The CAAM driver used to put its debug messages inside #ifdef DEBUG and
then prints the messages at KERN_ERR level. Replace this with proper
functions printing at KERN_DEBUG level. The #ifdef DEBUG gets
unnecessary when the right functions are used.

This replaces:

- print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR ...) inside #ifdef DEBUG with
- dev_err() inside #ifdef DEBUG with dev_dbg()
- printk(KERN_ERR ...) inside #ifdef DEBUG with dev_dbg()

Some parts of the driver use these functions already, so it is only
consequent to use the debug function consistently.

Signed-off-by: Sascha Hauer <>
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c      |  95 ++++++++--------------
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_desc.c |  71 ++++------------
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_qi.c   |  36 +++------
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamhash.c     | 126 +++++++++--------------------
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamrng.c      |  16 ++--
 drivers/crypto/caam/key_gen.c      |  19 ++---
 drivers/crypto/caam/sg_sw_sec4.h   |   5 +-
 7 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
index 007c35cfc670..1395b4860f23 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
@@ -575,13 +575,11 @@ static int aead_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        if (crypto_authenc_extractkeys(&keys, key, keylen) != 0)
                goto badkey;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       printk(KERN_ERR "keylen %d enckeylen %d authkeylen %d\n",
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "keylen %d enckeylen %d authkeylen %d\n",
               keys.authkeylen + keys.enckeylen, keys.enckeylen,
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
         * If DKP is supported, use it in the shared descriptor to generate
@@ -615,11 +613,10 @@ static int aead_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        memcpy(ctx->key + ctx->adata.keylen_pad, keys.enckey, keys.enckeylen);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->key_dma, ctx->adata.keylen_pad +
                                   keys.enckeylen, ctx->dir);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx.key@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx.key@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, ctx->key,
                       ctx->adata.keylen_pad + keys.enckeylen, 1);
        ctx->cdata.keylen = keys.enckeylen;
@@ -670,10 +667,8 @@ static int gcm_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(aead);
        struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
        memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->key_dma, keylen, ctx->dir);
@@ -691,10 +686,8 @@ static int rfc4106_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        if (keylen < 4)
                return -EINVAL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
        memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
@@ -717,10 +710,8 @@ static int rfc4543_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        if (keylen < 4)
                return -EINVAL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
        memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
@@ -749,10 +740,8 @@ static int skcipher_setkey(struct crypto_skcipher 
*skcipher, const u8 *key,
        const bool is_rfc3686 = alg->caam.rfc3686;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
         * AES-CTR needs to load IV in CONTEXT1 reg
         * at an offset of 128bits (16bytes)
@@ -941,9 +930,7 @@ static void aead_encrypt_done(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
        struct aead_request *req = context;
        struct aead_edesc *edesc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct aead_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
@@ -963,9 +950,7 @@ static void aead_decrypt_done(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
        struct aead_request *req = context;
        struct aead_edesc *edesc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct aead_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
@@ -993,20 +978,17 @@ static void skcipher_encrypt_done(struct device *jrdev, 
u32 *desc, u32 err,
        struct crypto_skcipher *skcipher = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req);
        int ivsize = crypto_skcipher_ivsize(skcipher);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct skcipher_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
        if (err)
                caam_jr_strstatus(jrdev, err);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "dstiv  @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("dstiv  @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->iv,
                       edesc->src_nents > 1 ? 100 : ivsize, 1);
        caam_dump_sg(KERN_ERR, "dst    @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                     DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->dst,
                     edesc->dst_nents > 1 ? 100 : req->cryptlen, 1);
@@ -1031,21 +1013,17 @@ static void skcipher_decrypt_done(struct device *jrdev, 
u32 *desc, u32 err,
        struct skcipher_request *req = context;
        struct skcipher_edesc *edesc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
        struct crypto_skcipher *skcipher = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req);
        int ivsize = crypto_skcipher_ivsize(skcipher);
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct skcipher_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
        if (err)
                caam_jr_strstatus(jrdev, err);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "dstiv  @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("dstiv  @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->iv, ivsize, 1);
        caam_dump_sg(KERN_ERR, "dst    @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                     DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->dst,
                     edesc->dst_nents > 1 ? 100 : req->cryptlen, 1);
@@ -1241,6 +1219,7 @@ static void init_skcipher_job(struct skcipher_request 
        struct crypto_skcipher *skcipher = crypto_skcipher_reqtfm(req);
        struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_skcipher_ctx(skcipher);
+       struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
        int ivsize = crypto_skcipher_ivsize(skcipher);
        u32 *desc = edesc->hw_desc;
        u32 *sh_desc;
@@ -1248,12 +1227,11 @@ static void init_skcipher_job(struct skcipher_request 
        dma_addr_t src_dma, dst_dma, ptr;
        int len, sec4_sg_index = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "presciv@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("presciv@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->iv, ivsize, 1);
-       pr_err("asked=%d, cryptlen%d\n",
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "asked=%d, cryptlen%d\n",
               (int)edesc->src_nents > 1 ? 100 : req->cryptlen, req->cryptlen);
        caam_dump_sg(KERN_ERR, "src    @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                     DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->src,
                     edesc->src_nents > 1 ? 100 : req->cryptlen, 1);
@@ -1438,11 +1416,10 @@ static int gcm_encrypt(struct aead_request *req)
        /* Create and submit job descriptor */
        init_gcm_job(req, edesc, all_contig, true);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->hw_desc,
                       desc_bytes(edesc->hw_desc), 1);
        desc = edesc->hw_desc;
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, aead_encrypt_done, req);
@@ -1548,11 +1525,10 @@ static int aead_encrypt(struct aead_request *req)
        /* Create and submit job descriptor */
        init_authenc_job(req, edesc, all_contig, true);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->hw_desc,
                       desc_bytes(edesc->hw_desc), 1);
        desc = edesc->hw_desc;
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, aead_encrypt_done, req);
@@ -1583,11 +1559,10 @@ static int gcm_decrypt(struct aead_request *req)
        /* Create and submit job descriptor*/
        init_gcm_job(req, edesc, all_contig, false);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->hw_desc,
                       desc_bytes(edesc->hw_desc), 1);
        desc = edesc->hw_desc;
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, aead_decrypt_done, req);
@@ -1631,11 +1606,10 @@ static int aead_decrypt(struct aead_request *req)
        /* Create and submit job descriptor*/
        init_authenc_job(req, edesc, all_contig, false);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->hw_desc,
                       desc_bytes(edesc->hw_desc), 1);
        desc = edesc->hw_desc;
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, aead_decrypt_done, req);
@@ -1774,11 +1748,9 @@ static struct skcipher_edesc 
*skcipher_edesc_alloc(struct skcipher_request *req,
        edesc->iv_dma = iv_dma;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "skcipher sec4_sg@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("skcipher sec4_sg@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->sec4_sg,
                       sec4_sg_bytes, 1);
        return edesc;
@@ -1799,11 +1771,11 @@ static int skcipher_encrypt(struct skcipher_request 
        /* Create and submit job descriptor*/
        init_skcipher_job(req, edesc, true);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "skcipher jobdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("skcipher jobdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->hw_desc,
                       desc_bytes(edesc->hw_desc), 1);
        desc = edesc->hw_desc;
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, skcipher_encrypt_done, req);
@@ -1843,11 +1815,10 @@ static int skcipher_decrypt(struct skcipher_request 
        /* Create and submit job descriptor*/
        init_skcipher_job(req, edesc, false);
        desc = edesc->hw_desc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "skcipher jobdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("skcipher jobdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, edesc->hw_desc,
                       desc_bytes(edesc->hw_desc), 1);
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, skcipher_decrypt_done, req);
        if (!ret) {
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_desc.c 
index 1e1a376edc2f..a8beab26025c 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_desc.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_desc.c
@@ -115,11 +115,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_aead_null_encap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *adata,
        append_seq_store(desc, icvsize, LDST_CLASS_2_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "aead null enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead null enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -204,11 +201,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_aead_null_decap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *adata,
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, icvsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS2 |
                             FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST2 | FIFOLD_TYPE_ICV);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "aead null dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead null dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -358,10 +352,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_aead_encap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_store(desc, icvsize, LDST_CLASS_2_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "aead enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -475,10 +467,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_aead_decap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, icvsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS2 |
                             FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST2 | FIFOLD_TYPE_ICV);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "aead dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -613,11 +603,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_aead_givencap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_store(desc, icvsize, LDST_CLASS_2_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "aead givenc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("aead givenc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -742,10 +729,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_gcm_encap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_store(desc, icvsize, LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "gcm enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("gcm enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -838,10 +823,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_gcm_decap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, icvsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
                             FIFOLD_TYPE_ICV | FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "gcm dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("gcm dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -933,11 +916,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_rfc4106_encap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_store(desc, icvsize, LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "rfc4106 enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rfc4106 enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1030,11 +1010,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_rfc4106_decap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, icvsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
                             FIFOLD_TYPE_ICV | FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "rfc4106 dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rfc4106 dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1115,11 +1092,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_rfc4543_encap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_store(desc, icvsize, LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "rfc4543 enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rfc4543 enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1205,11 +1179,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_rfc4543_decap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        append_seq_fifo_load(desc, icvsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
                             FIFOLD_TYPE_ICV | FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "rfc4543 dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rfc4543 dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1416,11 +1387,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_skcipher_encap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        /* Perform operation */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "skcipher enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("skcipher enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1487,11 +1455,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_skcipher_decap(u32 * const desc, struct 
alginfo *cdata,
        /* Perform operation */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "skcipher dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("skcipher dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1538,11 +1503,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_xts_skcipher_encap(u32 * const desc, 
struct alginfo *cdata)
        /* Perform operation */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "xts skcipher enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__) ": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("xts skcipher enc shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__) 
": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
@@ -1588,11 +1550,8 @@ void cnstr_shdsc_xts_skcipher_decap(u32 * const desc, 
struct alginfo *cdata)
        /* Perform operation */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "xts skcipher dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__) ": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("xts skcipher dec shdesc@" __stringify(__LINE__) 
": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_qi.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_qi.c
index 70af211d2d01..66df91c5a6eb 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_qi.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg_qi.c
@@ -213,13 +213,11 @@ static int aead_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead, const u8 
        if (crypto_authenc_extractkeys(&keys, key, keylen) != 0)
                goto badkey;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(jrdev, "keylen %d enckeylen %d authkeylen %d\n",
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "keylen %d enckeylen %d authkeylen %d\n",
                keys.authkeylen + keys.enckeylen, keys.enckeylen,
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
         * If DKP is supported, use it in the shared descriptor to generate
@@ -252,11 +250,10 @@ static int aead_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead, const u8 
        memcpy(ctx->key + ctx->adata.keylen_pad, keys.enckey, keys.enckeylen);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->key_dma, ctx->adata.keylen_pad +
                                   keys.enckeylen, ctx->dir);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx.key@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx.key@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, ctx->key,
                       ctx->adata.keylen_pad + keys.enckeylen, 1);
        ctx->cdata.keylen = keys.enckeylen;
@@ -385,10 +382,8 @@ static int gcm_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
        int ret;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
        memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->key_dma, keylen, ctx->dir);
@@ -484,10 +479,8 @@ static int rfc4106_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        if (keylen < 4)
                return -EINVAL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
        memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
@@ -588,10 +581,8 @@ static int rfc4543_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
        if (keylen < 4)
                return -EINVAL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
        memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
@@ -643,10 +634,9 @@ static int skcipher_setkey(struct crypto_skcipher 
*skcipher, const u8 *key,
        const bool is_rfc3686 = alg->caam.rfc3686;
        int ret = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key in @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
         * AES-CTR needs to load IV in CONTEXT1 reg
         * at an offset of 128bits (16bytes)
@@ -1181,23 +1171,19 @@ static void skcipher_done(struct caam_drv_req *drv_req, 
u32 status)
        struct device *qidev = caam_ctx->qidev;
        int ivsize = crypto_skcipher_ivsize(skcipher);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(qidev, "%s %d: status 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, status);
+       dev_dbg(qidev, "%s %d: status 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, status);
        edesc = container_of(drv_req, typeof(*edesc), drv_req);
        if (status)
                caam_jr_strstatus(qidev, status);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "dstiv  @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("dstiv  @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->iv,
                       edesc->src_nents > 1 ? 100 : ivsize, 1);
        caam_dump_sg(KERN_ERR, "dst    @" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                     DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->dst,
                     edesc->dst_nents > 1 ? 100 : req->cryptlen, 1);
        skcipher_unmap(qidev, edesc, req);
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamhash.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamhash.c
index 8aee7c9bf862..0e21b0decfe7 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamhash.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamhash.c
@@ -235,11 +235,9 @@ static int ahash_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_ahash *ahash)
                          ctx->ctx_len, true, ctrlpriv->era);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->sh_desc_update_dma,
                                   desc_bytes(desc), ctx->dir);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "ahash update shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ahash update shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        /* ahash_update_first shared descriptor */
        desc = ctx->sh_desc_update_first;
@@ -247,11 +245,8 @@ static int ahash_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_ahash *ahash)
                          ctx->ctx_len, false, ctrlpriv->era);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->sh_desc_update_first_dma,
                                   desc_bytes(desc), ctx->dir);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "ahash update first shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ahash update first 
shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        /* ahash_final shared descriptor */
        desc = ctx->sh_desc_fin;
@@ -259,11 +254,10 @@ static int ahash_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_ahash *ahash)
                          ctx->ctx_len, true, ctrlpriv->era);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->sh_desc_fin_dma,
                                   desc_bytes(desc), ctx->dir);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ahash final shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ahash final shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
                       desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        /* ahash_digest shared descriptor */
        desc = ctx->sh_desc_digest;
@@ -271,12 +265,10 @@ static int ahash_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_ahash *ahash)
                          ctx->ctx_len, false, ctrlpriv->era);
        dma_sync_single_for_device(jrdev, ctx->sh_desc_digest_dma,
                                   desc_bytes(desc), ctx->dir);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                      "ahash digest shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ahash digest shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
                       desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        return 0;
@@ -421,12 +413,10 @@ static int hash_digest_key(struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx, u32 
*keylen, u8 *key,
        append_seq_store(desc, digestsize, LDST_CLASS_2_CCB |
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key_in@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("key_in@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, *keylen, 1);
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        result.err = 0;
@@ -436,11 +426,9 @@ static int hash_digest_key(struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx, u32 
*keylen, u8 *key,
                /* in progress */
                ret = result.err;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR,
-                              "digested key@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("digested key@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, digestsize, 1);
        dma_unmap_single(jrdev, key_dma, *keylen, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
@@ -455,15 +443,14 @@ static int ahash_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *ahash,
                        const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)
        struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(ahash);
+       struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
        int blocksize = crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(&ahash->base);
        int digestsize = crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash);
        struct caam_drv_private *ctrlpriv = dev_get_drvdata(ctx->jrdev->parent);
        int ret;
        u8 *hashed_key = NULL;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       printk(KERN_ERR "keylen %d\n", keylen);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "keylen %d\n", keylen);
        if (keylen > blocksize) {
                hashed_key = kmemdup(key, keylen, GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA);
@@ -592,11 +579,9 @@ static void ahash_done(struct device *jrdev, u32 *desc, 
u32 err,
        struct crypto_ahash *ahash = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);
        int digestsize = crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash);
        struct caam_hash_state *state = ahash_request_ctx(req);
-#ifdef DEBUG
        struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(ahash);
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct ahash_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
        if (err)
@@ -606,11 +591,9 @@ static void ahash_done(struct device *jrdev, u32 *desc, 
u32 err,
        memcpy(req->result, state->caam_ctx, digestsize);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, state->caam_ctx,
                       ctx->ctx_len, 1);
        req->base.complete(&req->base, err);
@@ -623,11 +606,9 @@ static void ahash_done_bi(struct device *jrdev, u32 *desc, 
u32 err,
        struct crypto_ahash *ahash = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);
        struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(ahash);
        struct caam_hash_state *state = ahash_request_ctx(req);
-#ifdef DEBUG
        int digestsize = crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash);
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct ahash_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
        if (err)
@@ -637,15 +618,13 @@ static void ahash_done_bi(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, state->caam_ctx,
                       ctx->ctx_len, 1);
        if (req->result)
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "result@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("result@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->result,
                               digestsize, 1);
        req->base.complete(&req->base, err);
@@ -658,11 +637,9 @@ static void ahash_done_ctx_src(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
        struct crypto_ahash *ahash = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);
        int digestsize = crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash);
        struct caam_hash_state *state = ahash_request_ctx(req);
-#ifdef DEBUG
        struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(ahash);
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct ahash_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
        if (err)
@@ -672,11 +649,9 @@ static void ahash_done_ctx_src(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
        memcpy(req->result, state->caam_ctx, digestsize);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, state->caam_ctx,
                       ctx->ctx_len, 1);
        req->base.complete(&req->base, err);
@@ -689,11 +664,9 @@ static void ahash_done_ctx_dst(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
        struct crypto_ahash *ahash = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(req);
        struct caam_hash_ctx *ctx = crypto_ahash_ctx(ahash);
        struct caam_hash_state *state = ahash_request_ctx(req);
-#ifdef DEBUG
        int digestsize = crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash);
-       dev_err(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        edesc = container_of(desc, struct ahash_edesc, hw_desc[0]);
        if (err)
@@ -703,15 +676,13 @@ static void ahash_done_ctx_dst(struct device *jrdev, u32 
*desc, u32 err,
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, state->caam_ctx,
                       ctx->ctx_len, 1);
        if (req->result)
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "result@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("result@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, req->result,
                               digestsize, 1);
        req->base.complete(&req->base, err);
@@ -885,11 +856,9 @@ static int ahash_update_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
                append_seq_out_ptr(desc, state->ctx_dma, ctx->ctx_len, 0);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
                               desc_bytes(desc), 1);
                ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done_bi, req);
                if (ret)
@@ -902,13 +871,12 @@ static int ahash_update_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
                *buflen = *next_buflen;
                *next_buflen = last_buflen;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, buf, *buflen, 1);
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "next buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("next buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, next_buf,
                       *next_buflen, 1);
        return ret;
@@ -969,10 +937,8 @@ static int ahash_final_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
        append_seq_out_ptr(desc, state->ctx_dma, digestsize, 0);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done_ctx_src, req);
        if (ret)
@@ -1050,10 +1016,8 @@ static int ahash_finup_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
        append_seq_out_ptr(desc, state->ctx_dma, digestsize, 0);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done_ctx_src, req);
        if (ret)
@@ -1127,10 +1091,8 @@ static int ahash_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
                return -ENOMEM;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done, req);
        if (!ret) {
@@ -1182,10 +1144,8 @@ static int ahash_final_no_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
        if (ret)
                goto unmap;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done, req);
        if (!ret) {
@@ -1305,11 +1265,9 @@ static int ahash_update_no_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
                if (ret)
                        goto unmap_ctx;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
                               desc_bytes(desc), 1);
                ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done_ctx_dst, req);
                if (ret)
@@ -1325,13 +1283,12 @@ static int ahash_update_no_ctx(struct ahash_request 
                *buflen = *next_buflen;
                *next_buflen = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, buf, *buflen, 1);
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "next buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("next buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, next_buf,
                       *next_buflen, 1);
        return ret;
@@ -1406,10 +1363,8 @@ static int ahash_finup_no_ctx(struct ahash_request *req)
        if (ret)
                goto unmap;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done, req);
        if (!ret) {
@@ -1509,11 +1464,9 @@ static int ahash_update_first(struct ahash_request *req)
                if (ret)
                        goto unmap_ctx;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
                               desc_bytes(desc), 1);
                ret = caam_jr_enqueue(jrdev, desc, ahash_done_ctx_dst, req);
                if (ret)
@@ -1531,11 +1484,10 @@ static int ahash_update_first(struct ahash_request *req)
                                         req->nbytes, 0);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "next buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("next buf@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, next_buf,
                       *next_buflen, 1);
        return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamrng.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamrng.c
index 95eb5402c59f..fc6ea609bf8f 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamrng.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamrng.c
@@ -113,10 +113,8 @@ static void rng_done(struct device *jrdev, u32 *desc, u32 
err, void *context)
        /* Buffer refilled, invalidate cache */
        dma_sync_single_for_cpu(jrdev, bd->addr, RN_BUF_SIZE, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "rng refreshed buf@: ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rng refreshed buf@: ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, bd->buf, RN_BUF_SIZE, 1);
 static inline int submit_job(struct caam_rng_ctx *ctx, int to_current)
@@ -209,10 +207,10 @@ static inline int rng_create_sh_desc(struct caam_rng_ctx 
                dev_err(jrdev, "unable to map shared descriptor\n");
                return -ENOMEM;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "rng shdesc@: ", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4,
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rng shdesc@: ", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4,
                       desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        return 0;
@@ -233,10 +231,10 @@ static inline int rng_create_job_desc(struct caam_rng_ctx 
*ctx, int buf_id)
        append_seq_out_ptr_intlen(desc, bd->addr, RN_BUF_SIZE, 0);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "rng job desc@: ", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4,
+       print_hex_dump_debug("rng job desc@: ", DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4,
                       desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/key_gen.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/key_gen.c
index 8d0713fae6ac..dd0bed100195 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/key_gen.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/key_gen.c
@@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ void split_key_done(struct device *dev, u32 *desc, u32 err,
        struct split_key_result *res = context;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(dev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
+       dev_dbg(dev, "%s %d: err 0x%x\n", __func__, __LINE__, err);
        if (err)
                caam_jr_strstatus(dev, err);
@@ -55,12 +53,10 @@ int gen_split_key(struct device *jrdev, u8 *key_out,
        adata->keylen_pad = split_key_pad_len(adata->algtype &
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       dev_err(jrdev, "split keylen %d split keylen padded %d\n",
+       dev_dbg(jrdev, "split keylen %d split keylen padded %d\n",
                adata->keylen, adata->keylen_pad);
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx.key@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("ctx.key@" __stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key_in, keylen, 1);
        if (adata->keylen_pad > max_keylen)
                return -EINVAL;
@@ -102,10 +98,8 @@ int gen_split_key(struct device *jrdev, u8 *key_out,
        append_fifo_store(desc, dma_addr, adata->keylen,
                          LDST_CLASS_2_CCB | FIFOST_TYPE_SPLIT_KEK);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("jobdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc, desc_bytes(desc), 1);
        result.err = 0;
@@ -115,11 +109,10 @@ int gen_split_key(struct device *jrdev, u8 *key_out,
                /* in progress */
                ret = result.err;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-               print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "ctx.key@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+               print_hex_dump_debug("ctx.key@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
                               DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key_out,
                               adata->keylen_pad, 1);
        dma_unmap_single(jrdev, dma_addr, adata->keylen_pad, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/sg_sw_sec4.h b/drivers/crypto/caam/sg_sw_sec4.h
index dbfa9fce33e0..eddc290405e1 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/sg_sw_sec4.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/sg_sw_sec4.h
@@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ static inline void dma_to_sec4_sg_one(struct sec4_sg_entry 
                sec4_sg_ptr->bpid_offset = cpu_to_caam32(offset &
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "sec4_sg_ptr@: ",
+       print_hex_dump_debug("sec4_sg_ptr@: ",
                       DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, sec4_sg_ptr,
                       sizeof(struct sec4_sg_entry), 1);

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