On 7/9/19 5:56 PM, Eric Biggers wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 10:09:16PM +0000, Gary R Hook wrote:
>> On 7/9/19 3:10 PM, Eric Biggers wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 08, 2019 at 05:08:09PM +0000, Gary R Hook wrote:
>>>> On 7/5/19 2:40 PM, Eric Biggers wrote:
>>>>> Hi Gary,
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 07:21:26PM +0000, Hook, Gary wrote:
>>>>>> The AES GCM function reuses an 'op' data structure, which members
>>>>>> contain values that must be cleared for each (re)use.
>>>>>> Fixes: 36cf515b9bbe ("crypto: ccp - Enable support for AES GCM on v5 
>>>>>> CCPs")
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Gary R Hook <gary.h...@amd.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>     drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-ops.c |   12 +++++++++++-
>>>>>>     1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>>> Is this patch meant to fix the gcm-aes-ccp self-tests failure?
>>>> Yessir, that is the intention. Apologies for not clarifying that point.
>>>> grh
>>> Okay, it would be helpful if you'd explain that in the commit message.
>> Gah. Of course. I'll repost.
>>> Also, what branch does this patch apply to?  It doesn't apply to cryptodev.
>> I have endeavored to make a "git pull" and a full build a required,
>> regular part of my submission process, having made (plenty of) mistakes
>> in the past. I did so last week before posting this, and the patch
>> applied then, and applies now in my local copy, before and after a git
>> pull today.
>> We've been having trouble with our SMTP mail server, and patches have
>> been going out base64 encoded. I'm willing to bet that's what you're
>> wrestling with.
>> The last patch of mine that Herbert applied appeared to be encoded
>> thusly, but he was able to successfully apply it.
>> I've been experimenting with changing the transfer encoding value
>> (charset=) to iso-8859-1 and us-ascii, but the best I can do is an
>> encoding that contains a lot of "=##" stuff. I'm not sure that's any
>> better, but my recent documentation patches contained those, and Herbert
>> was also able to apply them.
>> We'd really like to know what Herbert does to accommodate these
>> non-textual emails? And is that something that others could do?
> What I did was simply save your email and use 'git am -3' to try to apply it.
> It didn't work.
> Yes, your email is base64 encoded, which apparently 'git am' handles.  But 
> even
> after base64 decoding your patch has an extra blank line at the end, which
> corrupts it since it's part of the diff context.

I was unaware of this behavior. Thanks for letting me know.

> Can't you just use git send-email like everyone else?

Sure, until I find the time to fix stgit's email function.

It's still going to be quoted-printable text; I can't fix that problem 
without the mail gateway cooperating. But I presume it will be in the 
proper format. Look for a v2 and let me know how it comes out.


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