Good Morning All,

Since we now know that the main parties involved are talking, I suggest we 
leave them to it and await.

How about we turn this into a more productive conversation like...

What features do we as users like to see in the scid/scidvspc?

Personally and I'd like to see (if it isn't there already):

The ability to merge a set/database of games into one single game with 

Basically a feature in CB that helps with opening prep (that's how I firstly 
started studying openings).

Shall we continue guys/gals?

Best Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Whiteman [] 
Sent: 19 March 2013 23:16
Subject: Re: [Scid-users] Project Proposition

Hi Aljoscha,

Please see my responses below.

On 03/19/2013 03:35 PM, Aljoscha Lautenbach wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> I'm not sure if you realize this, but I think your many mails to this 
> list are mostly hurting rather than helping to make any kind of 
> progress.

I'm sorry that you perceive my messages this way. I have not engaged in any 
personal attacks against anyone, nor have I used objectionable, or otherwise 
foul language. Neither have I commented on anyone's character, work ethic, or 
otherwise vilified anyone involved.

> I have not chimed in in a while because I believe everything has been 
> said, and there is nothing left to do but to wait and see how Fulvio 
> and Steve resolve the current situation.

That may be your opinion. Perhaps everything that the devs had to say has been 
said- or perhaps not. Private conversations are not visible and one cannot 
speculate on the dialog. But as for regular users, there is plenty of freedom 
in a public forum to voice opinion for as long it respects other users and uses 
proper decorum/etiquette. I don't feel that I have trespassed either.

> Whenever I am about to post something publicly I ask myself whether 
> what I am about to say helps to bring the current discussion further 
> or presents any new ideas.
> Sometimes you are annoyed with a person or a situation, and all you 
> have to say is negative. That is human.

Please post specific examples where "all" I have said is negative.

> But when that happens, take a
> step back, and think about whether you are really helping the 
> situation. Most likely that post is just noise and creates more 
> hostility. It certainly happens to me. In that case I always try to 
> refrain from posting what I have written and just delete it.
> If you have issues with a specific person, please discuss it 
> privately.

I can assure you that I personally do not have any issues with anyone.

> Feel free to do just that with this mail. I only post this publicly in 
> the hope that it will help this list to get back to more reasoned 
> discussions and less noise.

Please expect things in a public forum that may not conform to your 
sensibilities. However, I would urge you not sensor my or other people's 
opinions. If it is just "noise", then so be it and ignore it accordingly. If I 
have engaged in a personal attack against another member, then you have every 
reason to call this to my attention.

> This list is read by a lot of people, so please be considerate of 
> everyone's time and think hard before posting if what you have to say 
> is productive or new. Thank you.

I have given careful thought to everything I've posted and you are welcome to 
ignore it wholeheartedly. The devs involved in this issue are talking privately 
and my words will not have any bearing on the outcome. 
If you feel offended by my comments, you need not waste time reading them.

> Kind regards,
> Aljoscha
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