You'll probably all right, I made extensive use of it while installing over
a various boxes via PXE but it's trivial thing to install it.
Sorry for the noise.
On 08/10/12||23:40, Till Smejkal wrote:
> On 10/08/2012 10:54 PM, Arno Gaboury wrote:
> >I thought I could use :
> >$virsh # attach-disk merdoz ~/virtio-win-0.1-30.iso hdc --type cdrom
> >
> >But it doesn't work either, as virsh # list
> >returns NO domain.
> >Weird, as the following command seems
On 08/10/12||22:04, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
> On 08/10/12 20:47, Arno Gaboury wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > I am trying with no sucess to install w7 on a VM on my Archlinux box.
> > I use virt-install,virtio,qemu, and i already managed to set up VM.
> >
> > This time, after #virt-install --conne
On 08/10/12 20:47, Arno Gaboury wrote:
> Dear list,
> I am trying with no sucess to install w7 on a VM on my Archlinux box.
> I use virt-install,virtio,qemu, and i already managed to set up VM.
> This time, after #virt-install --connect qemu///system --name=merdoz
> --ram 4000 --cpu host --di
Dear list,
I am trying with no sucess to install w7 on a VM on my Archlinux box.
I use virt-install,virtio,qemu, and i already managed to set up VM.
This time, after #virt-install --connect qemu///system --name=merdoz
--ram 4000 --cpu host --disk
I have a new problem with a usb scanner - testing repo - fully updated
+ kde + initscripts (not yet converted to systemd). This was working
fine when last tried 3-4 weeks ago
The scanner is not being initialized correctly somehow,
daemon log shows this upon plugging scanner into USB port:
Am 08.10.2012 04:39, schrieb Damjan Georgievski:
>>> Is there a way to boot the install medium over PXE similar to ArchBoot?
>> Yes, it's on the wiki somewhere.
>> If you have a fast internet connection (10MBit/s or more), you can use
>> this:
> As far
On 08/10/12, Tobias Powalowski wrote:
| Hi guys,
| please signoff 3.5.6 series for both arches.
| package is not in testing, please grab it from here:
Running fine here, 1 x desktop, 1 x laptop, 2 x VPS.
All x86_64.
Simon Perry (aka Pezz)
Hi guys,
please signoff 3.5.6 series for both arches.
package is not in testing, please grab it from here:
This will move to [core] directly, because 3.6.1 is in [testing].
Tobias Powalowski
Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa
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