Hi Konrad,

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 09:26:30PM +0100, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> First of all, I am EXTREMELY sorry for my long overdue response..
> I just wanted to bring up that piece of HW so as to offload crypto
> tasks from the CPU, but it ended up being slower (which I suspect is
> due to bw scaling not being implemented, but I might be wrong, maybe
> A53+crypto is just superior..)

A while ago, I benchmarked the QCE on an older SoC, and it was much slower than
just using the ARMv8 crypto extensions.  So I'm not surprised.  I don't think
QCE is really used anymore.  But almost everyone uses ICE.

> The goal is to have the phone run Mainline Linux *at least* at
> functional parity with the BSP kernel. Both ICE and CE support are
> welcome.
> Thanks for your interest and the patches you sent. There is more
> sdm630 (and not only, keep watching :D) work coming. I suppose you
> managed to boot your Xperia by now, but if you had issues, you should
> try out my v5.10-rc3 branch from the repo you linked with the supplied
> ninges_defconfig. Then you append the DTB to Image.gz and create an
> Android boot image (or put Image.gz+dtb into an existing one with
> abootimg -u boot.img -k Image.gz+dtb) and the phone should boot.
> Thanks once again for your interest and apologies for the time it took..

I'm already using your v5.10-rc3 branch, but ninges_defconfig isn't working for
me.  (Though I couldn't find the firmware file "qcom/a530_zap.elf", so I had to
remove it from CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE.)  Instead I'm using a kconfig based on
which is working for me.

I haven't been able to get a full Android userspace to work, and currently I'm
instead just replacing the kernel in a TWRP image and booting into recovery.
It's enough to get adb shell access and chroot into a Debian chroot on the
userdata partition, which is enough to run android-xfstests to test the ICE
support.  Earlier I tried AOSP using the instructions at
and also LineageOS using the instuctions at
https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/kirin/build, but neither worked.  That was a
couple weeks ago though, so I haven't tried the very latest kernel with full
Android.  Let me know if you have any suggestions!


- Eric

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