[arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-06 Thread Aurélien Chabot
Trusted User > Linux Counter: #359909 > http://www.angvp.com You're right, I do a new one from the the fedora's : http://fedoraproject.org/w/uploads/a/a0/Fedora_Cheat_Cube_Users.svg https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCM2ZjMmUwNzgtM2M2NS00MWFhLTk3NDctMTRhY2MwNjJmZDI3&hl=fr so no more creative commons licence and the details are better. ^^ -- Aurélien Chabot

[arch-general] ArchLinux Cheat Cube (english)

2011-10-06 Thread Aurélien Chabot
Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to my taste. Hope you like it. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCZDQxZjc2YWItZjAzNC00MmNkLWJiMmUtODUyYzdhM2Q1Y2I2&hl=fr -- Aurélien Chabot

Re: [arch-general] Creating an Arch chroot on a non-Arch

2011-07-23 Thread Aurélien Chabot
There is some premade stuff on archlinux.fr : http://wiki.archlinux.fr/Install_chroot ( google translate will do the job if you don't understand french ) Here is the script use to create the chroot : http://calimeroteknik.free.fr/arch-guide/install-chroot.sh Aurélien Chabot