[R-sig-eco] Analyzing iso-genic lines with different chromosomes on common genetic background

2024-12-08 Thread Allan Edelsparre
generally works. However, I am thinking this is a messy approach and I am not sure I am achieving the idea of using the reference lines as benchmarks for phenotype scores. Any thoughts and ideas are most welcome. Thanks in advance Allan Edelsparre [[alternative HTML version deleted

[R-sig-eco] Capture data

2017-02-08 Thread Allan Edelsparre
Hi all, I have two data sets I want to merge. One has a vector with trap IDs and the vector from the other data set has the number of individuals captured at each trap site. I need to reverse the trap ID's within the trap ID vector in order to match the number trapped. Here is an example of how

Re: [R-sig-eco] Randomizing matrices

2012-08-18 Thread Allan Edelsparre
Thanks Peter, I think that might actually work. I Will let you know. Allan - Original Message - From: "Peter Solymos" To: "Allan Edelsparre" Cc: r-sig-ecology@r-project.org Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:50:46 AM Subject: Re: [R-sig-eco] Randomizing matr

[R-sig-eco] Randomizing matrices

2012-08-18 Thread Allan Edelsparre
Dear R ecologists, I'm trying to figure out a way to calculate the sum of squared distances (SSD) between two matrices, where one matrix is held constant and the other is randomized. So far I have been able to get the syntax together to obtain my observed SSD, but the problem for me is obtain SSD

[R-sig-eco] MANOVA

2010-05-14 Thread Allan Edelsparre
It was suggested that I post the code I used to construct the model This is how it was constructed: time <- factor(rep(c("rep1", "rep2"), c(36, 36)),levels=c("rep1", "rep2")) morph <- ordered(rep(1:36, 2)) idata <- data.frame(time, morph) model2<- lm(cbind(a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1,h1,i1,j1,k1,l1,m

[R-sig-eco] Manova repeated measures

2010-05-13 Thread Allan Edelsparre
Hi all, I am in a situation where I want to ask what is the effect of ecomorph, diet, and family(nested in ecomorph) on a number of behaviours that are repeated measures. I use the Car package to run the MANOVA and it worked on my previous data set. However, on this new data set I get the fol

[R-sig-eco] Repeated measures in multi variate analyses

2010-02-08 Thread Allan Edelsparre
Hi all, I am in a situation where I want to ask what is the effect of ecomorph, diet, and family(nested in ecomorph) on five behaviours that are repeated measures. Because I have repeated measures I was wondering if the mixed effects model command (lme) can handle a MANOVA, or can the MANOVA c

[R-sig-eco] Quantile regression

2008-11-18 Thread Allan Edelsparre
I have a problem with quantile regression when I want to analyse quantiles above the 90th quantile and below the 5 quantile. When I check for significance I use the following commands: >results<- rq(Total~Pmove, tau = 0.9) >summary(results, se="nid") Call: rq(formula = Total ~ Pmove, tau = 0.9)