This series contains the remaining fixes in preparation of the
comparison fuzz tests I've proposed in the series
"crypto: fuzz algorithms against their generic implementation".

I will send a new version of the testmgr patches separately.

These fixes and my latest tests can also be retrieved from git at:

        Branch: cryptofuzz-vs-generic

Eric Biggers (7):
  crypto: lrw - don't access already-freed walk.iv
  crypto: salsa20 - don't access already-freed walk.iv
  crypto: arm/aes-neonbs - don't access already-freed walk.iv
  crypto: arm64/aes-neonbs - don't access already-freed walk.iv
  crypto: gcm - fix incompatibility between "gcm" and "gcm_base"
  crypto: ccm - fix incompatibility between "ccm" and "ccm_base"
  crypto: vmx - return correct error code on failed setkey

 arch/arm/crypto/aes-neonbs-glue.c   |  2 ++
 arch/arm64/crypto/aes-neonbs-glue.c |  2 ++
 crypto/ccm.c                        | 43 ++++++++++++-----------------
 crypto/gcm.c                        | 32 ++++++---------------
 crypto/lrw.c                        |  4 ++-
 crypto/salsa20_generic.c            |  2 +-
 drivers/crypto/vmx/aes.c            |  7 +++--
 drivers/crypto/vmx/aes_cbc.c        |  7 +++--
 drivers/crypto/vmx/aes_ctr.c        |  5 ++--
 drivers/crypto/vmx/aes_xts.c        |  9 +++---
 10 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)


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