It was <2020-05-15 pią 11:10>, when Stephan Mueller wrote:
> As I mentioned, all that is or seems to be analyzed here is the
> quality of the cryptographic post-processing. Thus none of the data
> can be used for getting an idea of the entropy content.
> That said, the ent value indeed looks too low which seems to be an
> issue in the tool itself.
> Note, for an entropy assessment commonly at least 1 million traces
> from the raw noise source are needed.

I've got 1MiB from each source. Of course I used raw data from /dev/hwrng
for tpm, exynos and rng200.

| Source       | ea_iid -i | ea_iid -c (h') |      ent |
| /dev/random  |  7.875064 |       0.998166 | 7.999801 |
| /dev/urandom |  7.879351 |       0.998373 | 7.999821 |
| tpm-rng      |  7.880012 |       0.998118 | 7.999828 |
| exynos-trng  |  7.435701 |       0.947574 | 7.991820 |
| rng200       |  7.883320 |       0.998592 | 7.999824 |

> See for examples on how such entropy assessments are conducted in the LRNG 
> documentation [1] or the Linux /dev/random implementation in [2]

Thanks a lot, I am reading.

I will try to write somthing clever as soon as I parse and understand
these documents (and do other stuff too). Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards,
Łukasz Stelmach
Samsung R&D Institute Poland
Samsung Electronics

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