Edouard Gaudout i Gröna gruppen har redan jobbat med den frågan i somras
om jag minns rätt så man kan fråga honom.

On 2013-08-29 16:47, "Christian Engström (pp)" wrote:
> Sara,
> Utmärkt idé att nominera Snowden till Sacharovpriset. Tar du reda på
> hur vi gör?
> /Christian
> On 2013-08-29 14:25, Erik Lönroth wrote:
>> Kanske något för er?
>> Sista datum är den 12:e september.
>> /Erik Lönroth
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Erik Josefsson* <erik.hjalmar.josefs...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:erik.hjalmar.josefs...@gmail.com>>
>> Date: Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 11:35 AM
>> Subject: [DFRI-listan] Stefan Svallfors: "Låt Snowden få Sacharovpriset"
>> To: "listan@lists.dfri.se <mailto:listan@lists.dfri.se>"
>> <listan@lists.dfri.se <mailto:listan@lists.dfri.se>>
>> Sydsvenskan publicerar idag 29 augusti en artikel av Professor Stefan
>> Svallfors:
>>     *"Låt Snowden få Sacharovpriset"*
>> http://www.sydsvenskan.se/opinion/aktuella-fragor/lat-snowden-fa-sacharovpriset/
>> Nedan en engelsk version.
>> //Erik
>> *A Sakharov for our time?
>> *
>> Since 1988, the European Parliament has awarded the Sakharov Prize. 
>> According to its statutes, this is given to a person or group "who made 
>> remarkable efforts to defend human rights and fundamental freedoms" and thus 
>> "worked against intolerance, fanaticism and oppression."
>> The award is given in memory of the Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov 
>> (1921-1989), known as one of the men behind the hydrogen bomb but even more 
>> as a Soviet dissident with his Human Rights Committee and his defense of 
>> political prisoners. Sakharov stands as a symbol of the individual human 
>> being who dares to stand up against tyranny and oppression, even when the 
>> personal cost is very high.
>> A most deserving recipient of the 2013 price would be the American whistle 
>> blower Edward Snowden. In May, The Guardian published his disclosure of the 
>> extensive, illegal and deeply intrusive monitoring conducted by the American 
>> National Security Agency. For this heroic effort Snowden has paid a heavy 
>> personal price. He is hunted as an outlaw by the U.S. government, accused of 
>> crimes that will put him in jail for the rest of his life. The U.S. 
>> government has threatened the governments that dare to offer him asylum with 
>> serious consequences. In a painful irony, the only sanctuary that had been 
>> found for Snowden is Russia, a country whose democratic problems and 
>> authoritarian tendencies are obvious.
>> But is really Snowden a worthy recipient of the prize, someone may sneeze. 
>> Is not America the world's leading democracy, a friend of Europe, committed 
>> to the rule of law? Yes. But even democracies can hide pockets of tyranny in 
>> their hearts, a democratic state may well coexist with other systems that 
>> are characterized by anything but democracy and law. As the monitoring 
>> system which now puts its global tentacles far into the private lives of 
>> citizens. By exposing this system Snowden made it possible for us to say No 
>> – this is not a development and a society we want, we protect our civil 
>> rights and freedoms when they are threatened.
>> Snowden's revelations make explicit demands on citizens and politicians to 
>> act and react. How have we responded to these demands? Not in any impressive 
>> way one must say. Individual politicians and many citizens have reacted, 
>> expressed support for Snowden, trying to act in his defense. They see the 
>> unpleasant consequences of a surveillance system where innocent citizens get 
>> their electronic communication and their phone calls tapped and mapped. The 
>> German President Joachim Gauck, with his personal East German experience, 
>> for example stated that Snowden "deserves respect" for his actions. But 
>> otherwise an awkward silence, evasive answers, gentle tiptoeing. Merkel 
>> hums, The European Commission whispers, the parliaments remain silent.
>> On the Swedish side, even more depressing inaction is observed. Sweden acts 
>> together with Britain to make sure the question should not be addressed at 
>> European level. This is a bilateral issue and by the way, no Swedish 
>> interests are at stake, the Foreign Minister distractedly announces before 
>> returning to Twitter. The government obviously sees no reason to allow this 
>> issue to eclipse the splendor of Obama's forthcoming state visit. From the 
>> political left, a complete disinterest is shown. No social democratic 
>> position is advanced or even formulated.
>> It is tragic to see how thin the liberal veneer is in many places. When 
>> liberalism is no longer easy and obvious, when it requires courage and 
>> sacrifice, when we are forced to choose and our choices have real costs, 
>> what happens then? We fall into line, we bend to power. Without grumbling we 
>> let fairly manageable threats from terrorists sweep away fundamental rights 
>> and freedoms.
>> We must demand more of ourselves and our elected officials than that. We 
>> could start by giving Edward Snowden the price whose name symbolizes a man 
>> who refused to bow to oppression and thereby actually changed history.
>> Stefan Svallfors
>> Professor of Sociology at Umeå University
>> & the Institute for Future Studies
> -- 
> Christian Engström
> Member of the European Parliament
> Piratpartiet - The Pirate Party
> +46-70-663 37 80
> http://christianengstrom.wordpress.com/
> christian.engst...@piratpartiet.se
> <mailto:christian.engst...@piratpartiet.se>
> Pictures:
> http://picasaweb.google.com/christian.engstrom.pirat/ChristianEngstrom#
