> Hi Pascal,
> On Thu, Jul 04, 2019 at 08:37:11AM +0000, Pascal Van Leeuwen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was attempting to get some fuzzing going for the RFC3686 AEAD ciphers I'm 
> > adding to the
> > inside-secure driver, and I noticed some more things besides what I 
> > mentioned below:
> >
> > 1) If there is no test suite, but the entry does point to something other 
> > then alg_test_null,
> > then fuzzing is still not performed if there is no test suite, as all of 
> > the alg_test_xxx routines
> > first check for suite->count being > 0 and exit due to count being 0 in 
> > this case.
> > I would think that if there are no reference vectors, then fuzzing against 
> > the generic
> > implementation (if enabled) is the very least you can do?
> >
> > 2) The AEAD fuzzing routine attempts to determine the maximum key size by 
> > actually
> > scanning the test suite. So if there is no test suite, this will remain at 
> > zero and the AEAD
> > fuzzing routine will still exit without performing any tests because of 
> > this.
> > Isn't there a better way to determine the maximum key size for AEAD ciphers?
> >
> > 3) The AEAD fuzzing vector generation generates fully random keydata that 
> > is <= maxlen.
> > However, for AEAD ciphers, the key blob is actually some RTA struct 
> > containing length
> > fields and types. Which means that most of the time, it will simply be 
> > generating illegal
> > key blobs and you are merely testing whether both implementations correctly 
> > flag the
> > key as illegal. (for which they likely use the same 
> > crypto_authenc_extractkeys
> > subroutine, so that check probably/likely always passes - and therefore is 
> > not very useful)
> >
> Yes, these are real issues; we need to make the testing code smarter and 
> perhaps
> add some more test vectors too.  But just to clarify (since you keep using the
> more general phrase "AEAD ciphers"), these issues actually only apply to 
> RFC3686
> ciphers, a.k.a. algorithms with "authenc" in their name, not to other AEADs in
> the crypto API such as GCM, ChaCha20-Poly1305, and AEGIS128.
Ok, since I was just working on authenc ciphersuites I assumed that the "other"
(real) AEAD's would work the same way, good to know that's not the case.
AES-GCM and AES-CCM are next on my list (after my holiday though) ...

> There's no way to easily determine the max key size of an arbitrary AEAD
> currently, since it's not stored in struct aead_alg.  That's why the current
> code is scanning the test vectors.  Instead, we probably should store
> information about the supported key sizes and formats directly in struct
> alg_test_desc, independent of the test vectors themselves.  That would make it
> possible to solve all three issues you've identified.
> - Eric
Yes, that should work I guess. That would also allow it to be an actual *list* 
correct values instead of assuming a range between 0 and max, where only a
few values are truly valid, which is wasting a lot of testvectors. This would
apply to skciphers as well.

Pascal van Leeuwen
Silicon IP Architect, Multi-Protocol Engines @ Verimatrix

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