Re: [arch-general] LVM On The Eee 701 4G (SSD + SD Card)

2008-10-18 Thread CF
Tiago Pierezan Camargo wrote: I don't have a Eee PC, so I am only guessing. Probably, your initrd image is missing the usb/sd/mmc modules. I don't know exactly which modules are necessary, but you can try to add usb to the HOOKS section of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf just before the lvm2. You may also

Re: [arch-general] System upgrade fails

2008-10-18 Thread Manolo
Thanks to everyone, you´ re all right. I removed the package (I didn´t use it anyway) and now I´m upgrading the system. I´ ll read the news the next time, thanks for the suggestion. Angel: I already knew the site but no the irc channel, thank you for the tip. Thanks again, bye!!!

[arch-general] New 2008.10 archboot test iso/img files

2008-10-18 Thread Tobias Powalowski
Hi Arch community, Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2008.10, "Nepal" has been released. This is just a test run if the image files are ok, please give me feedback. If everything is alright they will be pushed to official mirrors. Thanks in ad