On 6/25/19 8:52 AM, Jonathan Corbet wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 13:33:27 +0000
> Gary R Hook <gh...@amd.com> wrote:
>>> It's been "valid" since I wrote it...it's just not upstream yet :)  I
>>> expect it to be in 5.3, though.  So the best way to refer to a kernel
>>> function, going forward, is just function() with no markup needed.
>> So I'm unclear:
>> 1) would you prefer I wait on your 5.3 change being fully committed,
>> 2) add your change to my local tree and use it, then submit an update
>> patchset that depends upon it, or
>> 3) re-submit now (using the current method) with suggested changes?
> I would just not mark up function() at all, and the right thing will
> happen to it in the very near future.


I applied your two patches (locally) to verify the result, and it looks 
good to me. In the interim, I think it's NBD.

Thanks much.


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