On 2/18/25 6:54 PM, Sean Christopherson wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, Pratik Rajesh Sampat wrote:
>> On 2/11/25 8:31 PM, Sean Christopherson wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 03, 2025, Pratik R. Sampat wrote:
>>>> @@ -217,5 +244,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>>>>            }
>>>>    }
>>>> +  if (kvm_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_SEV_SNP)) {
>>>> +          uint64_t snp_policy = snp_default_policy();
>>>> +
>>>> +          test_snp(snp_policy);
>>>> +          /* Test minimum firmware level */
>>>> +          test_snp(snp_policy | SNP_FW_VER_MAJOR(SNP_MIN_API_MAJOR) |
>>>> +                  SNP_FW_VER_MINOR(SNP_MIN_API_MINOR));
>>> Ah, this is where the firmware policy stuff is used.  Refresh me, can 
>>> userspace
>>> request _any_ major/minor as the min, and expect failure if the version 
>>> isn't
>>> supported?  If so, the test should iterate over the major/minor 
>>> combinations that
>>> are guaranteed to fail.  And if userspace can query the supported 
>>> minor/major,
>>> the test should iterate over all the happy versions too. 
>> Yes, any policy greater than the min policy (defined in sev-dev.c)
>> should be supported. The sad path tests were intended to be added in the
>> upcoming negative test patch series so that we could have the proper
>> infrastructure to handle and report failures.
>>> Unless there's nothing interesting to test, I would move the major/minor 
>>> stuff to
>>> a separate patch.
>> Would you rather prefer I do the happy tests here (something like -
>> min_policy and min_policy + 1?) and defer the failure tests for the
>> next patchset? Or, I can remove policy testing from here entirely and
>> introduce it only when the sad path testing infrastructure is ready, so
>> that we can test this completely at once?
> Let's do the latter.  For the initial series, do the bare minimum so that we 
> can
> get that merged, and then focus on the min API version stuff in a separate 
> series.
> The version testing shouldn't be terribly complex, but it doesn't seem like 
> it's
> entirely trivial either, and I don't want it to block the base SNP support.

Sure thing, will do.

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