In the new generation of accelerator hardware, in order to
add new algorithm support, the hardware adds a new SQE data structure,
so the driver has been upgraded as needed.

Signed-off-by: Sihang Chen <>
Signed-off-by: Longfang Liu <>
 drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec.h        |   6 +-
 drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.c | 325 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.h | 167 +++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec.h 
index 17ddb20..7c40f8a 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec.h
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ struct sec_aead_req {
 /* SEC request of Crypto */
 struct sec_req {
-       struct sec_sqe sec_sqe;
+       union {
+               struct sec_sqe sec_sqe;
+               struct sec_sqe3 sec_sqe3;
+       };
        struct sec_ctx *ctx;
        struct sec_qp_ctx *qp_ctx;
@@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ struct sec_ctx {
        bool pbuf_supported;
        struct sec_cipher_ctx c_ctx;
        struct sec_auth_ctx a_ctx;
+       u8 type_supported;
 enum sec_endian {
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.c 
index f835514..2d338a3 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.c
@@ -33,13 +33,28 @@
 #define SEC_CKEY_OFFSET                9
 #define SEC_CMODE_OFFSET       12
 #define SEC_AKEY_OFFSET         5
-#define SEC_AEAD_ALG_OFFSET     11
+#define SEC_AUTH_ALG_OFFSET    11
 #define SEC_AUTH_OFFSET                6
+#define SEC_DE_OFFSET_V3               9
+#define SEC_SCENE_OFFSET_V3    5
+#define SEC_CKEY_OFFSET_V3     13
+#define SEC_SRC_SGL_OFFSET_V3  11
+#define SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET_V3  14
+#define SEC_CI_GEN_OFFSET_V3   2
+#define SEC_CALG_OFFSET_V3     4
+#define SEC_AKEY_OFFSET_V3         9
+#define SEC_MAC_OFFSET_V3         4
+#define SEC_AUTH_ALG_OFFSET_V3 15
+#define SEC_CIPHER_AUTH_V3     0xbf
+#define SEC_AUTH_CIPHER_V3     0x40
 #define SEC_FLAG_OFFSET                7
 #define SEC_FLAG_MASK          0x0780
 #define SEC_TYPE_MASK          0x0F
 #define SEC_DONE_MASK          0x0001
+#define SEC_SQE_LEN_RATE_MASK  0x3
 #define SEC_TOTAL_IV_SZ                (SEC_IV_SIZE * QM_Q_DEPTH)
 #define SEC_SGL_SGE_NR         128
@@ -145,41 +160,71 @@ static int sec_aead_verify(struct sec_req *req)
        return 0;
+static u8 pre_parse_finished_bd(struct bd_status *status, void *resp)
+       struct sec_sqe *bd = resp;
+       status->done = le16_to_cpu(bd->type2.done_flag) & SEC_DONE_MASK;
+       status->flag = (le16_to_cpu(bd->type2.done_flag) &
+                                       SEC_FLAG_MASK) >> SEC_FLAG_OFFSET;
+       status->tag = le16_to_cpu(bd->type2.tag);
+       status->err_type = bd->type2.error_type;
+       return bd->type_cipher_auth & SEC_TYPE_MASK;
+static u8 pre_parse_finished_bd3(struct bd_status *status, void *resp)
+       struct sec_sqe3 *bd3 = resp;
+       status->done = le16_to_cpu(bd3->done_flag) & SEC_DONE_MASK;
+       status->flag = (le16_to_cpu(bd3->done_flag) &
+                                       SEC_FLAG_MASK) >> SEC_FLAG_OFFSET;
+       status->tag = le64_to_cpu(bd3->tag);
+       status->err_type = bd3->error_type;
+       return le32_to_cpu(bd3->bd_param) & SEC_TYPE_MASK;
 static void sec_req_cb(struct hisi_qp *qp, void *resp)
        struct sec_qp_ctx *qp_ctx = qp->qp_ctx;
        struct sec_dfx *dfx = &qp_ctx->ctx->sec->debug.dfx;
-       struct sec_sqe *bd = resp;
+       u8 type_supported = qp_ctx->ctx->type_supported;
+       struct bd_status status;
        struct sec_ctx *ctx;
        struct sec_req *req;
-       u16 done, flag;
        int err = 0;
        u8 type;
-       type = bd->type_cipher_auth & SEC_TYPE_MASK;
-       if (unlikely(type != SEC_BD_TYPE2)) {
+       if (type_supported == SEC_BD_TYPE2) {
+               type = pre_parse_finished_bd(&status, resp);
+               req = qp_ctx->req_list[status.tag];
+       } else {
+               type = pre_parse_finished_bd3(&status, resp);
+               req = (void *)(uintptr_t)status.tag;
+       }
+       if (unlikely(type != type_supported)) {
-               pr_err("err bd type [%d]\n", type);
+               pr_err("err bd type [%u]\n", type);
-       req = qp_ctx->req_list[le16_to_cpu(bd->type2.tag)];
        if (unlikely(!req)) {
-       req->err_type = bd->type2.error_type;
+       req->err_type = status.err_type;
        ctx = req->ctx;
-       done = le16_to_cpu(bd->type2.done_flag) & SEC_DONE_MASK;
-       flag = (le16_to_cpu(bd->type2.done_flag) &
-               SEC_FLAG_MASK) >> SEC_FLAG_OFFSET;
-       if (unlikely(req->err_type || done != SEC_SQE_DONE ||
-           (ctx->alg_type == SEC_SKCIPHER && flag != SEC_SQE_CFLAG) ||
-           (ctx->alg_type == SEC_AEAD && flag != SEC_SQE_AEAD_FLAG))) {
-               dev_err(SEC_CTX_DEV(ctx),
-                       "err_type[%d],done[%d],flag[%d]\n",
-                       req->err_type, done, flag);
+       if (unlikely(req->err_type || status.done != SEC_SQE_DONE ||
+           (ctx->alg_type == SEC_SKCIPHER && status.flag != SEC_SQE_CFLAG) ||
+           (ctx->alg_type == SEC_AEAD && status.flag != SEC_SQE_AEAD_FLAG))) {
+               dev_err_ratelimited(SEC_CTX_DEV(ctx),
+                       "err_type[%d],done[%u],flag[%u]\n",
+                       req->err_type, status.done, status.flag);
                err = -EIO;
@@ -382,10 +427,11 @@ static int sec_create_qp_ctx(struct hisi_qm *qm, struct 
sec_ctx *ctx,
        qp = ctx->qps[qp_ctx_id];
        qp->req_type = 0;
        qp->qp_ctx = qp_ctx;
-       qp->req_cb = sec_req_cb;
        qp_ctx->qp = qp;
        qp_ctx->ctx = ctx;
+       qp->req_cb = sec_req_cb;
@@ -668,23 +714,6 @@ static int sec_skcipher_setkey(struct crypto_skcipher 
*tfm, const u8 *key,
        return 0;
-#define GEN_SEC_SETKEY_FUNC(name, c_alg, c_mode)                       \
-static int sec_setkey_##name(struct crypto_skcipher *tfm, const u8 *key,\
-       u32 keylen)                                                     \
-{                                                                      \
-       return sec_skcipher_setkey(tfm, key, keylen, c_alg, c_mode);    \
 static int sec_cipher_pbuf_map(struct sec_ctx *ctx, struct sec_req *req,
                        struct scatterlist *src)
@@ -914,6 +943,12 @@ static int sec_aead_setkey(struct crypto_aead *tfm, const 
u8 *key,
                goto bad_key;
+       if ((ctx->a_ctx.mac_len & SEC_SQE_LEN_RATE_MASK)  ||
+               (ctx->a_ctx.a_key_len & SEC_SQE_LEN_RATE_MASK)) {
+               dev_err(SEC_CTX_DEV(ctx), "MAC or AUTH key length error!\n");
+               goto bad_key;
+       }
        return 0;
@@ -1013,29 +1048,75 @@ static int sec_skcipher_bd_fill(struct sec_ctx *ctx, 
struct sec_req *req)
                cipher = SEC_CIPHER_DEC << SEC_CIPHER_OFFSET;
        sec_sqe->type_cipher_auth = bd_type | cipher;
-       if (req->use_pbuf)
+       /* Set destination and source address type */
+       if (req->use_pbuf) {
                sa_type = SEC_PBUF << SEC_SRC_SGL_OFFSET;
-       else
+               da_type = SEC_PBUF << SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET;
+       } else {
                sa_type = SEC_SGL << SEC_SRC_SGL_OFFSET;
+               da_type = SEC_SGL << SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET;
+       }
+       sec_sqe->sdm_addr_type |= da_type;
        if (c_req->c_in_dma != c_req->c_out_dma)
                de = 0x1 << SEC_DE_OFFSET;
        sec_sqe->sds_sa_type = (de | scene | sa_type);
-       /* Just set DST address type */
-       if (req->use_pbuf)
-               da_type = SEC_PBUF << SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET;
-       else
-               da_type = SEC_SGL << SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET;
-       sec_sqe->sdm_addr_type |= da_type;
        sec_sqe->type2.clen_ivhlen |= cpu_to_le32(c_req->c_len);
        sec_sqe->type2.tag = cpu_to_le16((u16)req->req_id);
        return 0;
+static int sec_skcipher_bd_fill_v3(struct sec_ctx *ctx, struct sec_req *req)
+       struct sec_sqe3 *sec_sqe3 = &req->sec_sqe3;
+       struct sec_cipher_ctx *c_ctx = &ctx->c_ctx;
+       struct sec_cipher_req *c_req = &req->c_req;
+       u32 bd_param = 0;
+       u16 cipher = 0;
+       memset(sec_sqe3, 0, sizeof(struct sec_sqe3));
+       sec_sqe3->c_key_addr = cpu_to_le64(c_ctx->c_key_dma);
+       sec_sqe3->no_scene.c_ivin_addr = cpu_to_le64(c_req->c_ivin_dma);
+       sec_sqe3->data_src_addr = cpu_to_le64(c_req->c_in_dma);
+       sec_sqe3->data_dst_addr = cpu_to_le64(c_req->c_out_dma);
+       sec_sqe3->c_mode_alg = (c_ctx->c_alg << SEC_CALG_OFFSET_V3) |
+                                               c_ctx->c_mode;
+       sec_sqe3->c_icv_key |= cpu_to_le16(((u16)c_ctx->c_key_len) <<
+                                               SEC_CKEY_OFFSET_V3);
+       if (c_req->encrypt)
+               cipher = SEC_CIPHER_ENC;
+       else
+               cipher = SEC_CIPHER_DEC;
+       sec_sqe3->c_icv_key |= cpu_to_le16(cipher);
+       if (req->use_pbuf) {
+               bd_param |= SEC_PBUF << SEC_SRC_SGL_OFFSET_V3;
+               bd_param |= SEC_PBUF << SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET_V3;
+       } else {
+               bd_param |= SEC_SGL << SEC_SRC_SGL_OFFSET_V3;
+               bd_param |= SEC_SGL << SEC_DST_SGL_OFFSET_V3;
+       }
+       bd_param |= SEC_COMM_SCENE << SEC_SCENE_OFFSET_V3;
+       if (c_req->c_in_dma != c_req->c_out_dma)
+               bd_param |= 0x1 << SEC_DE_OFFSET_V3;
+       bd_param |= SEC_BD_TYPE3;
+       sec_sqe3->bd_param = cpu_to_le32(bd_param);
+       sec_sqe3->c_len_ivin |= cpu_to_le32(c_req->c_len);
+       sec_sqe3->tag = cpu_to_le64(req);
+       return 0;
 static void sec_update_iv(struct sec_req *req, enum sec_alg_type alg_type)
        struct aead_request *aead_req = req->aead_req.aead_req;
@@ -1136,7 +1217,7 @@ static void sec_auth_bd_fill_ex(struct sec_auth_ctx *ctx, 
int dir,
                        SEC_SQE_LEN_RATE) << SEC_AKEY_OFFSET);
        sec_sqe->type2.mac_key_alg |=
-                       cpu_to_le32((u32)(ctx->a_alg) << SEC_AEAD_ALG_OFFSET);
+                       cpu_to_le32((u32)(ctx->a_alg) << SEC_AUTH_ALG_OFFSET);
        sec_sqe->type_cipher_auth |= SEC_AUTH_TYPE1 << SEC_AUTH_OFFSET;
@@ -1169,6 +1250,56 @@ static int sec_aead_bd_fill(struct sec_ctx *ctx, struct 
sec_req *req)
        return 0;
+static void sec_auth_bd_fill_ex_v3(struct sec_auth_ctx *ctx, int dir,
+                              struct sec_req *req, struct sec_sqe3 *sec_sqe3)
+       struct sec_aead_req *a_req = &req->aead_req;
+       struct sec_cipher_req *c_req = &req->c_req;
+       struct aead_request *aq = a_req->aead_req;
+       sec_sqe3->a_key_addr = cpu_to_le64(ctx->a_key_dma);
+       sec_sqe3->auth_mac_key = SEC_AUTH_TYPE1;
+       sec_sqe3->auth_mac_key |=
+                       cpu_to_le32((u32)(ctx->mac_len /
+                       SEC_SQE_LEN_RATE) << SEC_MAC_OFFSET_V3);
+       sec_sqe3->auth_mac_key |=
+                       cpu_to_le32((u32)(ctx->a_key_len /
+                       SEC_SQE_LEN_RATE) << SEC_AKEY_OFFSET_V3);
+       sec_sqe3->auth_mac_key |=
+                       cpu_to_le32((u32)(ctx->a_alg) << 
+       if (dir)
+               sec_sqe3->huk_iv_seq &= SEC_CIPHER_AUTH_V3;
+       else
+               sec_sqe3->huk_iv_seq |= SEC_AUTH_CIPHER_V3;
+       sec_sqe3->a_len_key = cpu_to_le32(c_req->c_len + aq->assoclen);
+       sec_sqe3->cipher_src_offset = cpu_to_le16((u16)aq->assoclen);
+       sec_sqe3->mac_addr = cpu_to_le64(a_req->out_mac_dma);
+static int sec_aead_bd_fill_v3(struct sec_ctx *ctx, struct sec_req *req)
+       struct sec_auth_ctx *auth_ctx = &ctx->a_ctx;
+       struct sec_sqe3 *sec_sqe3 = &req->sec_sqe3;
+       int ret;
+       ret = sec_skcipher_bd_fill_v3(ctx, req);
+       if (unlikely(ret)) {
+               dev_err(SEC_CTX_DEV(ctx), "skcipher bd3 fill is error!\n");
+               return ret;
+       }
+       sec_auth_bd_fill_ex_v3(auth_ctx, req->c_req.encrypt, req, sec_sqe3);
+       return 0;
 static void sec_aead_callback(struct sec_ctx *c, struct sec_req *req, int err)
        struct aead_request *a_req = req->aead_req.aead_req;
@@ -1302,13 +1433,44 @@ static const struct sec_req_op sec_aead_req_ops = {
        .process        = sec_process,
+static const struct sec_req_op sec_skcipher_req_ops_v3 = {
+       .buf_map        = sec_skcipher_sgl_map,
+       .buf_unmap      = sec_skcipher_sgl_unmap,
+       .do_transfer    = sec_skcipher_copy_iv,
+       .bd_fill        = sec_skcipher_bd_fill_v3,
+       .bd_send        = sec_bd_send,
+       .callback       = sec_skcipher_callback,
+       .process        = sec_process,
+static const struct sec_req_op sec_aead_req_ops_v3 = {
+       .buf_map        = sec_aead_sgl_map,
+       .buf_unmap      = sec_aead_sgl_unmap,
+       .do_transfer    = sec_aead_copy_iv,
+       .bd_fill        = sec_aead_bd_fill_v3,
+       .bd_send        = sec_bd_send,
+       .callback       = sec_aead_callback,
+       .process        = sec_process,
 static int sec_skcipher_ctx_init(struct crypto_skcipher *tfm)
        struct sec_ctx *ctx = crypto_skcipher_ctx(tfm);
+       int ret;
-       ctx->req_op = &sec_skcipher_req_ops;
+       ret = sec_skcipher_init(tfm);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
-       return sec_skcipher_init(tfm);
+       if (ctx->sec->qm.ver < QM_HW_V3) {
+               ctx->type_supported = SEC_BD_TYPE2;
+               ctx->req_op = &sec_skcipher_req_ops;
+       } else {
+               ctx->type_supported = SEC_BD_TYPE3;
+               ctx->req_op = &sec_skcipher_req_ops_v3;
+       }
+       return ret;
 static void sec_skcipher_ctx_exit(struct crypto_skcipher *tfm)
@@ -1329,11 +1491,18 @@ static int sec_aead_init(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
                return -EINVAL;
-       ctx->req_op = &sec_aead_req_ops;
        ret = sec_ctx_base_init(ctx);
        if (ret)
                return ret;
+       if (ctx->sec->qm.ver < QM_HW_V3) {
+               ctx->type_supported = SEC_BD_TYPE2;
+               ctx->req_op = &sec_aead_req_ops;
+       } else {
+               ctx->type_supported = SEC_BD_TYPE3;
+               ctx->req_op = &sec_aead_req_ops_v3;
+       }
        ret = sec_auth_init(ctx);
        if (ret)
                goto err_auth_init;
@@ -1472,61 +1641,73 @@ static int sec_skcipher_decrypt(struct skcipher_request 
        return sec_skcipher_crypto(sk_req, false);
-#define SEC_SKCIPHER_GEN_ALG(sec_cra_name, sec_set_key, sec_min_key_size, \
-       sec_max_key_size, ctx_init, ctx_exit, blk_size, iv_size)\
+#define GEN_SEC_SETKEY_FUNC(name, c_alg, c_mode)                       \
+static int sec_setkey_##name(struct crypto_skcipher *tfm,              \
+       const u8 *key, u32 keylen)                                      \
+{                                                                      \
+       return sec_skcipher_setkey(tfm, key, keylen, c_alg, c_mode); \
+#define SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG(sec_cra_name, sec_set_key, \
+       sec_min_key_size, sec_max_key_size, blk_size, iv_size)\
        .base = {\
                .cra_name = sec_cra_name,\
                .cra_driver_name = "hisi_sec_"sec_cra_name,\
                .cra_priority = SEC_PRIORITY,\
-               .cra_flags = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC | CRYPTO_ALG_ALLOCATES_MEMORY,\
+               .cra_flags = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC |\
+                CRYPTO_ALG_NEED_FALLBACK,\
                .cra_blocksize = blk_size,\
                .cra_ctxsize = sizeof(struct sec_ctx),\
                .cra_module = THIS_MODULE,\
-       .init = ctx_init,\
-       .exit = ctx_exit,\
+       .init = sec_skcipher_ctx_init,\
+       .exit = sec_skcipher_ctx_exit,\
        .setkey = sec_set_key,\
        .decrypt = sec_skcipher_decrypt,\
        .encrypt = sec_skcipher_encrypt,\
        .min_keysize = sec_min_key_size,\
        .max_keysize = sec_max_key_size,\
        .ivsize = iv_size,\
-#define SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG(name, key_func, min_key_size, \
-       max_key_size, blk_size, iv_size) \
-       SEC_SKCIPHER_GEN_ALG(name, key_func, min_key_size, max_key_size, \
-       sec_skcipher_ctx_init, sec_skcipher_ctx_exit, blk_size, iv_size)
 static struct skcipher_alg sec_skciphers[] = {
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("ecb(aes)", sec_setkey_aes_ecb,
                         AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE, AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
-                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, 0)
+                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, 0),
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("cbc(aes)", sec_setkey_aes_cbc,
                         AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE, AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
-                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE),
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("xts(aes)", sec_setkey_aes_xts,
                         SEC_XTS_MIN_KEY_SIZE, SEC_XTS_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
-                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE),
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("ecb(des3_ede)", sec_setkey_3des_ecb,
                         SEC_DES3_2KEY_SIZE, SEC_DES3_3KEY_SIZE,
-                        DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE, 0)
+                        DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE, 0),
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("cbc(des3_ede)", sec_setkey_3des_cbc,
                         SEC_DES3_2KEY_SIZE, SEC_DES3_3KEY_SIZE,
-                        DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE, DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                        DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE, DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE),
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("xts(sm4)", sec_setkey_sm4_xts,
                         SEC_XTS_MIN_KEY_SIZE, SEC_XTS_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
-                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE),
        SEC_SKCIPHER_ALG("cbc(sm4)", sec_setkey_sm4_cbc,
                         AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE, AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
-                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
+                        AES_BLOCK_SIZE, AES_BLOCK_SIZE),
 static int sec_aead_param_check(struct sec_ctx *ctx, struct sec_req *sreq)
@@ -1646,14 +1827,18 @@ int sec_register_to_crypto(struct hisi_qm *qm)
        ret = crypto_register_aeads(sec_aeads, ARRAY_SIZE(sec_aeads));
        if (ret)
-               crypto_unregister_skciphers(sec_skciphers,
-                                           ARRAY_SIZE(sec_skciphers));
+               goto reg_aead_fail;
+       return ret;
+       crypto_unregister_skciphers(sec_skciphers,
+                                       ARRAY_SIZE(sec_skciphers));
        return ret;
 void sec_unregister_from_crypto(struct hisi_qm *qm)
-       crypto_unregister_skciphers(sec_skciphers,
-                                   ARRAY_SIZE(sec_skciphers));
        crypto_unregister_aeads(sec_aeads, ARRAY_SIZE(sec_aeads));
+       crypto_unregister_skciphers(sec_skciphers,
+                                       ARRAY_SIZE(sec_skciphers));
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.h 
index 0e933e7..e2250c6 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/hisilicon/sec2/sec_crypto.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ enum sec_ckey_type {
 enum sec_bd_type {
        SEC_BD_TYPE1 = 0x1,
        SEC_BD_TYPE2 = 0x2,
+       SEC_BD_TYPE3 = 0x3,
 enum sec_auth {
@@ -63,6 +64,13 @@ enum sec_addr_type {
        SEC_PRP  = 0x2,
+struct bd_status {
+       u64 tag;
+       u8 done;
+       u8 err_type;
+       u16 flag;
 struct sec_sqe_type2 {
@@ -211,6 +219,165 @@ struct sec_sqe {
        struct sec_sqe_type2 type2;
+struct bd3_auth_ivin {
+       __le64 a_ivin_addr;
+       __le32 rsvd0;
+       __le32 rsvd1;
+} __packed __aligned(4);
+struct bd3_skip_data {
+       __le32 rsvd0;
+       /*
+        * gran_num: 0~15 bits
+        * reserved: 16~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 gran_num;
+       /*
+        * src_skip_data_len: 0~24 bits
+        * reserved: 25~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 src_skip_data_len;
+       /*
+        * dst_skip_data_len: 0~24 bits
+        * reserved: 25~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 dst_skip_data_len;
+struct bd3_stream_scene {
+       __le64 c_ivin_addr;
+       __le64 long_a_data_len;
+       /*
+        * auth_pad: 0~1 bits
+        * stream_protocol: 2~4 bits
+        * reserved: 5~7 bits
+        */
+       __u8 stream_auth_pad;
+       __u8 plaintext_type;
+       __le16 pad_len_1p3;
+} __packed __aligned(4);
+struct bd3_no_scene {
+       __le64 c_ivin_addr;
+       __le32 rsvd0;
+       __le32 rsvd1;
+       __le32 rsvd2;
+} __packed __aligned(4);
+struct bd3_check_sum {
+       __le16 check_sum_i;
+       __u8 tls_pad_len_i;
+       __u8 rsvd0;
+struct bd3_tls_type_back {
+       __u8 tls_1p3_type_back;
+       __u8 rsvd0;
+       __le16 pad_len_1p3_back;
+struct sec_sqe3 {
+       /*
+        * type: 0~3 bit
+        * inveld: 4 bit
+        * scene: 5~8 bit
+        * de: 9~10 bit
+        * src_addr_type: 11~13 bit
+        * dst_addr_type: 14~16 bit
+        * mac_addr_type: 17~19 bit
+        * reserved: 20~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 bd_param;
+       /*
+        * cipher: 0~1 bits
+        * ci_gen: 2~3 bit
+        * c_icv_len: 4~9 bit
+        * c_width: 10~12 bits
+        * c_key_len: 13~15 bits
+        */
+       __le16 c_icv_key;
+       /*
+        * c_mode : 0~3 bits
+        * c_alg : 4~7 bits
+        */
+       __u8 c_mode_alg;
+       /*
+        * nonce_len : 0~3 bits
+        * huk : 4 bits
+        * cal_iv_addr_en : 5 bits
+        * seq : 6 bits
+        * reserved : 7 bits
+        */
+       __u8 huk_iv_seq;
+       __le64 tag;
+       __le64 data_src_addr;
+       __le64 a_key_addr;
+       union {
+               struct bd3_auth_ivin auth_ivin;
+               struct bd3_skip_data skip_data;
+       };
+       __le64 c_key_addr;
+       /*
+        * auth: 0~1 bits
+        * ai_gen: 2~3 bits
+        * mac_len: 4~8 bits
+        * akey_len: 9~14 bits
+        * a_alg: 15~20 bits
+        * key_sel: 21~24 bits
+        * updata_key: 25 bits
+        * reserved: 26~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 auth_mac_key;
+       __le32 salt;
+       __le16 auth_src_offset;
+       __le16 cipher_src_offset;
+       /*
+        * auth_len: 0~23 bit
+        * auth_key_offset: 24~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 a_len_key;
+       /*
+        * cipher_len: 0~23 bit
+        * auth_ivin_offset: 24~31 bits
+        */
+       __le32 c_len_ivin;
+       __le64 data_dst_addr;
+       __le64 mac_addr;
+       union {
+               struct bd3_stream_scene stream_scene;
+               struct bd3_no_scene no_scene;
+       };
+       /*
+        * done: 0 bit
+        * icv: 1~3 bit
+        * csc: 4~6 bit
+        * flag: 7~10 bit
+        * reserved: 11~15 bit
+        */
+       __le16 done_flag;
+       __u8 error_type;
+       __u8 warning_type;
+       __le32 mac_i;
+       union {
+               struct bd3_check_sum check_sum;
+               struct bd3_tls_type_back tls_type_back;
+       };
+       __le32 counter;
+} __packed __aligned(4);
 int sec_register_to_crypto(struct hisi_qm *qm);
 void sec_unregister_from_crypto(struct hisi_qm *qm);

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