
This latest incarnation of the series has patch #3 re-written for the
hash init/update/final sequencing only. As the HW accelerator can't
properly handle split up hashes, nor can its state be exported out, we
use software fallback now for all cases of hashing, except for digest.

Applies on top of 5.8-rc1, testing done:
- Crypto manager self tests (pass)
- Crypto manager extra self tests (pass)
- Openssl testing via cryptodev (pass)
- Ipsec testing over UDP tunnel (pass)
- tcrypt.ko testing for hashing/cipher (pass)


Texas Instruments Finland Oy, Porkkalankatu 22, 00180 Helsinki. 
Y-tunnus/Business ID: 0615521-4. Kotipaikka/Domicile: Helsinki

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