Re: [arch-general] no screen grabber

2015-05-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 22/05/15 at 05:26pm, LoneVVolf wrote: On 22-05-15 16:26, Aaron Caffrey wrote: On 22/05/15 at 08:42am, James wrote: $ sudo pacman --sync screengrab error: target not found: screengrab Are the official packages binary packages and the AUR is

Re: [arch-general] no screen grabber

2015-05-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 22/05/15 at 08:42am, James wrote: $ sudo pacman --sync screengrab error: target not found: screengrab Are the official packages binary packages and the AUR is compiling from source? That's what it seems like. How do I search for a binary scre

Re: [arch-general] pacman's "Depends On"

2015-04-23 Thread Aaron Caffrey
e, here is the link Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Random no signal on display-manager init

2015-04-23 Thread Aaron Caffrey
.d/' If it is the second case, then do not use graphical login manager - yes you don't have to use graphical login manager to login and start your DE/WM. Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Random no signal on display-manager init

2015-04-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey
ttps:// In my zsh '.zlogin' file I got this: if [[ -z "$DISPLAY" ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then startx --vt1 exit logout fi Your '.xinitrc' must contain the information needed to start your DE/window manager, background setter and so forth. Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-22 Thread Aaron Caffrey
and you'll get the answer. The emotional feeling that you have semi-solved similar issues is undescriable and awards you with knowledge. Read magaznies, I can suggest only as it is free to download and distribute. Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-20 Thread Aaron Caffrey
they make sure that most of the pages are up to date. A quick 5-10 minutes web research would nail almost all of your future quirks. And if you can't, feel free to submit a new message to the mail list as there are always nerds around that would help you out. Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-20 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 17/04/15 at 08:45pm, Francis Gerund wrote: The error mysteriously went away. Hello Francis, It is awesome to hear that your issue is solved. As Sebastian Vettel noted, your mirrors was 'out-of-sync' that is why I suggested you a simple solution derived from the wiki. Best rega

Re: [arch-general] update error(?)

2015-04-17 Thread Aaron Caffrey Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Kernel 3.19.3 not detecting SD cards

2015-04-12 Thread Aaron Caffrey
with the software. Hello Magnus, Can you try that - Make sure that your "user" is in the "storage" group. Best regards, Aaron Caffrey

Re: [arch-general] Little automation to install

2015-04-05 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 04/04/15 at 06:47pm, Roman Neuhauser wrote: # / 2015-04-01 13:53:57 -0300: Hello all, After some many years, I'm back to ArchLinux. One thing that took me time was to read the manuals and run all the commands for installation. That made me wonder on how automation might h

Re: [arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

2015-02-26 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 26/02/15 at 06:41pm, Csányi Pál wrote: 2015-02-25 23:58 GMT+01:00 Aaron Caffrey : Install udisks, udisks2. Create /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-enable-mount.rules polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if ( == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-s

Re: [arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

2015-02-26 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 26/02/15 at 07:31pm, Jens Adam wrote: Wed, 25 Feb 2015 11:36:59 +0100 Csányi Pál : mmcblk0: error -84 transferring data, sector 7, nr 1, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x0 Buffer I/O error on dev mmcblk0, logical block 0, async page read This clearly indicates a hardware/kernel problem, s

Re: [arch-general] Arch linux doesn't recognises micro SD card

2015-02-25 Thread Aaron Caffrey
Install udisks, udisks2. Create /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-enable-mount.rules polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if ( == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system" && subject.isInGroup("storage")) { return polkit.Result.YES; } }

Re: [arch-general] filesystem update

2015-02-24 Thread Aaron Caffrey
On 24/02/15 at 10:12pm, Simon Hanna wrote: Hi, the latest filesystem package now owns /home my /home used to be a symlink to some other location, so the upgrade failed. I "fixed" it for now by just linking my home folder into /home (since I'm running a single user setup it's fine) However I'm c