On 7/18/2019 2:29 PM, Vakul Garg wrote:
> While running ipsec processing for traffic through multiple network
> interfaces, it is observed that caam driver gets less time to poll
> responses from caam block compared to ethernet driver. This is because
> ethernet driver has as many napi instances per cpu as the number of
> ethernet interfaces in system. Therefore, caam driver's napi executes
> lesser than the ethernet driver's napi instances. This results in
> situation that we end up submitting more requests to caam (which it is
> able to finish off quite fast), but don't dequeue the responses at same
> rate. This makes caam response FQs bloat with large number of frames. In
> some situations, it makes kernel crash due to out-of-memory. To prevent
> it We increase the napi budget of dpseci driver to a big value so that
> caam driver is able to drain its response queues at enough rate.
> Signed-off-by: Vakul Garg <vakul.g...@nxp.com>
Reviewed-by: Horia Geantă <horia.gea...@nxp.com>


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