On 2/8/2019 1:45 PM, Herbert Xu wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 08, 2019 at 08:41:37AM +0000, Horia Geanta wrote:
>> So if there is a real intention to support offloading skcipher, as this old
>> commit suggests:
>> 84c911523020 ("[CRYPTO] gcm: Add support for async ciphers")
>>     This patch adds the necessary changes for GCM to be used with async
>>     ciphers.  This would allow it to be used with hardware devices that
>>     support CTR.
>> then we must take special care when building skcipher req->src and avoid 
>> having
>> it's first entry (auth_tag[16] in crypto_gcm_req_priv_ctx structure) sharing 
>> a
>> cache line with req->iv.
> Could you prepare a patch for this?
Yes, will do.

Note that I am seeing the same issue on CCM.

Also for GCM, besides auth_tag there is iauth_tag[16] buffer that is added in a
1-entry S/G in gcm_hash_len():
        sg_init_one(&pctx->sg, pctx->iauth_tag, 16);

It looks like there other places where this happens, for e.g. "tail" member of
poly_req (crypto/cacha20poly1305.c) in poly_tail():
        sg_set_buf(preq->src, &preq->tail, sizeof(preq->tail));


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