On 2024-11-04 4:33 p.m., Toby Hocking wrote:
I see a new NOTE, and I wonder if you would consider undoing this new
addition to checks? This would cause all of my packages to fail auto
checks, which would cause a lot of extra false positives, and lots of
extra work for both me and the CRAN team who works on approving
submissions which do not pass auto checks.
Thanks for your consideration
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [11s] NOTE
Maintainer: 'Toby Hocking <toby.hock...@r-project.org>'
Version jumps in minor (submitted: 2024.11.2, existing: 2024.1.24)
Was your package auto-rejected with this note? Not all notes trigger a
rejection, some (like the maintainer note just above) are just for
Duncan Murdoch
R-package-devel@r-project.org mailing list