From: Devulapally Shiva Krishna <>

[ Upstream commit 6b363a286cd01961423f5dcd648b265088ec56d0 ]

This solves the following issues observed during self test when

1. Added fallback for cbc, ctr and rfc3686 if req->nbytes is zero
and for xts added a fallback case if req->nbytes is not multiple of 16.

2. In case of cbc-aes, solved wrong iv update. When
chcr_cipher_fallback() is called, used req->info pointer instead of

3. In cbc-aes decryption there was a wrong result. This occurs when
chcr_cipher_fallback() is called from chcr_handle_cipher_resp().
In the fallback function iv(req->info) used is wrongly updated.
So use the initial iv for this case.

4)In case of ctr-aes encryption observed wrong result. In adjust_ctr_overflow()
there is condition which checks if ((bytes / AES_BLOCK_SIZE) > c),
where c is the number of blocks which can be processed without iv overflow,
but for the above bytes (req->nbytes < 32 , not a multiple of 16) this
condition fails and the 2nd block is corrupted as it requires the rollover iv.
So added a '=' condition in this to take care of this.

5)In rfc3686-ctr there was wrong result observed. This occurs when
chcr_cipher_fallback() is called from chcr_handle_cipher_resp().
Here also copying initial_iv in init_iv pointer for handling the fallback
case correctly.

Signed-off-by: Ayush Sawal <>
Signed-off-by: Devulapally Shiva Krishna <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
Signed-off-by: Sasha Levin <>
 drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c   | 42 ++++++++++++++++++----------
 drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h |  1 +
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c 
index 5a2d9ee9348d..446fb896ee6d 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c
@@ -1054,8 +1054,8 @@ static unsigned int adjust_ctr_overflow(u8 *iv, u32 bytes)
        u32 temp = be32_to_cpu(*--b);
        temp = ~temp;
-       c = (u64)temp +  1; // No of block can processed withou overflow
-       if ((bytes / AES_BLOCK_SIZE) > c)
+       c = (u64)temp +  1; // No of block can processed without overflow
+       if ((bytes / AES_BLOCK_SIZE) >= c)
                bytes = c * AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
        return bytes;
@@ -1158,15 +1158,16 @@ static int chcr_final_cipher_iv(struct skcipher_request 
 static int chcr_handle_cipher_resp(struct skcipher_request *req,
                                   unsigned char *input, int err)
+       struct chcr_skcipher_req_ctx *reqctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct crypto_skcipher *tfm = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req);
-       struct chcr_context *ctx = c_ctx(tfm);
-       struct uld_ctx *u_ctx = ULD_CTX(c_ctx(tfm));
-       struct ablk_ctx *ablkctx = ABLK_CTX(c_ctx(tfm));
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
        struct cpl_fw6_pld *fw6_pld = (struct cpl_fw6_pld *)input;
-       struct chcr_skcipher_req_ctx *reqctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
-       struct cipher_wr_param wrparam;
+       struct ablk_ctx *ablkctx = ABLK_CTX(c_ctx(tfm));
+       struct uld_ctx *u_ctx = ULD_CTX(c_ctx(tfm));
        struct chcr_dev *dev = c_ctx(tfm)->dev;
+       struct chcr_context *ctx = c_ctx(tfm);
+       struct adapter *adap = padap(ctx->dev);
+       struct cipher_wr_param wrparam;
+       struct sk_buff *skb;
        int bytes;
        if (err)
@@ -1197,6 +1198,8 @@ static int chcr_handle_cipher_resp(struct 
skcipher_request *req,
        if (unlikely(bytes == 0)) {
+               memcpy(req->iv, reqctx->init_iv, IV);
+               atomic_inc(&adap->chcr_stats.fallback);
                err = chcr_cipher_fallback(ablkctx->sw_cipher,
@@ -1248,20 +1251,28 @@ static int process_cipher(struct skcipher_request *req,
                                  struct sk_buff **skb,
                                  unsigned short op_type)
+       struct chcr_skcipher_req_ctx *reqctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct crypto_skcipher *tfm = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req);
        unsigned int ivsize = crypto_skcipher_ivsize(tfm);
-       struct chcr_skcipher_req_ctx *reqctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct ablk_ctx *ablkctx = ABLK_CTX(c_ctx(tfm));
+       struct adapter *adap = padap(c_ctx(tfm)->dev);
        struct  cipher_wr_param wrparam;
        int bytes, err = -EINVAL;
+       int subtype;
        reqctx->processed = 0;
        reqctx->partial_req = 0;
        if (!req->iv)
                goto error;
+       subtype = get_cryptoalg_subtype(tfm);
        if ((ablkctx->enckey_len == 0) || (ivsize > AES_BLOCK_SIZE) ||
            (req->cryptlen == 0) ||
            (req->cryptlen % crypto_skcipher_blocksize(tfm))) {
+               if (req->cryptlen == 0 && subtype != CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_XTS)
+                       goto fallback;
+               else if (req->cryptlen % crypto_skcipher_blocksize(tfm) &&
+                        subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_XTS)
+                       goto fallback;
                pr_err("AES: Invalid value of Key Len %d nbytes %d IV Len %d\n",
                       ablkctx->enckey_len, req->cryptlen, ivsize);
                goto error;
@@ -1302,12 +1313,10 @@ static int process_cipher(struct skcipher_request *req,
        } else {
                bytes = req->cryptlen;
-       if (get_cryptoalg_subtype(tfm) ==
-           CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR) {
+       if (subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR) {
                bytes = adjust_ctr_overflow(req->iv, bytes);
-       if (get_cryptoalg_subtype(tfm) ==
-           CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_RFC3686) {
+       if (subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_RFC3686) {
                memcpy(reqctx->iv, ablkctx->nonce, CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE);
                memcpy(reqctx->iv + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE, req->iv,
@@ -1315,20 +1324,25 @@ static int process_cipher(struct skcipher_request *req,
                /* initialize counter portion of counter block */
                *(__be32 *)(reqctx->iv + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE +
                        CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE) = cpu_to_be32(1);
+               memcpy(reqctx->init_iv, reqctx->iv, IV);
        } else {
                memcpy(reqctx->iv, req->iv, IV);
+               memcpy(reqctx->init_iv, req->iv, IV);
        if (unlikely(bytes == 0)) {
+fallback:       atomic_inc(&adap->chcr_stats.fallback);
                err = chcr_cipher_fallback(ablkctx->sw_cipher,
-                                          reqctx->iv,
+                                          subtype ==
+                                          CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_RFC3686 ?
+                                          reqctx->iv : req->iv,
                goto error;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h 
index 542bebae001f..b3fdbdc25acb 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ struct chcr_skcipher_req_ctx {
        unsigned int op;
        u16 imm;
        u8 iv[CHCR_MAX_CRYPTO_IV_LEN];
+       u8 init_iv[CHCR_MAX_CRYPTO_IV_LEN];
        u16 txqidx;
        u16 rxqidx;

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