> -----Original Message-----
> From: linux-crypto-ow...@vger.kernel.org [mailto:linux-crypto-
> ow...@vger.kernel.org] On Behalf Of antoine.ten...@bootlin.com
> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 3:27 PM
> To: Pascal Van Leeuwen <pvanleeu...@insidesecure.com>
> Cc: linux-crypto@vger.kernel.org; antoine.ten...@bootlin.com; Herbert
> Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>; ' David S. Miller '
> <da...@davemloft.net>
> Subject: Re: crypto: inside_secure - call for volunteers
> Hi Pascal,
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 01:08:27PM +0000, Pascal Van Leeuwen wrote:
> >
> > Over the past weeks I have been working on the crypto driver for
> > Inside Secure (EIP97/EIP197) hardware. This started out as a personal
> > side project to be able to do some architectural exploration using
> > real application software, but as I started fixing issues I realised
> > these fixes may be generally useful. So I guess I might want to try
> > upstreaming those.
> That's great!
> > My problem, however, is that I do not have access to any of the
> > original Marvell hardware that this driver was developed for, I can
> > only test things on my PCI-E based FPGA development board with much
> > newer, differently configured hardware in an x86 PC. So I'm looking
> > for volunteers that actually do have this Marvell HW at their
> disposal
> > - Marvell Armada 7K or 8K e.g. Macchiatobin (Riku? You wanted a
> driver
> > that did not need to load firmware, this your chance to help out! :-
> ),
> > Marvell Armada  3700 e.g. Espressobin and Marvell Armada 39x to be
> > exact - and are willing to help me out with some testing.
> I do have access to Marvell boards, having the EIP197 & EIP97 engines.
> I
> can help testing your modifications on those boards. Do you have a
> public branch somewhere I can access?
I do have a git tree on Github:

The branch I've been working on is "is_driver_armada_fix".

I don't actually know if that's publicly accessible or if I need to
do something to make it so ... first time Git user here :-) So let me
know if you have issues accessing that.

Alternatively, I can also send a patch file against the driver that's
currently part of the kernel mainline Git. Or a source tarball FTM.

> > Things that I worked on so far:
> > - all registered ciphersuites now pass the testmgr compliance tests
> > - fixed stability issues
> > - removed dependency on external firmware images
> > - added support for non-Marvell configurations of the EIP97 & EIP197
> > - added support for the latest HW & FW revisions (3.1) and features
> > - added support for the Xilinx FPGA development board we're using for
> our
> >   internal development and for which we also provide images to our
> customers
> I'm happy to see some activity on this driver :) I too was working on
> making the boot test suite pass (some tests were not working since the
> testmgr rework and improvement), and on performance improvement.
> > Once I manage to get this upstreamed, I plan on working on improving
> > performance and adding support for additional algorithms our hardware
> > supports.
> >
> > Anyone out there willing to contribute?
> If there is a branch publicly available, I'll be happy to give it a
> try.
> Thanks,
> Antoine
> --
> Antoine Ténart, Bootlin
> Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
> https://bootlin.com

Pascal van Leeuwen
Silicon IP Architect, Multi-Protocol Engines @ Inside Secure

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