Another thing I noticed is the difference in the cryptlen value
between 4.9.82 kernel and 3.14.68 kernel.

If I send a 500 byte ping, in aead_decrypt(), the value of req->cryptlen:
1. On the 4.9.82 kernel, value of req->cryptlen is 548 bytes.
2. However, on 3.14.68 kernel, it is 556 bytes.

The same difference of 8 bytes is also seen with a normal 64 byte ping.

Not sure if this points to something.
I am still trying to figure out where is this filled and what could be
causing this difference of 8 bytes.


On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 11:26 AM Mukul Joshi <> wrote:
> Hi Christophe,
> Thanks for your email.
> One thing I forgot to mention is that I am running a RT kernel, 4.9.82 with 
> rt76 patches applied to it.
> I am not sure if that can play any role in this issue.
> Yes, I have the crypto tests activated at boot time. All the ones that have 
> their corresponding tests are passing.
> There are a few for which I see "No test for ...."
> [    2.582100] alg: No test for authenc(hmac(sha224),cbc(aes)) 
> (authenc-hmac-sha224-cbc-aes-talitos)
> [    2.584094] alg: No test for authenc(hmac(sha224),cbc(aes)) 
> (authenc-hmac-sha224-cbc-aes-talitos)
> [    2.606097] alg: No test for authenc(hmac(md5),cbc(aes)) 
> (authenc-hmac-md5-cbc-aes-talitos)
> [    2.608094] alg: No test for authenc(hmac(md5),cbc(aes)) 
> (authenc-hmac-md5-cbc-aes-talitos)
> [    2.610077] alg: No test for authenc(hmac(md5),cbc(des3_ede)) 
> (authenc-hmac-md5-cbc-3des-talitos)
> [    2.612076] alg: No test for authenc(hmac(md5),cbc(des3_ede)) 
> (authenc-hmac-md5-cbc-3des-talitos)
> [  237.271903] alg: No test for echainiv(authenc(hmac(md5),cbc(des3_ede))) 
> (echainiv(authenc-hmac-md5-cbc-3des-talitos))
> I also dumped the CCPSR register and it indicates EU error:
> [  375.872689] talitos e0030000.crypto: Ch: 2, CCPSR 0x01000007_023c0104
> [  375.872708] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUISR 0x00000000_00000100
> [  375.872719] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUDSR 0x00000000_00000320
> [  375.872730] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEURCR 0x00000000_00000000
> [  375.872741] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUSR 0x00000000_00000025
> [  375.872752] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUICR 0x00000000_00003000
> [  375.872763] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUMR 0x00000000_00000006
> [  375.872775] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUKSR 0x00000000_00000018
> [  375.872786] talitos e0030000.crypto: MDEUISR 0x00000000_00000000
> [  375.872797] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x20635e0b_00000000
> [  375.872808] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_0cc74d3c
> [  375.872819] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_1d0355a6
> [  375.872831] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00080000_12a80b80
> [  375.872842] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00180000_0cc74d4c
> [  375.872853] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00640000_1d0355b6
> [  375.872864] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00580c00_1d0355b6
> [  375.872875] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00080000_0cc74ddc
> I do not have FIPS enabled.
> The same hardware running 3.14.68 kernel does not have any issues with 
> IPsec/talitos driver and I can see pings going through.
> Obviously, the talitos driver has evolved after 3.14.68 version.
> I have plans to move to 4.9.190 but it will involve some effort since I would 
> have to port a lot of other stuff which I have working on 4.9.82.
> Sorry but I would prefer to stick to 4.9.82 for now and try and debug this 
> issue unless I know a similar/same issue was fixed after 4.9.82.
> If there are no clues to this issue, then I may have to try and move to 
> 4.9.190 version.
> Are you aware of some changes that went in after 4.9.82 that could cause this 
> issue to go away?
> Who is responsible for writing the data size in the EU Data size register and 
> what could cause it to be written with a value which is not a multiple of 
> 64-bits?
> Any other pointers on debugging this while still remaining on 4.9.82 kernel?
> Thanks,
> Mukul
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 2:57 AM Christophe Leroy <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Mukul
>> Le 24/08/2019 à 18:40, Mukul Joshi a écrit :
>> > Hi Christophe,
>> [...]
>> >
>> > I am working with MPC8360E SoC  and trying to setup IPSEC tunnel between
>> > 2 hosts.
>> > I am able to setup the tunnel but I am seeing issues with packet
>> > decryption. The sender side doesn't seem to have a problem and the
>> > packet is also being encrypted by the EU.
>> >
>> > Upon reception of packet, I am seeing Data size error interrupt go up in
>> > the Interrupt status register of the EU.
>> > I see the problem with both AES and 3DES algos.
>> >
>> > Here are the logs that I see in dmesg:
>> > AES:
>> > [  832.041102] talitos e0030000.crypto: AESUISR *0x00000000_00000100*
>> > [  832.041120] talitos e0030000.crypto: MDEUISR 0x00000000_00000000
>> > [  832.041131] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x60235c0b_00000000
>> > [  832.041142] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00140000_0c8d353c
>> > [  832.041154] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00180000_12f57920
>> > [  832.041165] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_144e3e40
>> > [  832.041176] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_0c8d3550
>> > [  832.041188] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x006c0000_12f57938
>> > [  832.041199] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00600c00_12f57938
>> > [  832.041210] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_0c8d35dc
>> >
>> > 3DES:
>> > [ 313.635521] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUISR *0x00000000_00000100*
>> >   [  313.635539] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUDSR *0x00000000_00000320*
>> >   [  313.635549] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEURCR 0x00000000_00000000
>> >   [  313.635560] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUSR 0x00000000_00000025
>> >   [  313.635572] talitos e0030000.crypto: DEUICR 0x00000000_00003000
>> >   [  313.635583] talitos e0030000.crypto: MDEUISR 0x00000000_00000000
>> >   [  313.635594] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x20635e0b_00000000
>> >   [  313.635605] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_1abbc03c
>> >   [  313.635617] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00100000_1ef2f226
>> >   [  313.635628] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00080000_1abbdc80
>> >   [  313.635639] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00180000_1abbc04c
>> >   [  313.635650] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00640000_1ef2f236
>> > [  313.635726] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00580c00_1ef2f236
>> >   [  313.635738] talitos e0030000.crypto: DESCBUF 0x00080000_1abbc0dc
>> >
>> > I was able to dump the data size register value for DES and it shows a
>> > value of 0x320 in LO word.
>> > This shows that the Data size for decryption is not 64-bit multiple
>> > which causes the Data size error interrupt to go up but I don't know how
>> > this value gets written and why is the value as 0x320 when the the
>> > tcpdump on the receive side shows a packet size of 112 bytes of
>> > encrypted packets received.
>> Yes that's strange. The pointers in the descriptors dumped above all
>> have valid size. The input data has size 0x64 ie 100 bytes, and the
>> output data has size 88 + 12 bytes HMAC out.
>> Have you activated crypto tests at boot time ? Do they all pass ?
>> Can you have a look at CCPSR register ?
>> >
>> > Can you please give me a few pointers about what could be causing this
>> > issue and where else can I look further.
>> Can you try with kernel 4.9.190 ?
>> Have you tried with a newer LTS kernel, for instance 4.14.x or 4.19.x ?
>> Christophe

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