On 6/12/2019 12:40 PM, Sascha Hauer wrote:
> Hi Horia,
> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 01:35:16PM +0000, Horia Geanta wrote:
>> For talitos, the problem is the lack of IV update.
>> For caam, the problem is incorrect IV update (output IV is equal to last
>> ciphertext block, which is correect for cbc, but not for ctr mode).
>> I am working at a fix, but it takes longer since I would like to program the
>> accelerator to the save the IV (and not do counter increment in SW, which
>> created problems for many other implementations).
> Any news here? With the fix Ard provided gcm(aes) now works again, but
> only as long as the crypto self tests are disabled.
I've recently submitted support for IV update done in HW (caam engine),
which fixes this issue:

Unfortunately it's probably too big to be sent to -stable.
We'll have to rely on Ard's workaround on previous kernels.


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