, I hate enabling js to
read a blog or coment on it).
flash will die when it's no longer needed or no longer provides
advantages. That time hasn't come yet.
Caleb Cushing
bad programs... bad programmers do.
don't blame the tool. (and no I don't like proprietary software, I
wish flash were open source. but I'll wait for webm to be a proven
technology before I jump on that bandwagon)
Caleb Cushing
bm stuff... but I
did try the youtube html5 beta and it just didn't work well. flash
does more than just video anyways. I'll be ok with html5 if it
works as good as flash for the purpose... but flash does so much more,
and it will certainly is better than going back to the days of
d without 64-bit... but their wrongs shouldn't make us choose
to harm our users functionality.
Caleb Cushing
On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 1:27 AM, Allan McRae wrote:
> It probably has options=('force') flag in the PKGBUILD.
should that still be there? it seems like a bit of misbehavior.
Caleb Cushing
perl-json-xs tries to downgrade to -3 if -4 installed and I don't have
community-testing above community. I can't quite figure out why it
would try to do that. usually pacman just complaints that package-x is
newer than in extra.
Caleb Cushing
so i'm trying to update the oracle pkgbuild on AUR. oracle's installer
won't run as root, but it thinks that it's running as root. how can I
change this? I believe it is supposed to be run as the user and group
that it gets installed as what's the best way to add those in
so what's holding back the rebuilds? outside of rebuilds I have no problems.
Caleb Cushing
-plus into extra (or community)
Caleb Cushing
On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 4:13 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> as we have core extra and community stable repos are there any
> unstable repos like core-unstable etc.
testing and community-testing
Caleb Cushing
saw this updated this morning and got curious as to why. I looked at
it and it seems little more than a PKGBUILD improvement... nothing
that would affect current users. why bump the pkgrel? also this
version isn't on abs I don't know what affects that though.
Caleb Cus
starts X automatically (such as
gdm and kdm) until you've tested. If the video is in any way shape or
form buggy you don't want to be booting to a locked up system.
Caleb Cushing
or xorg to test perl. but from what people are saying the automation
of grabbing any updates to a subset of the packages in those repos is
not possible.
Caleb Cushing
e it into a non testing repo I'm fine with it.
Caleb Cushing
you can also use "env ls" which I believe gets ls from the PATH
Caleb Cushing
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:01 AM, Firmicus wrote:
> Any other since?
communities perl-list-moreutils needs a rebuild. ran into a problem
installing moose this morning. rebuilding this package fixed it.
Caleb Cushing
I tried installing testing on a box running nvidia drivers that I have
at school. X didn't come up. I don't know why and didn't really
investigate (as I was really testing to see if my box at home had an
env issue seems it does). using nvidia-173xx-utils
ot arch any needs to be rebuilt. also watch for
actual compiling... I suspect that some not arch any packages should
be arch any. I found 1 the other day.
Caleb Cushing
I don't think any bug that's not specific to 5.12 should hold it back.
I know one of the bugs I filed doesn't appear to be present in the
5.12 build.
Caleb Cushing
ooking into that once I
have a fresh install... right now I suspect some install snafus
because someone built on a new vm and reported no issues with what I
have issues with. I just got new drives... once I've tested those then
I'll reinstall and test more.
Caleb Cushing
why is it the new iso's never made the download page?
Caleb Cushing
for right now I'm on drugs... or cpan is... probably both. either way
I should be ignored on this topic.
Caleb Cushing
t pre works the same way as rc guess I've inadvertantly
added an _ though.
Caleb Cushing
a format
_TRIAL which is not yet popular on cpan but does happen should pacman
add a _trial ? to the list of options? I think we could just use _pre
here too.
Caleb Cushing
Is there a timeline for perl 5.12 entering testing? I realize it's an
important not to be jumped into thing... but I don't see any bugs that
are obviously holding it up... so I'm just curious why it hasn't
entered testing yet.
Caleb Cushing
Caleb Cushing
in a certain way? is cfdisk
supported? how can I check to make sure it is working? and the obvious
even if the kernel and tools are now ready will an arch disk be ready
(obviously I already asked and has been answered)...
Caleb Cushing
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 3:40 AM, Thomas Bächler wrote:
> I think the very very latest util-linux-ng will have fdisk/cfdisk
is that shipping on any of the install disks?
Caleb Cushing
ing I should know first?
Caleb Cushing
27;t actually have a file to check because they aren't preserved. I
use wget because I throttle the download, I can easily fill my ADSL.
Caleb Cushing
where can I get find the configs for older kernels? specifically 2.6.29?
Caleb Cushing
also say that the practices of kde-np concern me and I'm
going to review them. I assume that's the file for 'no password'? it
seems to be too permissive. it should check other stuff and just not
password. but I haven't had time to check it over yet.
Caleb Cushing
sane security, like require usb key auth
(unless that kind of security is distro focus). but if there's no
serious performance impact, and no visible user impact, then why
should a distro implement a secure as possible by default setup?
Caleb Cushing
s very well...
also 1 and 2 probably don't affect alternative forms of
authentication... such as key auth, and thus do not effectively
disable the account.
Caleb Cushing
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 12:56 AM, Allan McRae wrote:
> Caleb Cushing wrote:
>> so here's the problem I've discovered
>> http://xenoterracide.blogspot.com/2009/11/bypassing-disabled-accounts-with-kdm.html
>> < links to arch bug included posting h
migrating (non urgent next release?)
Caleb Cushing
ormance). blame
also I'd suggest sending complaints about kde to... not arch... arch
just distributes it... kde.
your home icon is in your folderview.
I should not have responded to this thread and will not again.
Caleb Cushing
ilt it.
Caleb Cushing
noteable in makepkg.conf but I doubt it.
CFLAGS="-march=core2 -O2 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-march=core2 -O2 -pipe"
other than that I just ran makepkg from the abs/extra/mplayer/PKGBUILD
Finished making: mplayer 29776-1 x86_64 (Tue Oct 20 23:25:34 EDT 2009)
Caleb Cushing
I've tried to play video's with smplayer but they wouldn't play after
the gtk upgrade so I rebuilt mplayer and installed with the pkgbuild
in abs and now it works
Caleb Cushing
you should all go look at funtoo... since it already uses git with
portage for package management.
discussion can be followed there. still trying to work out what's
going code does work against 5.6.0 just not on arch...
Caleb Cushing
e out exactly what the issue is.
Caleb Cushing
d returned 1 exit status
according to the crypto++ mailing list my code does compile with that
command on ubuntu. if I'm doing something wrong for arch I'd like to
know. But I'm concerned that something is not being compiled right for
crypto++ on arch.
Caleb Cushing
you are forgetting how quickly and ginormassly huge the git repo's would get.
Caleb Cushing
postgres and related packages if necessary.
Caleb Cushing
ream bug?
Caleb Cushing
man lzma doesn't come up with anything although other lz* tools refer
to an lzma man page
Caleb Cushing
what's the status of getting this into extra's? all it seems to
require is a typical version bump (outside of the xml bug). It appears
to work ok on x86_64 on my system. although I haven't done super
thorough testing.
Caleb Cushing
anyone get this installed? it's supposedly compatible with 3.5 and yet
I can't install it.
Caleb Cushing
does not have to be named vi. as
far as package manager conflicts... I'd say just have vi symlink to
nvi by default and if people want they can symlink vi to vim or put an
alias in there shell config.
Caleb Cushing
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