Daniel Axtens <d...@axtens.net> writes:

> Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au> writes:
>> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 03:35:51AM +1000, Daniel Axtens wrote:
>>> By all means disable vmx ctr if I don't get an answer to you in a
>>> timeframe you are comfortable with, but I am going to at least try to
>>> have a look.
>> I'm happy to give you guys more time.  How much time do you think
>> you will need?
> Give me till the end of the week: if I haven't solved it by then I will
> probably have to give up and go on to other things anyway.

So as you've hopefully seen, I've nailed it down and posted a patch.

I'm also seeing issues with ghash with the extended tests:

[    7.582926] alg: hash: p8_ghash test failed (wrong result) on test vector 0, 
cfg="random: use_final src_divs=[<reimport>9.72%@+39832, 
<reimport>18.2%@+65504, <reimport,nosimd>45.57%@alignmask+18, 
<reimport,nosimd>15.6%@+65496, 6.83%@+65514, <reimport,nosimd>1.2%@+25, <reim"

It seems to happen when one of the source divisions has nosimd and the
final result uses the simd finaliser, so that's interesting.


> (FWIW, it seems to happen when encoding greater than 4 but less than 8
> AES blocks - in particular with both 7 and 5 blocks encoded I can see it
> go wrong from block 4 onwards. No idea why yet, and the asm is pretty
> dense, but that's where I'm at at the moment.)
> Regards,
> Daniel
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
>> Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
>> PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

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