Re: [arch-general] Advantages of netctl over systemd-networkd?

2016-04-26 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
> >> Alexandre de Verteuil writes: > >>> I was happily configuring static and dynamic networking in my home > >>> network using systemd.netdev and unit files until > >>> I needed static routes for my site-to-site VPN setup. I&#x

Re: [arch-general] Advantages of netctl over systemd-networkd?

2016-04-26 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
* Simon Gomizelj [2016-04-26 01:07] : > Alexandre de Verteuil writes: > > I was happily configuring static and dynamic networking in my home > > network using systemd.netdev and unit files until > > I needed static routes for my site-to-site VPN setup. I'

[arch-general] Advantages of netctl over systemd-networkd?

2016-04-25 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
at are the advantages of netctl? Is it more stable? Does it offer more control and options? Do any of you who have experience setting up static routes have any recommendations regarding the choice of network manager? Thanks in advance, -- Alexandre de Verteuil public key ID : 0xDD2

Re: [arch-general] What jobs/tasks is arch the best at?

2016-04-24 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
making, testing, incremental edits, so if you don't need or want to make choices, and your environment is really fast paced, maybe you're better offloading some decision making to the distro maintainers and go with a mainstream distro. Cheers, -- Alexandre de Verteuil public key ID : 0xDD237C00

Re: [arch-general] Recommended reading for Shell expansion mechanism

2014-05-30 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
// Hi, I found the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide extremely valuable. You might be interested in these particular parts : Regards, -- Alexandre de Verteuil public key ID : 0xDD237C00

Re: [arch-general] On-boot delay due to timer units

2014-04-30 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
ecStartPre=-/usr/bin/bash -c '[ $(cut -d. -f1 /proc/uptime) -lt 120 ] && sleep 120' ## EOF If the system is up since less than 120 seconds, waits 120 seconds. Also, failure does not prevent running ExecStart= given the "-" before the command line. Best regards, --

Re: [arch-general] Replace dcron once again?

2010-11-07 Thread Alexandre de Verteuil
self in my script. Does anyone like that feature? Did I miss something in fcron documentation? FYI : If a script exits 11, dcron will run it again 10 minutes later (by default). Alex -- Alexandre de Verteuil public (cryptographic) key ID : 0xDD237C00