[krita] [Bug 442191] Transform tool produces white artifacts around the edge of transformed result

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #12 from tomtomtomreportin...@gmail.com ---
Now I'm wondering if it's really necessary to have "soft" cut/copy operations,
at least as the default operations... Having Cut (Sharp) as a separate action
seems a bit unnecessary if the user has already chosen to use aliased
selections, especially as Cut (sharp) doesn't have the same fallbacks as normal
Cut (for cutting layers etc.). Additional confusion might occur when both
normal cut and sharp cut will in practice produce a soft cut when the selection
is antialiased, while with aliased selections they work as they would convey.

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[dolphin] [Bug 452100] New: Having a stopped systemd automount makes Dolphin crash

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452100
   Summary: Having a stopped systemd automount makes Dolphin crash
   Product: dolphin
   Version: 21.12.3
  Platform: Archlinux Packages
OS: Linux
  Keywords: drkonqi
  Severity: crash
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general
  Assignee: dolphin-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: hkz85825...@gmail.com
CC: kfm-de...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: ---

Application: dolphin (21.12.3)

Qt Version: 5.15.3
Frameworks Version: 5.92.0
Operating System: Linux 5.16.15-arch1-1 x86_64
Windowing System: X11
Distribution: "Arch Linux"
DrKonqi: 5.24.3 [KCrashBackend]

-- Information about the crash:
I have set up a systemd automount to a remote filesystem. Like the fstab line
given below:

user@server  /mnt/remote  fuse.sshfs 
 0 0

Normally, Dolphin will display the mounted directory under "Devices" on the
side bar, and whenever Dolphin is opened, it triggers systemd to try mounting
the remote filesystem. However, when it cannot be mounted (e.g. server is
unreachable), Dolphin will hang for a bit before saying the directory cannot be
read, this happens every time Dolphin is opened, even if I don't click on the
directory. This is annoying but understandable, so I run `systemctl stop
mnt-remote.automount` whenever I am on a network that cannot access the server.
Doing this makes Dolphin to behave normally when its opened, clicking on the
entry under "Devices" immediately produces an error message instead of hanging,
and I can still do stuff with other files afterwards.

But this good behaviour seems to only last for a while. After an indeterminate
amount time (minutes to hours), any running Dolphin instances spontaneously
crash. When I try to open Dolphin again, it immediately hangs for a few seconds
before crashing again, which produces the stack trace below.

Starting the automount unit again restores the behaviour prior to stopping it.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Have a systemd automount in fstab.
2. Make the mount always fail.
3. Stop the automount unit with systemctl.
4. Open Dolphin, it should behave fine.
5. Click on the mount point, it should produce an error and be fine afterwards.
6. Navigate to home and wait for it to spontaneously crash.
7. Try to open Dolphin again, it should crash again quickly.

The crash can be reproduced sometimes.

-- Backtrace:
Application: Dolphin (dolphin), signal: Segmentation fault
Content of s_kcrashErrorMessage: {_M_t = { >> = {_M_t = std::tuple containing = {[1] = 0x0,
[2] = {}}}, }}
[KCrash Handler]
#6  QString::QString (other=..., this=, this=,
other=...) at /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qstring.h:1093
#7  KMountPoint::mountedFrom (this=0x0) at
#8  0x561393dc4f62 in PlacesDataSource::data (this=) at
#9  0x7fd339abdb81 in KUserFeedback::ProviderPrivate::jsonData
(this=, mode=) at
#10 0x7fd339ac4f0d in KUserFeedback::ProviderPrivate::submit
(this=this@entry=0x5613948727b0, url=...) at
#11 0x7fd339ac526f in KUserFeedback::ProviderPrivate::submitProbeFinished
(reply=0x56139492bc00, this=0x5613948727b0) at
#12 operator() (__closure=) at
#13 QtPrivate::FunctorCall, QtPrivate::List<>, void,
KUserFeedback::ProviderPrivate::submitProbe(const QUrl&):: >::call
(arg=, f=...) at /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:146
#14 QtPrivate::Functor, 0>::call, void> (arg=,
f=...) at /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:256
QtPrivate::QFunctorSlotObject, 0, QtPrivate::List<>, void>::impl(int,
QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *, QObject *, void **, bool *) (which=, this_=, r=, a=,
ret=) at /usr/include/qt/QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h:443
#16 0x7fd338b1a463 in QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase::call (a=,
r=, this=, this=, r=, a=) at
#17 doActivate (sender=0x56139492bc00, signal_index=10,
argv=0x7ffe076552e0) at kernel/qobject.cpp:3886
#18 0x7fd3381c2f58 in QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate::finished
(this=0x56139490b990) at access/qnetworkreplyhttpimpl.cpp:2280
#19 0x7fd338b0d7d6 in QObject::event (this=,
e=0x7fd2a402fb70) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1314
#20 0x7fd3395611c6 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=, receiver=0x56139492bc00, e=0x7fd2a402fb70) at
#21 0x7fd338ae95aa in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2
(receiver=0x56139492bc00, event=0x7fd2a402fb70) 

[kwin] [Bug 107302] Per-screen virtual desktops

2022-03-31 Thread Natalie Clarius

Natalie Clarius  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[krita] [Bug 452101] New: Crashed while selecting something with freehand selection

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452101
   Summary: Crashed while selecting something with freehand
   Product: krita
   Version: nightly build (please specify the git hash!)
  Platform: Compiled Sources
OS: All
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: * Unknown
  Assignee: krita-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: acc4commissi...@gmail.com
  Target Milestone: ---

git 9e455a3




Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 


Error occurred on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 16:29:09.

krita.exe caused an Access Violation at location 7FFBF0EA7429 in module
Qt5Core.dll Reading from location 7FFBA06E38B8.

AddrPC   Params
7FFBF0EA7429 7FFBF125B4B0 0001 005FBEC0 
Qt5Core.dll!0x227429 QObject::property+0xa9
7FFBEE95CB1B 2AD86580 7FFBF074A84D 11748080 
libkritaflake.dll!0xfcb1b CanvasData::activateToolActions+0x16b
7FFBEE8A0949 006B 005FB949 0002 
libkritaflake.dll!0x40949 KoToolManager::Private::postSwitchTool+0x1b9
7FFBEE8A0EB5 006B 005FB9A9 0003 
libkritaflake.dll!0x40eb5 KoToolManager::Private::switchTool+0x115
7FFBEE898236 0002005FBEE0 12569820 02D4E530 
libkritaflake.dll!0x38236 KoToolFactoryBase::activateTool+0x36
7FFBF0EA9338 21FF83D0 001E 21FF83D0 
Qt5Core.dll!0x229338 QMetaObject::activate+0x7b8
7FFBF0713E2E 02C76098 7FFBF0E874A9 005FBEE0 
Qt5Widgets.dll!0x3e2e QAction::activate+0xfe
7FFBF07148EB 005FFB80  21FF83D0 
Qt5Widgets.dll!0x48eb QAction::event+0x1b
7FFBF0717C5C 0050 00600F60 005FBC00 
Qt5Widgets.dll!0x7c5c QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper+0x9c
7FFBF071EBBE 0060 21FF83D0 010011634F70 
Qt5Widgets.dll!0xebbe QApplication::notify+0x31e
7FFBEF530F1F 2CB2F350 7FFC425F47B1 0002 
libkritaui.dll!0x3a0f1f KisApplication::notify+0x10f
7FFBF0E7DE18 2CB2F350 00020001  
Qt5Core.dll!0x1fde18 QCoreApplication::sendEvent+0x1a8
7FFBF0147469 02D4E620 1D9720D0 0400 
Qt5Gui.dll!0x67469 QShortcutMap::dispatchEvent+0xe9
7FFBF014765E FFFE  8000 
Qt5Gui.dll!0x6765e QShortcutMap::tryShortcut+0x18e
7FFBF00F62F4 0401 7FFC4217E3F9  
Qt5Gui.dll!0x162f4 QWindowSystemInterface::handleShortcutEvent+0x184
7FFBF0113713  7FFBF0E83D73 005FC1E8 
Qt5Gui.dll!0x33713 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processKeyEvent+0x93
7FFBF01181A5 02D509A0 09224CE0 000D0588 
Qt5Gui.dll!0x381a5 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent+0xe5
7FFBF00F0DD0 0401 000D0588 003BB000 
Qt5Gui.dll!0x10dd0 QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents+0x370
7FFBF0ED886A   0001 
Qt5Core.dll!0x25886a QEventDispatcherWin32Private::sendTimerEvent+0x60a
7FFC4216E858 02D509A0 7FFBF0ED8390 000D0588 
USER32.dll!0xe858 UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x2f8
7FFC4216E299 7FFBF0ED8390 005FC650  
USER32.dll!0xe299 DispatchMessageWorker+0x249
7FFBF0ED7D0B 09224CE0 0024 026B1140 
Qt5Core.dll!0x257d0b QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents+0x5cb
6A8FF885 0080 0014 28F03210 
qwindows.dll!0x7f885 qt_plugin_instance+0x2a25
7FFBF0E7BFBF 09258C00 09335BE0 22110810 
Qt5Core.dll!0x1fbfbf QEventLoop::exec+0x13f
7FFBF0E85237 7FFBF0D299A0 7FFBEDE21D30 0010 
Qt5Core.dll!0x205237 QCoreApplication::exec+0x77
7FFBF12B547D 0001 0267F5E0 000140007970 
krita.dll!0x547d krita_main+0x25cd
krita.exe!0x13c7 __tmainCRTStartup+0x247
krita.exe!0x14cb WinMainCRTStartup+0x1b
KERNEL32.DLL!0x17034 BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14
ntdll.dll!0x52651 RtlUserThreadStart+0x21

00014000-000140048000 krita.exe
7FFC425D-7FFC427C5000 ntdll.dll 6.2.19041.1566
7FFC4164-7FFC416FE000 KERNEL32.DLL  6.2.19041.1566
7FFC4001-7FFC402D8000 KERNELBASE.dll6.2.19041.1566
7FFC3D56-7FFC3D5F apphe

[digikam] [Bug 451868] Crash while creating quality

2022-03-31 Thread Lars

--- Comment #14 from Lars  ---
(In reply to Maik Qualmann from comment #13)

Of course - here it is:
Thread 96 "Thread (pooled)" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffea9ffb640 (LWP 68951)]
(src=0x7ffe5ce39f80, to=0x7ffea4434f98, from=0x7ffe0922c3b0,
this=0x7ffea44a3108) at ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h:492
492 ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
(gdb) bt
(src=0x7ffe5ce39f80, to=0x7ffea4434f98, from=0x7ffe0922c3b0,
this=0x7ffea44a3108) at ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h:492
#1  QList::detach_helper(int)
(this=0x7ffea44a3108, alloc=) at ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h:835
#2  0x760dee0a in
(this=0x7ffea44a3108) at ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h:849
#3  QList::detach()
(this=0x7ffea44a3108) at ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h:178
#4  QList::begin()
(this=0x7ffea44a3108) at ././/include/QtCore/qlist.h:338
#5  Digikam::ImageQualityCalculator::adjustWeightByQualityLevel() const
(this=this@entry=0x7ffea44a30e0) at
#6  0x760df023 in Digikam::ImageQualityCalculator::calculateQuality()
const (this=0x7ffea44a30e0) at
#7  0x760de94c in Digikam::ImageQualityParser::startAnalyse()
(this=this@entry=0x7ffea4390ea0) at
#8  0x77638b6f in Digikam::ImageQualityTask::run() (this=0xaf8c200) at
#9  0x738de9e1 in  () at
#10 0x738db8c9 in  () at
#11 0x733345c2 in start_thread () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#12 0x733b9584 in clone () at /usr/lib/libc.so.6

I ran it twice to ensure that both runs break in the same place (they did).
Version I ran is digiKam-7.7.0-20220327T091422-x86-64-debug.appimage

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[digikam] [Bug 451868] Crash while creating quality

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #15 from caulier.gil...@gmail.com ---
I think it miss a QList::isEmpty() call before to use the list...

Gilles Caulier

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[kdevelop] [Bug 343361] Cannot move tabs from one split view to another

2022-03-31 Thread Fabian

Fabian  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #2 from Fabian  ---
I can confirm, this issue still persists.

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[kwin] [Bug 132347] window or application specific settings should allow relative geometry values

2022-03-31 Thread Natalie Clarius

Natalie Clarius  changed:

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[kwin] [Bug 320908] The position rule should have a gravity feature

2022-03-31 Thread Natalie Clarius

Natalie Clarius  changed:

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[Breeze] [Bug 452102] New: Add `tcross` cursor or Pitivi refuses to launch

2022-03-31 Thread Mazhar Hussain

Bug ID: 452102
   Summary: Add `tcross` cursor or Pitivi refuses to launch
   Product: Breeze
   Version: master
  Platform: Other
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: Icons
  Assignee: visual-des...@kde.org
  Reporter: realmazharhuss...@gmail.com
CC: kain...@gmail.com
  Target Milestone: ---

The Pitivi program does not launch if using Breeze cursor theme. It works fine
with Adwaita cursor theme. I manually created a symlink
`/usr/share/icons/Breeze/cursors/tcross -> cross` and Pitivi started working

So, I think `tcross -> cross` symlink needs to be added to the cursor theme.

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[krita] [Bug 442191] Transform tool produces white artifacts around the edge of transformed result

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #13 from tomtomtomreportin...@gmail.com ---
"Additional confusion might occur when both normal cut and sharp cut will in
practice produce a soft cut when the selection is antialiased, while with
aliased selections they work as they would convey."
Scratch this bit... aliased selections will always sharply cut regardless of
operation, and antiliased selections will always softly cut regardless of
operation. This is confusing to test. Regardless, and as follows, the
workaround does not appear to work in the case of antialiased selections.

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[dolphin] [Bug 451408] File preview on local drives uses remote preview settings

2022-03-31 Thread Damian

Damian  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO  |---

--- Comment #6 from Damian  ---
My mounted NTFS is on sdc1 and sdb1

proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
dev on /dev type devtmpfs
run on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755,inode64)
efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs
/dev/nvme0n1p6 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime)
/dev/sdc1 on /commonDisks/F type fuseblk
/dev/sdb1 on /commonDisks/G type fuseblk

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[digikam] [Bug 450117] Exif data in Metadata not available although Exif-Tool Tab gives information

2022-03-31 Thread Michael

--- Comment #18 from Michael  ---
Thank you for looking into my issue.

I've done some testing myself with freshly taken jpegs using the same (low)
resolution. If I rotate a new portrait photo using jhead it is displayed
properly within kodi on a raspberry.

I've seen one major difference between exif data from jhead vs. digikam use.
The jhead version does NOT adjust the tags 'Exif Image Width' and 'Exif Image
Height' despite fixing the orientation. The other dimensions were swapped by
jhead as to be expected when rotating the image.

I even tried to drop any metainfo (even all previews; exiftool -All= ...) from
my broken portrait photo (the one uploaded here). But even then it will not be
displayed by kodi on a raspberry.

Hope that my additional information is helpful,

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[kwin] [Bug 432286] transparency+blur glitching with obscured animated windows underneath

2022-03-31 Thread rabin

rabin  changed:

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[kup] [Bug 451302] Kioslave crashes repeatedly in File::readMetadata() when trying to recover backup from /home or /home/user

2022-03-31 Thread Simon Persson

--- Comment #2 from Simon Persson  ---
Thanks for the bug report!

I am unable to reproduce the problem. Looking at the code around the place of
the crash I am also unable to imagine what could be going wrong there, my
imagination is not good enough... :)

To work towards a solution to this problem we will need to dig around a bit
more in your saved backups, see what triggers this problem.
I am thinking that this could be related to the stored content of a file,
perhaps it has gotten corrupted somehow. This could be any file in your home
folder, since when you select the top level directory Kup will be scanning
absolutely every single file that was saved in there. So when you say that
individual folders work fine, perhaps you were just lucky to try with folders
that had no problem.

If you want to help by looking for a file in your backups that triggers this
problem, the easiest way is to just open dolphin and type in the address bar
"bup:/path/to/backups". Then just navigate around there, into every saved
directory. See if the bup kioslave crashes in the same way.

I hope you managed to get your files restored! While you have this problem, the
alternative way to restore files would be to just use "bup restore" directly.

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[kwin] [Bug 432286] transparency+blur glitching with obscured animated windows underneath

2022-03-31 Thread rabin

--- Comment #5 from rabin  ---
I have this issue as well with 
Fedora 35 & nvidia GPU on X11

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[okular] [Bug 434964] some animated PDFs (Latex beamer) are not supported by okular

2022-03-31 Thread Luigi Toscano

Luigi Toscano  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

Version|21.12.1 |20.12.3

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[krita] [Bug 449606] stops for vector shape gradient fill don't work correctly

2022-03-31 Thread Halla Rempt

--- Comment #4 from Halla Rempt  ---
This is a free software project. That enables you to fix the bug yourself. You
could also offer to fund the fix (60 euros/hour, no estimation available of the
number of hours needed), which will give it priority. Otherwise, it's just one
of the 633 open bug reports.

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[digikam] [Bug 452103] New: Custom keyboard shortcut definitions not persistent

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452103
   Summary: Custom keyboard shortcut definitions not persistent
   Product: digikam
   Version: 7.7.0
  Platform: Microsoft Windows
OS: Microsoft Windows
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: Setup-Misc
  Assignee: digikam-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: fri...@bluemail.ch
  Target Milestone: ---

Created attachment 147856
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147856&action=edit
screenshot of KB shortcuts *after* digikam restart. Note the active scheme is
LT Photo!

Custom keyboard shortcut definitions (aka schemas) are not persistent between
On digikamp start all KB shortcuts are initially undefined and need to be
manually loaded by "refreshing" the schema selection.

I am assuming persistent KB shortcut definitions is the desired behavior. So I
submit this report.

Part 1 - Create a custom KB scheme from Defaults
1. Settings - Configure KB Shortcuts - manage schemes
2. Default scheme: more actions - export scheme
3. more actions - new scheme named e.g. LT Photo (creates an empty scheme)
4. more actions - import scheme
5. define / change a shotrcut: e.g. Edit geeolocation with ctrl Y
6. LT Photo scheme: more actions - export scheme (just to be pro-active :-)

Part 2 - close digikam / start digikam

All KB shortcut definitions are lost. E.g. F3 for preview in thumbnail view.

KB shortcuts from previous session are available

Windows: w10 Pro 19043.1586

To recover KB shortcuts:
Settings - Configure KB Shotrcuts - manage schemes
Observe that the active scheme is LT Photo but all definitions are gone!
Click on current scheme LT Photo
(modified) shortcuts are correctly loaded.

I have saved the exported KB schemes not in the default digikamp/bin but
elsewhere. Maybe this is significant.

And BTW: Thanks for an awesome application!


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[Falkon] [Bug 451953] Greasemonkey @require arbitrarily adds .js to file extension

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #3 from genghisk...@gmx.ca ---
I've used the wrong Metadata Block.
There's @resource for non-js file.


I still think that Falkon should not rename @require files, unless this is like
that for all other userscript managers.

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[digikam] [Bug 452103] Custom keyboard shortcut definitions not persistent

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

caulier.gil...@gmail.com changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Component|Setup-Misc  |Usability-Keyboard

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[plasmashell] [Bug 450996] Windows needing attention do not get the "needs attention" status in the Task Manager on wayland

2022-03-31 Thread Oliver Klee

Oliver Klee  changed:

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452104] New: Black sliding wallpaper on activity change

2022-03-31 Thread Han Prower

Bug ID: 452104
   Summary: Black sliding wallpaper on activity change
   Product: plasmashell
   Version: 5.24.4
  Platform: unspecified
OS: Linux
  Severity: minor
  Priority: NOR
 Component: Activity Switcher
  Assignee: plasma-b...@kde.org
  Reporter: mafr...@gmail.com
CC: ivan.cu...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: 1.0

Created attachment 147857
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147857&action=edit
Video example of swapping activities

When changing activities, and the wallpaper is visible, the wallpaper scrolls
from black to the set wallpaper instead of switching between the two activity's
selected wallpapers.

1. Set up numerous activities
2. Set different wallpapers on each activity (probably still noticeable with
the same wallpaper to be fair)
3. Switch between activities

Wallpaper changes to black then slides to set wallpaper

Either it should instantly swap to the newly selected activity's wallpaper or
it should transition smoothly between the two without a black interim screen.

KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.92.0
Qt Version: 5.15.3
Graphics Platform: Wayland

The Component Description of "Activity Switcher" states:
"The panel on the left where one can switch activities. All other activity
related things should be in kactivities."
But I do not see a kactivities (or similar) Component in the list, so I
apologise if this is filed incorrectly.

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[zanshin] [Bug 411339] zanshin fails to run on neon

2022-03-31 Thread Amir Khan

--- Comment #15 from Amir Khan  ---
(In reply to Jonathan Riddell from comment #14)
> The new zanshin build today adds akonadi and other dependencies needed to
> make it run.  If you still have issues please open a new bug

Thanks, Jonathan! Great to see zanshin start up as expected on today's build of
KDE Neon Unstable / Developer (31st March 2022)!

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[dolphin] [Bug 452105] New: Certain emojis (

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452105
   Summary: Certain emojis (
   Product: dolphin
   Version: 21.12.3
  Platform: Manjaro
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: panels: information
  Assignee: dolphin-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: snaj...@gmail.com
CC: kfm-de...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: ---

Created attachment 147858
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147858&action=edit
How are certain emojis displayed in Dolphin's different information panels.

NOTE: If you are reporting a crash, please try to attach a backtrace with debug

1. Use this emoji to name some file/folder: 🗃️

1. In certain panels it is not aligned well.
2. When renaming inline, it deletes the current name

1. Should be center aligned, in one line
2. Inline renaming should give me the current name

Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 

For the other emojis it works fine. (see them in the attached screenshot)
I guess there is just a subset of emojis that cause this problem.
I use Noto Sans + extra/noto-fonts-emoji + aur/noto-color-emoji-fontconfig

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[kup] [Bug 451302] Kioslave crashes repeatedly in File::readMetadata() when trying to recover backup from /home or /home/user

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #3 from guimarcalsi...@gmail.com ---
(In reply to Simon Persson from comment #2)
> Thanks for the bug report!
> I am unable to reproduce the problem. Looking at the code around the place
> of the crash I am also unable to imagine what could be going wrong there, my
> imagination is not good enough... :)
> To work towards a solution to this problem we will need to dig around a bit
> more in your saved backups, see what triggers this problem.
> I am thinking that this could be related to the stored content of a file,
> perhaps it has gotten corrupted somehow. This could be any file in your home
> folder, since when you select the top level directory Kup will be scanning
> absolutely every single file that was saved in there. So when you say that
> individual folders work fine, perhaps you were just lucky to try with
> folders that had no problem.
> If you want to help by looking for a file in your backups that triggers this
> problem, the easiest way is to just open dolphin and type in the address bar
> "bup:/path/to/backups". Then just navigate around there, into every saved
> directory. See if the bup kioslave crashes in the same way.
> I hope you managed to get your files restored! While you have this problem,
> the alternative way to restore files would be to just use "bup restore"
> directly.

Hi. Thanks. I did manage to restore my files by manually copying the files to
my home folder.

Now, even after deleting some old backups and trying to restore new ones again
I still see the crash. I also tried accessing all the folders using your
instructions and couldn't make it crash.

I thought maybe the problem was that I had made the backup to an NTFS
partition, but I did some tests by making a new backup of my Home EXT4
partition to a subfolder in it and the same happens.

I might have found a clue but I'm not sure. This might be a different problem
related to trying to restore my /home backup to my actual /home (which a normal
user has no permission to overwrite).

I made a new backup and if I try to restore it to my home folder Kioslave still
crashes, but if I wait a bit it stops crashing and then it shows I have a
folder with a duplicate name. If I set it to merge (or set a new name, it
doesn't matter) it shows me the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-restore", line 319, in 
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/../bup/compat.py", line 215, in wrap_main
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-restore", line 256, in main
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/../bup/helpers.py", line 194, in mkdirp
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/os.py", line 223, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
Error in sys.excepthook:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport_python_hook.py", line 153, in
with os.fdopen(os.open(pr_filename,
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Original exception was:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-restore", line 319, in 
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/../bup/compat.py", line 215, in wrap_main
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/bup-restore", line 256, in main
  File "/usr/lib/bup/cmd/../bup/helpers.py", line 194, in mkdirp
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/os.py", line 223, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:


If I run kup-filedigger from the terminal, while kioslave is crashing
constantly the terminal outputs this several times a second:

kf.kio.core: UDSEntry for '.' not found, creating a default one. Please fix the
"kio_bup" KIO slave


But, most importantly, I can still restore the backup if I tell it to restore
to another folder that isn't /home/MyUser. I mean, Kioslaves still keeps
crashing (only when in the checking file sizes step, as always), but if I
select a folder inside my user dir, like /home/MyUser/backup and I just let it
crash, eventually Kioslave stops crashing and the files do start to get

So apparently the crashes are not preventing Kup from restoring the backups
when I tell it to restore to a subfolder in /home/MyUser.

I also tried running kup-filedigger as root and it works as I described above
when selecting a subfolder in my home user, with the same crashes. I didn't try
overwriting my files by restoring straight to /home because it would make all
my files root-owned, but I suspect the problems with permissions I pasted above
wouldn't happen when doing that.


If this can't be solved, maybe Kup should just forbid selecting /home or
/home/user as folders to be restore

[korganizer] [Bug 452106] New: Cannot add calendar from URL in KOrganizer

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452106
   Summary: Cannot add calendar from URL in KOrganizer
   Product: korganizer
   Version: unspecified
  Platform: Archlinux Packages
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: embedded
  Assignee: schumac...@kde.org
  Reporter: matthias.schru...@freenet.de
  Target Milestone: ---

Adding an ICal calendar via URL or via a local file only creates empty
Downloading the ICal file and double-clicking it in the file browser opens a
dialog for importing it into KOrganizer which yields properly working calendar

1. Right click and add a new calendar 
2. Select "ICal Calendar File" 
3. Paste the URL to an ICal file in the file name field
4. Add a display name
5. Click okay

Two empty calendars are created named "akonadi_ical_resource_file_#"  where #
increases by 1 each time and "calendar". 

One new calendar should be added with the specified display name. That new
calendar should have all the entries that are in the specified file, be it
local or by URL, and not be empty. 

Linux/KDE Plasma: 5.17.1-arch1-1
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.92.0
Qt Version: 5.15.3

Downloading the ICal file and double-clicking it in the file browser opens a
dialog for importing it into KOrganizer and either adding it to another
calendar or making a new entry. Making a new entry creates a calendar with the
name of the file as display name and with all entries properly working inside.

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[plasmashell] [Bug 428394] huge memory leak

2022-03-31 Thread vindicator

vindicator  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #21 from vindicator  ---
I am also getting this issue.
I switched from x11 a few days ago and was pleased at first that it was now
function (the dealbreaker-bugs I mentioned before were no longer an issue).
I was noticing some severe memory pressure on my poor little 8GB system, but
when looking at the reserved memory in htop, nothing was standing out.
For the leak in x11, I set the systemd service for plasmashell to kill itself
after a threshold was reached. This was the reason I gave wayland another try.
But now it's here as well (in wayland) and even worse because I can't figure
out where the memory is actually going.
Before plasmashell restarted, I had ~500MB left, and after ~2GB. That kind of
discrepancy was not showing in htop. Plasmashell basically holding at ~350MB.
I took a look at df for /tmp which uses memory and that was normal (~2%).
I also took a look at /proc/meminfo since there was a bug long in the past that
was related to SUnreclaim I think, and that also didn't appear to be an issue.

So I don't know if anyone has any other suggestions that I may be missing where
memory could possibly be disappearing from and how I can find it.

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[kup] [Bug 451302] Kioslave crashes repeatedly in File::readMetadata() when trying to recover backup from /home or /home/user

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #4 from guimarcalsi...@gmail.com ---
Oh, and I almost forgot a detail. I have no ideia if this influences anything
or not but my install doesn't have a separate partition for /home.

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[gcompris] [Bug 452107] New: Final letter in levels not pronounced

2022-03-31 Thread Øystein Steffensen-Alværvik

Bug ID: 452107
   Summary: Final letter in levels not pronounced
   Product: gcompris
   Version: unspecified
  Platform: Flatpak
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general
  Assignee: jaz...@gmail.com
  Reporter: oysteins.omsett...@protonmail.com
  Target Milestone: ---

In the games "Simple letters" and "Falling words", the final letter the player
types before proceeding to the next level does not get pronounced.
Tested with American English and Norwegian Nynorsk voices.

1. Launch GCompris and launch either of the games "Simple letters" or "Falling
2. Play and complete any level

All letters the player types on the keyboard are pronounced, except for the
final letter typed right before the game starts the next level. So for
instance, if the final word to type before the next level is "arm", typing the
M will not play its corresponding voice file.

Fedora 35
GCompris 2.3 flatpak version from Flathub

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[kwin] [Bug 451966] Current application switching doesn't work properly in Wayland with US + deadkeys layout

2022-03-31 Thread Andrey

Andrey  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   See Also||https://bugs.kde.org/show_b

--- Comment #6 from Andrey  ---
If adding extra US layout worked, do you think it would be acceptable solution?
If so we could try to improve things on Qt side:

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[kwin] [Bug 405404] Walk Through Windows of Current Application does not work with Keyboard Layout with dead keys

2022-03-31 Thread Andrey

Andrey  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   See Also||https://bugs.kde.org/show_b

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[kwin] [Bug 405404] Walk Through Windows of Current Application does not work with Keyboard Layout with dead keys

2022-03-31 Thread Andrey

Andrey  changed:

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[kmail2] [Bug 446457] Two finger scrolling not working in message body

2022-03-31 Thread Daniil Terentyev

Daniil Terentyev  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

Product|kontact |kmail2
Version|5.18.3  |5.19.3

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[dolphin] [Bug 452105] Certain emojis (

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

snaj...@gmail.com changed:

   What|Removed |Added

Summary|Certain emojis (|Certain emojis (

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[dolphin] [Bug 452105] Certain emojis are displayed strange in Dolphin

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

snaj...@gmail.com changed:

   What|Removed |Added

Summary|Certain emojis (|Certain emojis are
   ||displayed strange in

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[dolphin] [Bug 452105] Certain emojis are displayed strange in Dolphin

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #1 from snaj...@gmail.com ---
It appears the same emoji (🗃️) causes problems even when I enter it in the title
of this bug.

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[kate] [Bug 452078] Make it easier to modify default LSP config

2022-03-31 Thread Nicolas Fella

--- Comment #4 from Nicolas Fella  ---
Okay, I just found out I can copy/paste the settings from the default settings
tab to the user settings tab and save.

Maybe it would make sense to merge the "User Server Settings" and "Default
Server Settings" tabs so that the default settings are directly editable and
have a "Reset to defaults" button?

In particular I wanted to add "-header-insertion=never" to clangd since it
usually doesn't insert the header I want (e.g. it includes "qvector.h" instead
of )

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[kwin] [Bug 451966] Current application switching doesn't work properly in Wayland with US + deadkeys layout

2022-03-31 Thread Guido Sanchez

--- Comment #7 from Guido Sanchez  ---

Adding the extra layout doesn't work when using Wayland. The suggestion on the
Github issue you mention seems logical, but I don't know how to help there.

I will be glad to provide any additional info you need.

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[kate] [Bug 452078] Make it easier to modify default LSP config

2022-03-31 Thread Christoph Cullmann

Christoph Cullmann  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #5 from Christoph Cullmann  ---
I don't think having just one field is a good idea, as you can e.g. just add
new servers in the local field and that will not alter the settings we ship. If
there is just one field, how to show that?

e.g. I do in most cases just add a new server in my field there, but I don't
want to fixate the other settings to the state of my first configuration.

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[korganizer] [Bug 418811] Events stored in the database not displayed in KOrganizer

2022-03-31 Thread earendilfr

earendilfr  changed:

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[krita] [Bug 447730] Cannot create a Chinese gradient in SVG format normally

2022-03-31 Thread Halla Rempt

Halla Rempt  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Ever confirmed|0   |1

--- Comment #4 from Halla Rempt  ---
After installing a traditional chinese locale, I can reproduce the problem on
Windows. Though it's pretty mysterious, because we use QString all along, and
when we come to the place where we actually construct a QFile object, the
filename suddenly is broken  -- but only for gradients, not for presets or

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[kwin] [Bug 451966] Current application switching doesn't work properly in Wayland with US + deadkeys layout

2022-03-31 Thread Andrey

--- Comment #8 from Andrey  ---
I mean - with the Qt change suggested, adding the layout would help.
Not sure how appropriate this solution would be from a user perspective.

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[kate] [Bug 452078] Make it easier to modify default LSP config

2022-03-31 Thread Waqar Ahmed

--- Comment #6 from Waqar Ahmed  ---
There is a setting for that: "Configure Kate... -> LSP -> Add imports
automatically upon completion". With Qt it doesn't work well atm but will get a
lot better with clang 14 hopefully.

> ... "User Server Settings" and "Default Server Settings" tabs so that the 
> default settings are directly editable and have a "Reset to defaults" button?

The current style is more like vscode/sublime where you have an immutable
default setting file and user one.

Also, if you need to change only one property of the server (for e.g.,
initializationOptions), then specifying that is enough. The plugin merges User
and Default config automatically.

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[kwin] [Bug 451966] Current application switching doesn't work properly in Wayland with US + deadkeys layout

2022-03-31 Thread Guido Sanchez

--- Comment #9 from Guido Sanchez  ---
I think that fix would be OK, at least for me.

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[krita] [Bug 447730] Cannot create a Chinese gradient in SVG format normally

2022-03-31 Thread Halla Rempt

--- Comment #5 from Halla Rempt  ---
Git commit 08ac5112a7bfabced5a8ab2252402df1f3fa980e by Halla Rempt.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 12:29.
Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'.

Add temporary debug information

M  +8-2libs/resources/KisFolderStorage.cpp


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[kwin] [Bug 452108] New: Directly wakes up again from sleep/standby if keyboard shortcut is used on Wayland

2022-03-31 Thread Oliver Klee

Bug ID: 452108
   Summary: Directly wakes up again from sleep/standby if keyboard
shortcut is used on Wayland
   Product: kwin
   Version: 5.24.4
  Platform: Ubuntu Packages
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: core
  Assignee: kwin-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: kde...@oliverklee.de
  Target Milestone: ---

In a Wayland session, if a keyboard shortcut is used to activate standby/sleep,
the system shortly goes into standby (as seen be the power LED) and then
directly wakes up again.

This problem does not occur if standby is triggered using the KDE menu or via
systemctl suspend, and it also does not occur on a X11 session.

1.  Log in to a Wayland session.
2. Set a keyboard shortcut for activating standby.
3. Use the keyboard shortcut.

The system shortly goes into standby (as seen be the power LED) and then
directly wakes up again.

The system shortly goes into standby and stays that way until I press a key.

Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.92.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2

If I remember correctly, this used to in earlier 5.24.x versions (I think until
5.24.2 or 5.24.4).

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[kwin] [Bug 452108] Directly wakes up again from sleep/standby if keyboard shortcut is used on Wayland

2022-03-31 Thread Oliver Klee

Oliver Klee  changed:

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[gcompris] [Bug 452107] Final letter in levels not pronounced

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

anim...@gmail.com changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Ever confirmed|0   |1

--- Comment #1 from anim...@gmail.com ---
Yes, this is not the best but it's expected for now, due to a workaround that
was done to avoid conflict between the last letter audio and the bonus audio
played when completing a level.

Ideally we would need to add code to detect if the letter voice is playing,
then wait for it to be finished before launching the bonus.

@Johnny: if you want to take a look, I tried that but didn't manage to connect
to the activity audioVoices.done signal in order to do that. Maybe you can find
how to do it.

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[krita] [Bug 447730] Cannot create a Chinese gradient in SVG format normally

2022-03-31 Thread Halla Rempt

--- Comment #6 from Halla Rempt  ---
Git commit 959bf282a1b8e9f40acd3b10b696186c79164e0b by Halla Rempt.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:15.
Pushed by rempt into branch 'master'.

Gradients: set the QTextStreadm codec to UTF-8

M  +2-1libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp
M  +1-1libs/pigment/resources/KoStopGradient.cpp


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[plasmashell] [Bug 452075] Wallpaper reset to default and all widgets disappear after new start

2022-03-31 Thread galder

--- Comment #6 from galder  ---
possible duplicate of 

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[plasmashell] [Bug 428394] huge memory leak

2022-03-31 Thread vindicator

--- Comment #22 from vindicator  ---
I guess "correction" for my last reply...
I guess it wasn't killed because of memory, because it just happened again and
the log showed:
Mar 31 08:24:09 computerName systemd[5495]: Stopped KDE Plasma Workspace.
░░ Subject: A stop job for unit UNIT has finished
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
░░ An ExecStart= process belonging to unit UNIT has exited.
░░ The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 1.
Mar 31 08:24:08 computerName kded5[6291]: Service 
"org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-511032" unregistered
Mar 31 08:24:08 computerName plasmashell[511032]: The Wayland connection
experienced a fatal error: Protocol error
Mar 31 08:24:08 computerName plasmashell[511032]: The Wayland connection
experienced a fatal error: Protocol error
Mar 31 08:24:08 computerName plasmashell[511032]: xdg_wm_base@38: error 3:
xdg_surface must not have a buffer at creation
Mar 31 08:24:08 computerName kwin_wayland[6261]: QMetaProperty::read: Unable to
handle unregistered datatype 'KWin::SessionState' for property
Mar 31 08:24:08 computerName kwin_wayland_wrapper[6261]: error in client
communication (pid 511032)
Mar 31 08:23:48 computerName kwin_wayland[6261]: This plugin does not support

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[ktorrent] [Bug 452090] Request for new feature

2022-03-31 Thread galder

galder  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

   Severity|normal  |wishlist

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452075] Wallpaper reset to default and all widgets disappear after new start

2022-03-31 Thread Syiad

Syiad  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |DUPLICATE

--- Comment #7 from Syiad  ---
(In reply to galder from comment #6)
> possible duplicate of 
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=427861

Yes, looks pretty much so. Too bad this other bug has been running for such a
long time without a fix. :-(

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 427861 ***

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[plasmashell] [Bug 427861] Sometimes desktop loses its settings (wallpaper, widgets, icons settings) after re-login

2022-03-31 Thread Syiad

Syiad  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #71 from Syiad  ---
*** Bug 452075 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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[dolphin] [Bug 452109] New: Dolphin Thumbnail issue

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452109
   Summary: Dolphin Thumbnail issue
   Product: dolphin
   Version: 21.12.3
  Platform: Fedora RPMs
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general
  Assignee: dolphin-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: issue...@trash-mail.com
CC: kfm-de...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: ---


Dolphin doesn't show thumbnails on FUSE filesystems.

1. dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=1M count=1K
2. mkfs.ntfs -F test
3. mkdir /media/tmp; mount.ntfs-3g test /media/tmp
4. mkdir /media/tmp/test; cp  /media/tmp/test/; chmod -R 777
5. Navigate to the /media/tmp folder in Dolphin and turn on previews.


You will see that the test-folder doesn't show the thumbnail of the file in it.
It works on all other filesystems, but not on filesystems mounted via FUSE.


The folder should show the thumbnail of the file in it.

Linux/KDE Plasma: tested on Fedora 35 and Ubuntu 21.10 (with 22.04 repo in apt)
Dolphin: 21.08.1 works correctly, 21.12.2 has the issue

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[krita] [Bug 447045] Brushes with kind of low Density has bad visibility on canvas

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

Dmitry Kazakov  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Latest Commit|https://invent.kde.org/grap |https://invent.kde.org/grap
   |hics/krita/commit/ed61d9164 |hics/krita/commit/14c2be56e
   |1e08bb211300f9648eb22a996b9 |df24dcccf260b75d3d1a0716fe9

--- Comment #3 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit 14c2be56edf24dcccf260b75d3d1a0716fe9bcb1 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Don't try to generate a precise brush outline for low-density brushes

It generates messy outline, paiters don't like them. Though outlines
will still be messy if the user sets "spikes" value higher than 2 and
activates low density.

M  +2-2libs/brush/kis_auto_brush.cpp


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[krita] [Bug 450957] krita crashes when switching the order of layers

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

--- Comment #12 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit 9b26379212cee78220e0f9c26e2e1668f2474327 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Make sure that actions that modify layers stack are exclusive

If a layer gets removed while an update is running, the update may
assert in some cases.

M  +16   -8libs/ui/kis_node_juggler_compressed.cpp


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[krita] [Bug 450957] krita crashes when switching the order of layers

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

--- Comment #13 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit 2d832ae6086921764b1db1bb470ae248aeb57465 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Do not recalculate entire group when a layer is moved

When we move a layer inside a group, we need to only recompose the
pregenerated layers. We don't need to regenerate all the projections
of all the layers inside. The other layers may have complex masks, e.g.
transformation masks.

M  +2-2libs/image/commands/kis_image_layer_move_command.cpp
M  +1-0libs/image/kis_base_rects_walker.h
M  +8-3libs/image/kis_full_refresh_walker.h
M  +14   -10   libs/image/kis_image.cc
M  +4-4libs/image/kis_image.h
M  +12   -4libs/image/kis_image_interfaces.h
M  +2-1libs/image/kis_projection_updates_filter.cpp
M  +3-2libs/image/kis_projection_updates_filter.h
M  +25   -5libs/image/kis_refresh_subtree_walker.h
M  +2-1libs/image/kis_regenerate_frame_stroke_strategy.cpp
M  +8-0libs/image/kis_simple_update_queue.cpp
M  +1-0libs/image/kis_simple_update_queue.h
M  +36   -6libs/image/kis_suspend_projection_updates_stroke_strategy.cpp
M  +6-0libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.cpp
M  +1-0libs/image/kis_update_scheduler.h
M  +4-1libs/image/tests/kis_simple_update_queue_test.cpp
M  +2-2libs/ui/kis_node_juggler_compressed.cpp


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[krita] [Bug 446663] Brush stutters at the start of the stroke

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

Dmitry Kazakov  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Latest Commit|https://invent.kde.org/grap |https://invent.kde.org/grap
   |hics/krita/commit/d47a33aa9 |hics/krita/commit/e62499df7
   |c7d1ba54cbe30f2d04263ca4aff |d4fe14a26dde7edac8610bd1ad4

--- Comment #10 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit e62499df7d4fe14a26dde7edac8610bd1ad4bffb by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Fix delay on auto-brush stroke with randomness

KisAutoBrush used to initialize brushTipImage() and image() with
a full-size preview image, which could cause huge delay for big
brushes with randomness enabled.

This patch disables initialization of brushTipImage() for auto-brushes
(it is not used for them anyway).

M  +46   -11   libs/brush/kis_auto_brush.cpp
M  +1-1libs/brush/kis_auto_brush.h


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[krita] [Bug 450957] krita crashes when switching the order of layers

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

--- Comment #14 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit 5c85897c73ea1e50ad15e14b3376f069a9b52687 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Fix KisRefreshSubtreeWalker to skip hidden layers when merging

The test file in the referenced bug showed really slow updates
because KisRefreshSubtreeWalker took the hidden transform masks
into account when calculating update rect.

M  +1-1libs/image/kis_async_merger.cpp
M  +1-1libs/image/kis_refresh_subtree_walker.h


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[krita] [Bug 447466] pixel art brush outline showing as a regular circle instead of pixelated circle but "outline shape" setting is set to "preview outline" not "circle"

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

Dmitry Kazakov  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Latest Commit|https://invent.kde.org/grap |https://invent.kde.org/grap
   |hics/krita/commit/467982f53 |hics/krita/commit/09886d4f7
   |663227c64c305532025ee7cb1cf |56738eba0f2fab8342921e239b4

--- Comment #2 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit 09886d4f756738eba0f2fab8342921e239b4a804 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Fix brush outline precision for pixel-art

Our auto-brushes use simplified version of the outline for the
performance reasons. That can interfere with the pipeline of
pixel-art artists.

This patch switches the the outline into the precise mode when
the physical zoom of the image is greater than 200%.

The patch also fixes a few issues with hidpi mode: the outline
flickering prevention and pixel grid activatation algorithms used
"virtual" zoom instead of "physical" zoom, which was not too obvious.

M  +2-2libs/brush/kis_auto_brush.cpp
M  +1-1libs/brush/kis_auto_brush.h
M  +3-1libs/brush/kis_brush.cpp
M  +1-1libs/brush/kis_brush.h
M  +3-1libs/brush/kis_imagepipe_brush.cpp
M  +1-1libs/brush/kis_imagepipe_brush.h
M  +1-0libs/resources/KoCanvasResourcesIds.h
M  +13   -0libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.cpp
M  +1-0libs/ui/canvas/kis_coordinates_converter.h
M  +1-0libs/ui/kis_canvas_resource_provider.cpp
M  +3-0libs/ui/kis_zoom_manager.cc
M  +1-1libs/ui/opengl/kis_opengl_canvas2.cpp
M  +6-1libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_freehand_helper.cpp
M  +1-0libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_freehand_helper.h
M  +1-1libs/ui/tool/kis_tool_paint.cc
M  +1-1plugins/paintops/libpaintop/kis_brush_based_paintop_settings.cpp
M  +2-2plugins/tools/tool_smart_patch/kis_tool_smart_patch.cpp


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[krita] [Bug 447484] Smudge engine does not work with grayscale images

2022-03-31 Thread Dmitry Kazakov

Dmitry Kazakov  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

  Latest Commit|https://invent.kde.org/grap |https://invent.kde.org/grap
   |hics/krita/commit/5b3b1de7f |hics/krita/commit/83a4e3010
   |cbc033b1bf9dfbcd20a0dd53a5a |777f5c1c2b7ae385a0c2f096ae6

--- Comment #5 from Dmitry Kazakov  ---
Git commit 83a4e3010777f5c1c2b7ae385a0c2f096ae6a676 by Dmitry Kazakov.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 13:43.
Pushed by dkazakov into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Fix conversions between GRAYA8<->GRAYA16

The color conversion system had a bug, which caused the conversion
to happen via ALPHA8 color space (GRAYA8<->ALPHA16<->GRAYA16). That
basically dropped the alpha channel of the GRAYA color space. It
was caused by the presence of custom connections in the alpha color

The patch changes the way how connection path is searched. It implements
NodeCapabilities structure, which tracks capabilities of the nodes
used in the connection path.

M  +0-32   libs/pigment/KoColorConversionAlphaTransformation.cpp
M  +0-4libs/pigment/KoColorConversionAlphaTransformation.h
M  +13   -27   libs/pigment/KoColorConversionSystem.cpp
M  +0-10   libs/pigment/KoColorConversionSystem.h
M  +73   -50   libs/pigment/KoColorConversionSystem_p.h
M  +1-11   libs/pigment/KoColorConversionTransformationFactory.h
M  +0-8libs/pigment/KoCopyColorConversionTransformation.cpp
M  +0-2libs/pigment/KoCopyColorConversionTransformation.h
M  +103  -20   libs/pigment/tests/TestColorConversionSystem.cpp
M  +8-0libs/pigment/tests/TestColorConversionSystem.h
M  +4-0plugins/color/lcms2engine/LcmsRGBP2020PQColorSpace.h
M  +0-30  


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[dolphin] [Bug 452109] Dolphin Thumbnail issue

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

issue...@trash-mail.com changed:

   What|Removed |Added

Version|21.12.3 |21.12.2

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[plasmashell] [Bug 353975] Black screen on second display (no wallpaper, can't get a context menu on right-click)

2022-03-31 Thread Henrique Sant'Anna

Henrique Sant'Anna  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[digikam] [Bug 428848] Rebuild fingerprints at startup

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #3 from worthingto...@yahoo.com ---
(In reply to worthington_j from comment #2)
> I wouldn't expect it to be the default but if it could be an option like
> "Scan for new items at startup" that would be awesome.

Are there any updates on if this can be made an option on startup?

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[systemsettings] [Bug 452110] New: Task Manager Panel tracks display by Primary status, loses track of correct monitor when primary monitor changes

2022-03-31 Thread CS

Bug ID: 452110
   Summary: Task Manager Panel tracks display by Primary status,
loses track of correct monitor when primary monitor
   Product: systemsettings
   Version: 5.24.3
  Platform: Manjaro
OS: Linux
  Keywords: multiscreen
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general
  Assignee: plasma-b...@kde.org
  Reporter: kdeb...@cssanchez.com
  Target Milestone: ---

NOTE: If you are reporting a crash, please try to attach a backtrace with debug

1. Have more than 1 monitor. Set the right monitor as Primary. 
2. Create Task Manager panel on both monitors and configure the option "Show
only tasks:" to "From current screen"
3. Open several windows on both monitors.
4. Change primary monitor to the left monitor. 


The Task Manager Panel will be swapped. The left monitor's panel will show the
open windows on the right and vice-versa. 

Changing Primary monitor should not swap the windows on Task manager Panels. It
should track the display correctly.  

Linux/KDE Plasma: Manjaro latest as of 3/31/22

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[systemsettings] [Bug 452110] Task Manager Panel tracks display by Primary status, loses track of correct monitor when primary monitor changes

2022-03-31 Thread CS

--- Comment #1 from CS  ---
Please note, the swap persists after reboot. I could not find a way to fix the

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452073] Right click... Configure Application Launcher

2022-03-31 Thread Tom Atkinson

--- Comment #3 from Tom Atkinson  ---
Created attachment 147859
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147859&action=edit
New crash information added by DrKonqi

plasmashell (5.24.4) using Qt 5.15.3

- What I was doing when the application crashed:
I had just removed and then adding again (by clicking not dragging) the widget
called Application Launcher (the start menu). I figured since it's possible to
have multiple widgets in a panel (but I only want 1 start menu) it maybe needs
to be placed special. 
Then I tried right clicking it and choosing "Configure Application Launcher"
but it also crashed. 

- Unusual behavior I noticed:
So the taskbar initially will disappear and then restart by the looks. Alt-F1
is not opening the menu either presently. 
Multiple entries labelled "Activate Application Launcher Widget" in Plasma >
Shortcuts > Plasma. 4 to be prescise. None have shortcuts. Been trying to find
which is the real slim shady menu widget. I also see two copies of "Activate
Application Menu Widget" in there. Even when I remove the menu widget. Odd. I
feel I need to refresh the Shortcuts pane of system settings somehow. 

- Custom settings of the application:
I've trying fairly hard not to mess up this install so no, nothing odd. My home
folder is quite old and gets recycled from older operating systems so maybe has
odd structure with obsolete config files? 
Perhaps I will setup a fresh user account, config it the way I like, and then
sorta rsync the new users config then chown it to me  (while not logged in).
Takes ages setting these profiles mind.

-- Backtrace (Reduced):
#4  0x7f36615090f9 in
(obj=0x7f35e5c50048, this=0x7f355001ff68) at
#5  QQmlTypeData::tryLoadFromDiskCache (this=this@entry=0x7f355001fec0) at
#6  0x7f3661509a53 in QQmlTypeData::dataReceived (this=0x7f355001fec0,
data=...) at qml/qqmltypedata.cpp:580
#7  0x7f36615623f6 in QQmlTypeLoader::setData
(this=this@entry=0x56295ddc79c8, blob=blob@entry=0x7f355001fec0, d=...) at
#8  0x7f36615627a8 in QQmlTypeLoader::setData
(this=this@entry=0x56295ddc79c8, blob=blob@entry=0x7f355001fec0, fileName=...)
at qml/qqmltypeloader.cpp:437

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452075] Wallpaper reset to default and all widgets disappear after new start

2022-03-31 Thread galder

--- Comment #8 from galder  ---
(In reply to Syiad from comment #2)
> Sorry, forgot to mention: Wayland.
> It used to work OK up until 5.24.2, but then the two screens always got
> messed up (renumbered). This problem has been fixed with 5.24.3, but now the
> primary screen keeps losing its wallpaper and widget settings.

I'm confuse with this statement. 
5.24.2 broke, 5.24.3 was fixed and finally 5.24.4 is broken again?

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452073] Right click... Configure Application Launcher

2022-03-31 Thread Tom Atkinson

--- Comment #4 from Tom Atkinson  ---
Created attachment 147860
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147860&action=edit
not sure if it's related, but oddly I have duplicate entries in system settings
shortcuts under plasma for Application Launcher

not sure if it's related, but oddly I have duplicate entries in system settings
shortcuts under plasma for Application Launcher

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[krita] [Bug 447730] Cannot create a Chinese gradient in SVG format normally

2022-03-31 Thread Halla Rempt

Halla Rempt  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Resolution|--- |FIXED

--- Comment #7 from Halla Rempt  ---
Okay, that last commit actually fixed the bug :-)

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[krita] [Bug 447730] Cannot create a Chinese gradient in SVG format normally

2022-03-31 Thread Halla Rempt

--- Comment #8 from Halla Rempt  ---
Git commit b2560ddc1547d7b25db71569d5c3e794dce12a42 by Halla Rempt.
Committed on 31/03/2022 at 14:12.
Pushed by rempt into branch 'krita/5.0'.

Gradients: set the QTextStreadm codec to UTF-8
(cherry picked from commit 959bf282a1b8e9f40acd3b10b696186c79164e0b)

M  +2-1libs/pigment/resources/KoSegmentGradient.cpp
M  +1-1libs/pigment/resources/KoStopGradient.cpp


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[Craft] [Bug 452111] New: dbus package could not be build with html documentation

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

Bug ID: 452111
   Summary: dbus package could not be build with html
   Product: Craft
   Version: master
  Platform: Other
OS: Microsoft Windows
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: Blueprints
  Assignee: vonr...@kde.org
  Reporter: ralf.habac...@freenet.de
CC: kde-wind...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: ---


1.  install craft following the howto at
2. open dbus.py (see
in editor 


 def setTargets(self):

comment out 
#self.targetConfigurePath["master"] = "cmake"

and set 
self.defaultTarget = "master"

def setDependencies(self):

self.runtimeDependencies["data/docbook-dtd"] = None
self.runtimeDependencies["data/docbook-xsl"] = None

  class PackageCMake(CMakePackageBase):
   def __init__(self, **args):

3. run  craft dbus

The build fails with 

-- Could NOT find DocBookXSL (missing: DocBookXSL_DIR)
CMake Error at doc/CMakeLists.txt:141 (add_dependencies):
  Cannot add target-level dependencies to non-existent target "xmldoc".

The build show not fail

Windows: 10

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[konsole] [Bug 403324] Can only drag tabs from one window into another when using single-process mode

2022-03-31 Thread TraceyC

TraceyC  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[Craft] [Bug 452111] dbus package could not be build with html documentation

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

--- Comment #1 from Ralf Habacker  ---
(In reply to Ralf Habacker from comment #0)
> 3. run  craft dbus

This should be changed to 

craft --no-cache dbus

to avoid installing the binary package.

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452075] Wallpaper reset to default and all widgets disappear after new start

2022-03-31 Thread Syiad

--- Comment #9 from Syiad  ---
(In reply to galder from comment #8)
> (In reply to Syiad from comment #2)
> > Sorry, forgot to mention: Wayland.
> > 
> > It used to work OK up until 5.24.2, but then the two screens always got
> > messed up (renumbered). This problem has been fixed with 5.24.3, but now the
> > primary screen keeps losing its wallpaper and widget settings.
> I'm confuse with this statement. 
> 5.24.2 broke, 5.24.3 was fixed and finally 5.24.4 is broken again?

Err, no. 5.24.2 had a different problem. The two displays got messed up all the
time, because they were being renumbered in a config file. That problem got
fixed with 5.24.3, but then this new problem described here first occurred with
5.24.3. To sum it up: The problem described here appeared with 5.24.3 and is
also present with 5.24.4.

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[kate] [Bug 452112] New: Kate dbus interface

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

Bug ID: 452112
   Summary: Kate dbus interface
   Product: kate
   Version: unspecified
  Platform: Other
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general
  Assignee: kwrite-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: dimitr...@orange.fr
  Target Milestone: ---

It seems like the dbus interface "org.kde.Kate.Application.isOnActivity" is

Steps to reproduce : the following  command returns true, no matter the value
```dbus-send --session --dest=org.kde.kate-$PID --type=method_call
--print-reply=literal /MainApplication org.kde.Kate.Application.isOnActivity

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[plasmashell] [Bug 451531] Dual screen, different resolutions, clone mode -> missing panel

2022-03-31 Thread Henrique Sant'Anna

Henrique Sant'Anna  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[kwin] [Bug 452113] New: alt+space shortcut triggers krunner and main menu of Opera browser at the same time when pressed by the first time after login

2022-03-31 Thread Patrick Silva

Bug ID: 452113
   Summary: alt+space shortcut triggers krunner and main menu of
Opera browser at the same time when pressed by the
first time after login
   Product: kwin
   Version: master
  Platform: Neon Packages
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: input
  Assignee: kwin-bugs-n...@kde.org
  Reporter: bugsefor...@gmx.com
  Target Milestone: ---

Created attachment 147861
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147861&action=edit
screen recording

Can reproduce on Wayland (regardless Opera runs on Xwayland or natively on
Wayland) and X11.
When I open Opera browser after login and then press alt+space, the main menu
of Opera (whose shortcut is ALT) and krunner are triggered at the same time.
Only krunner is triggered if alt+space is pressed again.

1. have Opera browser installed - .deb and .rpm packages are available on
2. login
3. open Opera
4. press alt+space

main menu of Opera and krunner are triggered at the same time. Please watch the
attached screen recording.


Operating System: KDE neon Unstable Edition
KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.80
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.93.0
Qt Version: 5.15.3
Graphics Platform: Wayland

Can reproduce on Arch Linux running Plasma 5.24.4 too.

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[kwin] [Bug 452113] alt+space shortcut triggers krunner and main menu of Opera browser at the same time when pressed by the first time after login

2022-03-31 Thread Patrick Silva

--- Comment #1 from Patrick Silva  ---
alt+space should never trigger krunner and main menu of Opera at the same time

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[plasmashell] [Bug 385135] Monitor connection names differ across X11 and Wayland, causing multi-monitor containment mappings to break when switching session types

2022-03-31 Thread Henrique Sant'Anna

Henrique Sant'Anna  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[plasmashell] [Bug 371717] Containment for the second monitor is lost and reset to its default settings on boot or when it is connected

2022-03-31 Thread Henrique Sant'Anna

Henrique Sant'Anna  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[Craft] [Bug 452114] New: docbook-dtd version 4.5 installs broken catalog file

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

Bug ID: 452114
   Summary: docbook-dtd version 4.5 installs broken catalog file
   Product: Craft
   Version: master
  Platform: Other
OS: Microsoft Windows
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: Blueprints
  Assignee: vonr...@kde.org
  Reporter: ralf.habac...@freenet.de
CC: kde-wind...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: ---

The craft package docbook-dtd for the current version 4.5 installs an xml
catalog file called 'docbook-dtd-4.5.xml' with entries for resolving docbook
URIs to real paths pointing to invalid directories.

1.  install craft following the howto at
2. open craft shell
3.  run  'craft --no-cache docbook-dtd'
4. inspect related files and directories

The docbook dtd is installed at
\bin\data\xml\docbook\schema\dtd\4.5, but the entries in the
catalog file installed at \etc\xml\docbook-dtd-4.5.xml refer to
"4.2" as shown below.


The entries must point to the correct directories.

Windows: 10

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[kwin] [Bug 448651] Vertial Panelbar makes disappear each window at second (external) screen)

2022-03-31 Thread Samuel Suther

Samuel Suther  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


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[Craft] [Bug 452115] New: docbook-xsl version 1.78.1 installs broken catalog file

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

Bug ID: 452115
   Summary: docbook-xsl version 1.78.1 installs broken catalog
   Product: Craft
   Version: master
  Platform: Other
OS: Linux
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: Blueprints
  Assignee: vonr...@kde.org
  Reporter: ralf.habac...@freenet.de
CC: kde-wind...@kde.org
  Target Milestone: ---

The craft package docbook-xsl for the current version 1.78.1 installs an xml
catalog file called 'docbook-xsl-stylesheets.xml' with entries for resolving
stylesheet URIs to real paths pointing to invalid directories.

1.  install craft following the howto at
2. open craft shell
3.  run  'craft --no-cache docbook-xsl'
4. inspect related files and directories

The stylesheets are installed at
\bin\data\xml\docbook\xsl-stylesheets, but the entries in the
catalog file installed at \etc\xml\docbook-xsl-stylesheets.xml
refer to "xsl-stylesheets-1.78.1" as shown below.


The entries must point to the correct directories.

Windows: 10

This error prevents the use of the global catalog files for docbook stylesheet
processing with

$ set XML_CATALOG_FILES=\etc\xml\catalog
$ xsltproc --nonet
http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/html/docbook.xsl ...

to generate html files from docbook files, which was requested e.g. at

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[Craft] [Bug 452115] docbook-xsl version 1.78.1 installs broken catalog file

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 OS|Linux   |Microsoft Windows

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[kstars] [Bug 452116] New: Prompts don't get focus

2022-03-31 Thread Jon Bryan

Bug ID: 452116
   Summary: Prompts don't get focus
   Product: kstars
   Version: 3.5.8
  Platform: macOS (DMG)
OS: macOS
  Severity: normal
  Priority: NOR
 Component: general
  Assignee: mutla...@ikarustech.com
  Reporter: jbry...@comcast.net
  Target Milestone: ---

Pop-up prompts come up behind the Ekos window.  Hard to respond to something
you can't see.  It happens for everything, including submitting this bug




Linux/KDE Plasma: 
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 
KDE Frameworks Version: 
Qt Version: 


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[Craft] [Bug 452115] docbook-xsl version 1.78.1 installs broken catalog file

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends on||452114

Referenced Bugs:

[Bug 452114] docbook-dtd version 4.5 installs broken catalog file
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[Craft] [Bug 452114] docbook-dtd version 4.5 installs broken catalog file

2022-03-31 Thread Ralf Habacker

Ralf Habacker  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


Referenced Bugs:

[Bug 452115] docbook-xsl version 1.78.1 installs broken catalog file
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[kwin] [Bug 452062] Xwayland app doesn't launch in Wayland KDE 5.24.4

2022-03-31 Thread McCak

--- Comment #4 from McCak  ---
I found some clue here.. So MSI laptop have a indicator when dGPU utilized by
some apps their laptop .. I managed to grab some data from some apps like steam
by forcing it to run under the iGPU (DRI_PRIME=0 steam) and it opened for a
while then crashed.. 
The output:
Fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server :1.

So the number one method doesnt relevant because when charging the dGPU will be
activated then apps will open normally but not when on battery power..

1. Use the laptop internal monitor only (unplug any display outputs, make sure
dGPU is not activated or utilized, and the laptop is not charging)
2. Login on Wayland
3. Launch apps that doesn't run under native wayland (or running at xwayland)

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452075] Wallpaper reset to default and all widgets disappear after new start

2022-03-31 Thread galder

--- Comment #10 from galder  ---
ok, so this regression started in 5.24.3 and still present in 5.24.4

Is important not to mix issues in tickets, so we don't confuse developers.

I'm not sure if this is a duplicate because you said it was working in 5.24.2.

did you play reassigning the screens. like activating and deactivating to force
to regenerate config files?

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[plasmashell] [Bug 452075] Wallpaper reset to default and all widgets disappear after new start

2022-03-31 Thread Syiad

--- Comment #11 from Syiad  ---
Yes it was working in 5.24.2 and before. However, I may just have been lucky...

I haven't tried de-activating/activating screens to see if that helps, because
I'm happy that my screen setup now works the way I want, so don't want to mess
with a running system. However, I may try starting the laptop undocked to see
if the problem also appears with only the onboard display. Restarting only the
plasmashell does not fix the problem; I've tried that several time without

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[Discover] [Bug 442709] Discover crashes in flatpak_remote_get_appstream_dir() when I try to open a flatpakref file

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

h...@hib.by changed:

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[Discover] [Bug 442709] Discover crashes in flatpak_remote_get_appstream_dir() when I try to open a flatpakref file

2022-03-31 Thread bugzilla_noreply

--- Comment #8 from h...@hib.by ---
Created attachment 147862
  --> https://bugs.kde.org/attachment.cgi?id=147862&action=edit
New crash information added by DrKonqi

plasma-discover (5.24.3) using Qt 5.15.2

- What I was doing when the application crashed:
Click install and open the .ref on

-- Backtrace (Reduced):
#6  g_type_check_instance_is_fundamentally_a
fundamental_type=fundamental_type@entry=80) at ../gobject/gtype.c:4093
#8  0x7f43fac522b5 in FlatpakResource::FlatpakResource (this=, component=..., installation=, parent=,
this=, component=..., installation=,
parent=) at
#9  0x7f43fac599b3 in FlatpakBackend::addAppFromFlatpakRef
(this=0x564e3260c010, url=..., stream=0x564e32677150) at
#10 0x7f43fac5b01d in FlatpakFetchRemoteResourceJob::processFile
(this=0x564e326a4370, fileUrl=...) at
#11 0x7f441bd024ae in QObject::event (this=0x564e32677150,
e=0x564e326a4a60) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1314

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[kstars] [Bug 452116] Prompts don't get focus

2022-03-31 Thread Jasem Mutlaq

Jasem Mutlaq  changed:

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   Assignee|mutla...@ikarustech.com |rlanca...@gmail.com

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[frameworks-kio] [Bug 452048] Remote File Previews are not shown when Limit is set to 4096MiB or more

2022-03-31 Thread Ahmad Samir

Ahmad Samir  changed:

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--- Comment #1 from Ahmad Samir  ---
Good catch. I don't think it's a bug in QVariant or KConfig; AFAICS, the
deduced template type is int, and the value is to big for an int
(KIO::filesize_t is usigned long long), so QVariant returns 0 (I couldn't
follow the code to verify this, I got lost in the forest of templates in

The correct fix is indeed passing the correct type to readEntry() to get the
correct type back.

About the issue you got, I'll tell Sysadmin team, hopefully they can help you
with that issue.

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[frameworks-kio] [Bug 452074] Deleting files to trash with kio very slow | rm works correctly

2022-03-31 Thread Lyubomir

--- Comment #3 from Lyubomir <88zo26...@mozmail.com> ---
Еxcerpt from the Btrfs chat:
Me: "Well i've tried trash-put and it seems to consistently do the deletion
either immediately or no more than 5 seconds, usually instantly. kioclient5 on
the other hand sometimes takes 3 minutes, sometimes 1 minute, sometimes 10
seconds, not less than 5 seconds for sure."

Btrfs developer: "I can think of several ways to get those symptoms but they
all involve heavy activity from background processes, snapshots, or mounting
without noatime (pick any two)"

Btrfs developer: "ok, so I was able to get 'kioclient5 move test.txt trash:/'
to take over a minute"
"during which it was running baloo_file, kioslave was calling fdatasync(), and
something was running 'ldconfig -v'
fdatasync() is probably unnecessary for trash files but maybe kio doesn't
regard that as a special case"
"ldconfig -v does run for minutes, it calls fsync() hundreds or even thousands
of times"
"so TL;DR moving a file to trash really does make KDE do enough work to keep a
fast disk busy for minutes".

Not sure if that's also what causes the same problem for me.

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[kate] [Bug 431223] Provide Flatpak packages of Kate with working projects/lsp/konsole/... plugins

2022-03-31 Thread Nate Graham

--- Comment #36 from Nate Graham  ---
Good point!

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[dolphin] [Bug 438004] [Wayland] Cursor gets stuck in wrong state on hovering over a submenu of the context menu of Dolphin after drag-and-drop

2022-03-31 Thread Patrick Silva

Patrick Silva  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Ever confirmed|0   |1

--- Comment #9 from Patrick Silva  ---
it's still reproducible with other steps.

1. drag a file from Dolphin and drop it on Discord running on Xwayland
2. right-click on any file/folder in Dolphin
3. hover over the submenus of the context menu

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