I'm not sure what to do with potential LLDB release notes. Should I
just add a LLDB section to the LLVM release notes or do we actually
have a separate file for LLDB like clang/libcxx/lld do?

- Raphael

Am Di., 19. Feb. 2019 um 16:26 Uhr schrieb Hans Wennborg via lldb-dev
> Hello everyone,
> This is your biannual release notes nag email.
> We're getting closer to the end of the release schedule for 8.0.0, but
> the release notes are still very thin for many parts.
> When the release happens, the first thing people look at are these
> notes, so it's a great opportunity to mention the work that's been
> done in the past six months.
> If you know anything that's worth adding, please commit to the release
> notes directly on the branch, or send me a patch, or even a plain
> email with some text and I'll happily commit it for you.
> Thanks,
> Hans
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