On 3 Nov 2018, at 03:35, Tom Stellard via llvm-dev <llvm-...@lists.llvm.org> 
> The 7.0.1-rc2 release has been tagged and is ready for testing.  I forgot
> to bump the version number to 7.0.1 before I tagged -rc1, which is why we
> are now on -rc2.

Main test results on amd64-freebsd11 are mostly unchanged from 7.0.0 final, 
just a few more Expected Passes:

  Expected Passes    : 52432    (7.0.0 final: 52422)
  Expected Failures  :   232    (7.0.0 final:   232)
  Unsupported Tests  :  3687    (7.0.0 final:  3687)
  Unexpected Passes  :     1    (7.0.0 final:     1)
  Unexpected Failures:   489    (7.0.0 final:   489)

Test-suite results on amd64-freebsd11 did not change:

  Expected Passes    :   903    (7.0.0 final:   903)
  Unexpected Failures:     3    (7.0.0 final:     3)

Test results on i386-freebsd11 were slightly better than 7.0.0 final, still due 
to a bunch of hanging lldb single step tests (these all seem to hang in the 
STOP state indefinitely, and so have to be killed off manually):

  Expected Passes    : 50239    (7.0.0 final: 50226)
  Expected Failures  :   226    (7.0.0 final:   226)
  Unsupported Tests  :  2502    (7.0.0 final:  2502)
  Unexpected Failures:   274    (7.0.0 final:   277)

The test-suite still doesn't build on i386-freebsd11, but that is a known issue.

I have uploaded:

SHA256 (clang+llvm-7.0.1-rc2-amd64-unknown-freebsd11.tar.xz) = 
SHA256 (clang+llvm-7.0.1-rc2-i386-unknown-freebsd11.tar.xz) = 


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