[arch-general] Issues with SFTP and Nautilus.

2010-09-03 Thread Ashish SHUKLA
Hi everyone, When I connect to my remote SFTP server (running FreeBSD) using GNOME Nautilus, I noticed that the in the "Permissions" dialog box, instead of user/group names, the numeric U/G IDs are being shown, whereas when I do 'sftp' from terminal, and execute 'ls -l', I can see the user/group n

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] The "Great Python Rebuild of 2010" begins

2010-09-03 Thread Christopher Brannon
Rémy Oudompheng writes: > I have generated the attached quick-and-dirty list of safe packages > from the wiki. There could be false positives, of course. ===begin list=== *SNIP* > jython Actually, this doesn't need a rebuild at all. jython doesn't rely on the C implementation of Python for any

Re: [arch-general] kde 4.5.1-1 looks much better.

2010-09-03 Thread Nilesh Govindarajan
On 09/03/2010 03:51 AM, A Rojas wrote: That's a known dbus issue, it should be fixed in dbus-core from [testing] Oh that's a dbus issue? I was wondering what's wrong with my system. -- Regards, Nilesh Govindarajan Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nilesh.gr Twitter: http://twitter.com/niles

Re: [arch-general] dovecot.conf kills update (conflicting file)

2010-09-03 Thread Pierre Chapuis
On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 23:02:53 -0500, "David C. Rankin" wrote: > I'm not knocking Arch, I'm just trying to explore how much work it > would take to make pacman just a little smarter so it avoids some of > these things. That is what I DON'T know. The work it would take is not the only problem

[arch-general] Fwd: Re: [Nut-upsdev] usbhid-ups causing hang on boot with 2.6.35 - any ideas?

2010-09-03 Thread David C. Rankin
Guys, Below are the thoughts from the NUT developer on what to check in the Arch NUT package to see if recent changes to udev bus designations, and permission are incorporated. My guess is that it is udev related since 50% of the time it boots and loads usbhid-ups just fine and everything wor

Re: [arch-general] still hangs waiting on udev with usbhid errors

2010-09-03 Thread David C. Rankin
On 09/03/2010 12:16 AM, Myra Nelson wrote: PS Dallas is on I45 and East of I35. I won't even go East of the Brazos anymore. BWood is it. Hmm, check your map and look at the designator for 'Stemmons Freeway' in Dallas, that is I-35E. Recall I-35 E&W split to catch both Dallas and Ft. Worth an

Re: [arch-general] dovecot.conf kills update (conflicting file)

2010-09-03 Thread David C. Rankin
On 09/03/2010 01:11 AM, Ng Oon-Ee wrote: That being said, it would probably be possible to implement something like what you seem to be suggesting. I doubt it ever will though, because this IS very much a corner case. Cool -- now that's a clean answer. On to the next improvement idea... -- Da