2011/10/7 Aurélien Chabot :
>>2011/10/6 Aur?lien Chabot :
>>> Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
> my
>>> taste. Hope you like it.
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCZDQxZjc2YWItZjAzNC00MmNkLWJiMmUtODUyYzdh
>2011/10/6 Aur?lien Chabot :
>> Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
>> taste. Hope you like it.
>> --
>> Aur?lien C
On Friday, October 7, 2011, Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> 2011/10/6 Aurélien Chabot >:
> > Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
> my
> > taste. Hope you like it.
> >
> >
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCZDQxZjc2YWItZjA
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Pham Bao Trung wrote:
> Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them
> work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but
> nothing helps.
export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"
export GTK_IM_MODULE="xim"
export QT_
2011/10/6 Aurélien Chabot :
> Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to my
> taste. Hope you like it.
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCZDQxZjc2YWItZjAzNC00MmNkLWJiMmUtODUyYzdhM2Q1Y2I2&hl=fr
> --
> Aurélien Chabot
very good! thanks..
2011/10/7 Jeffrey Lynn Parke Jr.
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Aurélien Chabot
> wrote:
> > Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
> > my
> > taste. Hope you like it.
> >
> >
> >
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Aurélien Chabot
> Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
> my
> taste. Hope you like it.
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCZDQxZjc2YWItZjAzNC00MmNkLWJiMmUtODUyYzdhM2Q1Y2I2&h
Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to my
taste. Hope you like it.
Aurélien Chabot
Pham Bao Trung writes:
> Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them
> work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but
> nothing helps.
I don't use scim, but these lines may help:
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Pham Bao Trung wrote:
> Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them
> work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but
> nothing helps.
I have the following lines in my xinitrc and it works in uxterm.
I've had many problems with SCIM too, such as capturing almost all my input.
Using UIM too, works neatly and allows you to do input on terminal
window instead of little popup.
Seems to freeze urxvt rarely however.
2011/10/6 Caio A. Prado :
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Pham Bao Trung
> wrote
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:37 PM, Pham Bao Trung wrote:
> Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them
> work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but
> nothing helps.
I’ve been through this some time ago and nothing seemed to work (urxv
Can scim work with uxterm/urxvt? If so, could somebody help me to make them
work together, please? Of course, I have been throught wiki and googling but
nothing helps.
Kind regards,
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