Add support for the missing ciphertext stealing part of the XTS-AES
specification, which permits inputs of any size >= the block size.

Cc: Pascal van Leeuwen <>
Cc: Ondrej Mosnacek <>
Cc: Milan Broz <>
Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <>
This is an alternative approach to Pascal's [0]: instead of instantiating
a separate cipher to deal with the tail, invoke the same ECB skcipher used
for the bulk of the data.


 crypto/xts.c | 148 +++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto/xts.c b/crypto/xts.c
index 11211003db7e..fc9edc6eb11e 100644
--- a/crypto/xts.c
+++ b/crypto/xts.c
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ struct xts_instance_ctx {
 struct rctx {
        le128 t;
+       struct scatterlist sg[2];
        struct skcipher_request subreq;
@@ -84,10 +85,11 @@ static int setkey(struct crypto_skcipher *parent, const u8 
  * mutliple calls to the 'ecb(..)' instance, which usually would be slower than
  * just doing the gf128mul_x_ble() calls again.
-static int xor_tweak(struct skcipher_request *req, bool second_pass)
+static int xor_tweak(struct skcipher_request *req, bool second_pass, bool enc)
        struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct crypto_skcipher *tfm = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req);
+       const bool cts = (req->cryptlen % XTS_BLOCK_SIZE);
        const int bs = XTS_BLOCK_SIZE;
        struct skcipher_walk w;
        le128 t = rctx->t;
@@ -109,6 +111,20 @@ static int xor_tweak(struct skcipher_request *req, bool 
                wdst = w.dst.virt.addr;
                do {
+                       if (unlikely(cts) &&
+                  - w.nbytes + avail < 2 * XTS_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+                               if (!enc) {
+                                       if (second_pass)
+                                               rctx->t = t;
+                                       gf128mul_x_ble(&t, &t);
+                               }
+                               le128_xor(wdst, &t, wsrc);
+                               if (enc && second_pass)
+                                       gf128mul_x_ble(&rctx->t, &t);
+                               skcipher_walk_done(&w, avail - bs);
+                               return 0;
+                       }
                        le128_xor(wdst++, &t, wsrc++);
                        gf128mul_x_ble(&t, &t);
                } while ((avail -= bs) >= bs);
@@ -119,17 +135,70 @@ static int xor_tweak(struct skcipher_request *req, bool 
        return err;
-static int xor_tweak_pre(struct skcipher_request *req)
+static int xor_tweak_pre(struct skcipher_request *req, bool enc)
-       return xor_tweak(req, false);
+       return xor_tweak(req, false, enc);
-static int xor_tweak_post(struct skcipher_request *req)
+static int xor_tweak_post(struct skcipher_request *req, bool enc)
-       return xor_tweak(req, true);
+       return xor_tweak(req, true, enc);
-static void crypt_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
+static void cts_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
+       struct skcipher_request *req = areq->data;
+       le128 b;
+       if (!err) {
+               struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
+               scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&b, rctx->sg, 0, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
+               le128_xor(&b, &rctx->t, &b);
+               scatterwalk_map_and_copy(&b, rctx->sg, 0, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE, 1);
+       }
+       skcipher_request_complete(req, err);
+static int cts_final(struct skcipher_request *req,
+                    int (*crypt)(struct skcipher_request *req))
+       struct priv *ctx = crypto_skcipher_ctx(crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req));
+       int offset = req->cryptlen & ~(XTS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1);
+       struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
+       struct skcipher_request *subreq = &rctx->subreq;
+       int tail = req->cryptlen % XTS_BLOCK_SIZE;
+       struct scatterlist *sg;
+       le128 b[2];
+       int err;
+       sg = scatterwalk_ffwd(rctx->sg, req->dst, offset - XTS_BLOCK_SIZE);
+       scatterwalk_map_and_copy(b, sg, 0, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
+       memcpy(b + 1, b, tail);
+       scatterwalk_map_and_copy(b, req->src, offset, tail, 0);
+       le128_xor(b, &rctx->t, b);
+       scatterwalk_map_and_copy(b, sg, 0, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE + tail, 1);
+       skcipher_request_set_tfm(subreq, ctx->child);
+       skcipher_request_set_callback(subreq, req->base.flags, cts_done, req);
+       skcipher_request_set_crypt(subreq, sg, sg, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL);
+       err = crypt(subreq);
+       if (err)
+               return err;
+       scatterwalk_map_and_copy(b, sg, 0, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
+       le128_xor(b, &rctx->t, b);
+       scatterwalk_map_and_copy(b, sg, 0, XTS_BLOCK_SIZE, 1);
+       return 0;
+static void encrypt_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
        struct skcipher_request *req = areq->data;
@@ -137,47 +206,90 @@ static void crypt_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, 
int err)
                struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
                rctx->subreq.base.flags &= ~CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
-               err = xor_tweak_post(req);
+               err = xor_tweak_post(req, true);
+               if (!err && unlikely(req->cryptlen % XTS_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
+                       err = cts_final(req, crypto_skcipher_encrypt);
+                       if (err == -EINPROGRESS)
+                               return;
+               }
        skcipher_request_complete(req, err);
-static void init_crypt(struct skcipher_request *req)
+static void decrypt_done(struct crypto_async_request *areq, int err)
+       struct skcipher_request *req = areq->data;
+       if (!err) {
+               struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
+               rctx->subreq.base.flags &= ~CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+               err = xor_tweak_post(req, false);
+               if (!err && unlikely(req->cryptlen % XTS_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
+                       err = cts_final(req, crypto_skcipher_decrypt);
+                       if (err == -EINPROGRESS)
+                               return;
+               }
+       }
+       skcipher_request_complete(req, err);
+static int init_crypt(struct skcipher_request *req, crypto_completion_t compl)
        struct priv *ctx = crypto_skcipher_ctx(crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req));
        struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct skcipher_request *subreq = &rctx->subreq;
+       if (req->cryptlen < XTS_BLOCK_SIZE)
+               return -EINVAL;
        skcipher_request_set_tfm(subreq, ctx->child);
-       skcipher_request_set_callback(subreq, req->base.flags, crypt_done, req);
+       skcipher_request_set_callback(subreq, req->base.flags, compl, req);
        skcipher_request_set_crypt(subreq, req->dst, req->dst,
-                                  req->cryptlen, NULL);
+                                  req->cryptlen & ~(XTS_BLOCK_SIZE - 1), NULL);
        /* calculate first value of T */
        crypto_cipher_encrypt_one(ctx->tweak, (u8 *)&rctx->t, req->iv);
+       return 0;
 static int encrypt(struct skcipher_request *req)
        struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct skcipher_request *subreq = &rctx->subreq;
+       int err;
-       init_crypt(req);
-       return xor_tweak_pre(req) ?:
-               crypto_skcipher_encrypt(subreq) ?:
-               xor_tweak_post(req);
+       err = init_crypt(req, encrypt_done) ?:
+             xor_tweak_pre(req, true) ?:
+             crypto_skcipher_encrypt(subreq) ?:
+             xor_tweak_post(req, true);
+       if (err || likely((req->cryptlen % XTS_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0))
+               return err;
+       return cts_final(req, crypto_skcipher_encrypt);
 static int decrypt(struct skcipher_request *req)
        struct rctx *rctx = skcipher_request_ctx(req);
        struct skcipher_request *subreq = &rctx->subreq;
+       int err;
+       err = init_crypt(req, decrypt_done) ?:
+             xor_tweak_pre(req, false) ?:
+             crypto_skcipher_decrypt(subreq) ?:
+             xor_tweak_post(req, false);
+       if (err || likely((req->cryptlen % XTS_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0))
+               return err;
-       init_crypt(req);
-       return xor_tweak_pre(req) ?:
-               crypto_skcipher_decrypt(subreq) ?:
-               xor_tweak_post(req);
+       return cts_final(req, crypto_skcipher_decrypt);
 static int init_tfm(struct crypto_skcipher *tfm)

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