Hi, guys,

In the database theory each table is identified as "schema_name"."table_name".

When I tried to look at how to get the table id inside the PostgreSQL,
I saw that I needed to look at the pg_class table.

SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = "table_name";

However that query will give a non-unique table id (see the first sentence).

So how do I get the table id based on the "schema_name.table_name"?

There is a pg_namespace table - is this where the schema should come from?
If yes - how?
Looking at that table I don't see any unique fields...
Or is this something that is hidden?

In fact I'm trying to run following query:

SELECT c.oid FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace nc WHERE nc.oid =
c.relnamespace AND c.relname = ? AND nc.nspname = ?;

from my ODBC based program, but it returns 0 rows on SQLFetch.

I know PostgreSQL does not use '?' for query parameters
but I thought that since its an ODBC everything should work.

Nevertheless, all bindings were successful, but now rows are returned.

Is this query correct?

Thank you.

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