Add reset CSR offset and mask to chip info since they are different
in new QAT devices. This also simplifies the reset/clrReset functions
by using the reset mask.

Signed-off-by: Jack Xu <>
Co-developed-by: Wojciech Ziemba <>
Signed-off-by: Wojciech Ziemba <>
Reviewed-by: Giovanni Cabiddu <>
 .../qat/qat_common/icp_qat_fw_loader_handle.h |  2 +
 drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/qat_hal.c       | 39 +++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/icp_qat_fw_loader_handle.h 
index 0fa5c22fd9c0..5e2c0ef6d26c 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/icp_qat_fw_loader_handle.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/icp_qat_fw_loader_handle.h
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ struct icp_qat_fw_loader_chip_info {
        bool nn;
        bool lm2lm3;
        u32 lm_size;
+       u32 icp_rst_csr;
+       u32 icp_rst_mask;
        bool fw_auth;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/qat_hal.c 
index 44cf797ace71..0d64e074fb44 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/qat_hal.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/qat/qat_common/qat_hal.c
@@ -301,12 +301,13 @@ static unsigned short qat_hal_get_reg_addr(unsigned int 
 void qat_hal_reset(struct icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle)
-       unsigned int ae_reset_csr;
+       unsigned int reset_mask = handle->chip_info->icp_rst_mask;
+       unsigned int reset_csr = handle->chip_info->icp_rst_csr;
+       unsigned int csr_val;
-       ae_reset_csr = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_RESET);
-       ae_reset_csr |= handle->hal_handle->ae_mask << RST_CSR_AE_LSB;
-       ae_reset_csr |= handle->hal_handle->slice_mask << RST_CSR_QAT_LSB;
-       SET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_RESET, ae_reset_csr);
+       csr_val = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, reset_csr);
+       csr_val |= reset_mask;
+       SET_CAP_CSR(handle, reset_csr, csr_val);
 static void qat_hal_wr_indr_csr(struct icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle,
@@ -470,28 +471,27 @@ static int qat_hal_init_esram(struct 
icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle)
 #define SHRAM_INIT_CYCLES 2060
 int qat_hal_clr_reset(struct icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle)
+       unsigned int reset_mask = handle->chip_info->icp_rst_mask;
+       unsigned int reset_csr = handle->chip_info->icp_rst_csr;
        unsigned long ae_mask = handle->hal_handle->ae_mask;
-       unsigned int ae_reset_csr;
-       unsigned char ae;
+       unsigned char ae = 0;
        unsigned int clk_csr;
        unsigned int times = 100;
-       unsigned int csr;
+       unsigned int csr_val;
        /* write to the reset csr */
-       ae_reset_csr = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_RESET);
-       ae_reset_csr &= ~(handle->hal_handle->ae_mask << RST_CSR_AE_LSB);
-       ae_reset_csr &= ~(handle->hal_handle->slice_mask << RST_CSR_QAT_LSB);
+       csr_val = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, reset_csr);
+       csr_val &= ~reset_mask;
        do {
-               SET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_RESET, ae_reset_csr);
+               SET_CAP_CSR(handle, reset_csr, csr_val);
                if (!(times--))
                        goto out_err;
-               csr = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_RESET);
-       } while ((handle->hal_handle->ae_mask |
-                (handle->hal_handle->slice_mask << RST_CSR_QAT_LSB)) & csr);
+               csr_val = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, reset_csr);
+               csr_val &= reset_mask;
+       } while (csr_val);
        /* enable clock */
        clk_csr = GET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_GLOBAL_CLK_ENABLE);
-       clk_csr |= handle->hal_handle->ae_mask << 0;
-       clk_csr |= handle->hal_handle->slice_mask << 20;
+       clk_csr |= reset_mask;
        SET_CAP_CSR(handle, ICP_GLOBAL_CLK_ENABLE, clk_csr);
        if (qat_hal_check_ae_alive(handle))
                goto out_err;
@@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ static int qat_hal_chip_init(struct 
icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle,
                handle->chip_info->nn = true;
                handle->chip_info->lm2lm3 = false;
                handle->chip_info->lm_size = ICP_QAT_UCLO_MAX_LMEM_REG;
+               handle->chip_info->icp_rst_csr = ICP_RESET;
                handle->chip_info->fw_auth = true;
@@ -707,6 +708,7 @@ static int qat_hal_chip_init(struct 
icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle,
                handle->chip_info->nn = true;
                handle->chip_info->lm2lm3 = false;
                handle->chip_info->lm_size = ICP_QAT_UCLO_MAX_LMEM_REG;
+               handle->chip_info->icp_rst_csr = ICP_RESET;
                handle->chip_info->fw_auth = false;
@@ -719,6 +721,9 @@ static int qat_hal_chip_init(struct 
icp_qat_fw_loader_handle *handle,
                handle->hal_sram_addr_v = sram_bar->virt_addr;
+       handle->chip_info->icp_rst_mask = (hw_data->ae_mask << RST_CSR_AE_LSB) |
+                                         (hw_data->accel_mask << 
        handle->hal_cap_g_ctl_csr_addr_v =
                (void __iomem *)((uintptr_t)misc_bar->virt_addr +

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