Send input as IV | AAD | Data. It will allow sending IV as Immediate
Data and Creates space in Work request to add more dma mapped entries.

Signed-off-by: Harsh Jain <>
 drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c   | 212 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.h   |   2 +-
 drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h |  10 +-
 3 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c 
index 497c578..2b26735 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.c
@@ -2215,10 +2215,7 @@ static int chcr_aead_common_init(struct aead_request 
                error = -ENOMEM;
                goto err;
-       reqctx->aad_nents = sg_nents_xlen(req->src, req->assoclen,
-                                         CHCR_SRC_SG_SIZE, 0);
-       reqctx->src_nents = sg_nents_xlen(req->src, req->cryptlen,
-                                         CHCR_SRC_SG_SIZE, req->assoclen);
        return 0;
        return error;
@@ -2268,10 +2265,10 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_authenc_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx;
        unsigned int transhdr_len;
        unsigned int dst_size = 0, temp, subtype = get_aead_subtype(tfm);
-       unsigned int   kctx_len = 0, dnents;
-       unsigned int  assoclen = req->assoclen;
+       unsigned int   kctx_len = 0, dnents, snents;
        unsigned int  authsize = crypto_aead_authsize(tfm);
        int error = -EINVAL;
+       u8 *ivptr;
        int null = 0;
        gfp_t flags = req->base.flags & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP ? GFP_KERNEL :
@@ -2288,24 +2285,20 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_authenc_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        if (subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CBC_NULL ||
                subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_NULL) {
                null = 1;
-               assoclen = 0;
-               reqctx->aad_nents = 0;
-       dnents = sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, assoclen, CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, 0);
-       dnents += sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, req->cryptlen +
-               (reqctx->op ? -authsize : authsize), CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE,
-               req->assoclen);
+       dnents = sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, req->assoclen + req->cryptlen +
+               (reqctx->op ? -authsize : authsize), CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, 0);
        dnents += MIN_AUTH_SG; // For IV
+       snents = sg_nents_xlen(req->src, req->assoclen + req->cryptlen,
+                              CHCR_SRC_SG_SIZE, 0);
        dst_size = get_space_for_phys_dsgl(dnents);
        kctx_len = (ntohl(KEY_CONTEXT_CTX_LEN_V(aeadctx->key_ctx_hdr)) << 4)
                - sizeof(chcr_req->key_ctx);
        transhdr_len = CIPHER_TRANSHDR_SIZE(kctx_len, dst_size);
-       reqctx->imm = (transhdr_len + assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen) <
+       reqctx->imm = (transhdr_len + req->assoclen + req->cryptlen) <
-       temp = reqctx->imm ? roundup(assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen, 16)
-                       : (sgl_len(reqctx->src_nents + reqctx->aad_nents
-                       + MIN_GCM_SG) * 8);
+       temp = reqctx->imm ? roundup(req->assoclen + req->cryptlen, 16)
+                       : (sgl_len(snents) * 8);
        transhdr_len += temp;
        transhdr_len = roundup(transhdr_len, 16);
@@ -2315,7 +2308,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_authenc_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
                return ERR_PTR(chcr_aead_fallback(req, reqctx->op));
-       skb = alloc_skb(SGE_MAX_WR_LEN, flags);
+       skb = alloc_skb(transhdr_len, flags);
        if (!skb) {
                error = -ENOMEM;
                goto err;
@@ -2331,16 +2324,16 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_authenc_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
         * to the hardware spec
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.op_ivinsrtofst =
-               FILL_SEC_CPL_OP_IVINSR(a_ctx(tfm)->dev->rx_channel_id, 2,
-                                      assoclen + 1);
-       chcr_req->sec_cpl.pldlen = htonl(assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen);
+               FILL_SEC_CPL_OP_IVINSR(a_ctx(tfm)->dev->rx_channel_id, 2, 1);
+       chcr_req->sec_cpl.pldlen = htonl(req->assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen);
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.aadstart_cipherstop_hi = FILL_SEC_CPL_CIPHERSTOP_HI(
-                                       assoclen ? 1 : 0, assoclen,
-                                       assoclen + IV + 1,
+                                       null ? 0 : 1 + IV,
+                                       null ? 0 : IV + req->assoclen,
+                                       req->assoclen + IV + 1,
                                        (temp & 0x1F0) >> 4);
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.cipherstop_lo_authinsert = FILL_SEC_CPL_AUTHINSERT(
                                        temp & 0xF,
-                                       null ? 0 : assoclen + IV + 1,
+                                       null ? 0 : req->assoclen + IV + 1,
                                        temp, temp);
        if (subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_NULL ||
            subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_SHA)
@@ -2367,23 +2360,24 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_authenc_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        memcpy(chcr_req->key_ctx.key + roundup(aeadctx->enckey_len, 16),
               actx->h_iopad, kctx_len - roundup(aeadctx->enckey_len, 16));
+       phys_cpl = (struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *)((u8 *)(chcr_req + 1) + kctx_len);
+       ivptr = (u8 *)(phys_cpl + 1) + dst_size;
+       ulptx = (struct ulptx_sgl *)(ivptr + IV);
        if (subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_SHA ||
            subtype == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_CTR_NULL) {
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv, aeadctx->nonce, CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE);
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE, req->iv,
+               memcpy(ivptr, aeadctx->nonce, CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE);
+               memcpy(ivptr + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE, req->iv,
-               *(__be32 *)(reqctx->iv + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE +
+               *(__be32 *)(ivptr + CTR_RFC3686_NONCE_SIZE +
                        CTR_RFC3686_IV_SIZE) = cpu_to_be32(1);
        } else {
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv, req->iv, IV);
+               memcpy(ivptr, req->iv, IV);
-       phys_cpl = (struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *)((u8 *)(chcr_req + 1) + kctx_len);
-       ulptx = (struct ulptx_sgl *)((u8 *)(phys_cpl + 1) + dst_size);
-       chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(req, phys_cpl, assoclen, qid);
-       chcr_add_aead_src_ent(req, ulptx, assoclen);
+       chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(req, phys_cpl, qid);
+       chcr_add_aead_src_ent(req, ulptx);
-       temp = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl) + dst_size +
-               kctx_len + (reqctx->imm ? (assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen) : 0);
+       temp = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl) + dst_size + IV +
+               kctx_len + (reqctx->imm ? (req->assoclen + req->cryptlen) : 0);
        create_wreq(a_ctx(tfm), chcr_req, &req->base, reqctx->imm, size,
                   transhdr_len, temp, 0);
        reqctx->skb = skb;
@@ -2470,8 +2464,7 @@ void chcr_aead_dma_unmap(struct device *dev,
 void chcr_add_aead_src_ent(struct aead_request *req,
-                          struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx,
-                          unsigned int assoclen)
+                          struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx)
        struct ulptx_walk ulp_walk;
        struct chcr_aead_reqctx  *reqctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
@@ -2484,28 +2477,20 @@ void chcr_add_aead_src_ent(struct aead_request *req,
                        buf += reqctx->b0_len;
                sg_pcopy_to_buffer(req->src, sg_nents(req->src),
-                                  buf, assoclen, 0);
-               buf += assoclen;
-               memcpy(buf, reqctx->iv, IV);
-               buf += IV;
-               sg_pcopy_to_buffer(req->src, sg_nents(req->src),
-                                  buf, req->cryptlen, req->assoclen);
+                                  buf, req->cryptlen + req->assoclen, 0);
        } else {
                ulptx_walk_init(&ulp_walk, ulptx);
                if (reqctx->b0_len)
                        ulptx_walk_add_page(&ulp_walk, reqctx->b0_len,
-               ulptx_walk_add_sg(&ulp_walk, req->src, assoclen, 0);
-               ulptx_walk_add_page(&ulp_walk, IV, &reqctx->iv_dma);
-               ulptx_walk_add_sg(&ulp_walk, req->src, req->cryptlen,
-                                 req->assoclen);
+               ulptx_walk_add_sg(&ulp_walk, req->src, req->cryptlen +
+                                 req->assoclen,  0);
 void chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(struct aead_request *req,
                           struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *phys_cpl,
-                          unsigned int assoclen,
                           unsigned short qid)
        struct chcr_aead_reqctx  *reqctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
@@ -2516,12 +2501,10 @@ void chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(struct aead_request *req,
        u32 temp;
        dsgl_walk_init(&dsgl_walk, phys_cpl);
-       if (reqctx->b0_len)
-               dsgl_walk_add_page(&dsgl_walk, reqctx->b0_len, &reqctx->b0_dma);
-       dsgl_walk_add_sg(&dsgl_walk, req->dst, assoclen, 0);
-       dsgl_walk_add_page(&dsgl_walk, IV, &reqctx->iv_dma);
-       temp = req->cryptlen + (reqctx->op ? -authsize : authsize);
-       dsgl_walk_add_sg(&dsgl_walk, req->dst, temp, req->assoclen);
+       dsgl_walk_add_page(&dsgl_walk, IV + reqctx->b0_len, &reqctx->iv_dma);
+       temp = req->assoclen + req->cryptlen +
+               (reqctx->op ? -authsize : authsize);
+       dsgl_walk_add_sg(&dsgl_walk, req->dst, temp, 0);
        dsgl_walk_end(&dsgl_walk, qid, ctx->pci_chan_id);
@@ -2689,8 +2672,7 @@ static int set_msg_len(u8 *block, unsigned int msglen, 
int csize)
        return 0;
-static void generate_b0(struct aead_request *req,
-                       struct chcr_aead_ctx *aeadctx,
+static void generate_b0(struct aead_request *req, u8 *ivptr,
                        unsigned short op_type)
        unsigned int l, lp, m;
@@ -2701,7 +2683,7 @@ static void generate_b0(struct aead_request *req,
        m = crypto_aead_authsize(aead);
-       memcpy(b0, reqctx->iv, 16);
+       memcpy(b0, ivptr, 16);
        lp = b0[0];
        l = lp + 1;
@@ -2727,29 +2709,31 @@ static inline int crypto_ccm_check_iv(const u8 *iv)
 static int ccm_format_packet(struct aead_request *req,
-                            struct chcr_aead_ctx *aeadctx,
+                            u8 *ivptr,
                             unsigned int sub_type,
                             unsigned short op_type,
                             unsigned int assoclen)
        struct chcr_aead_reqctx *reqctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+       struct crypto_aead *tfm = crypto_aead_reqtfm(req);
+       struct chcr_aead_ctx *aeadctx = AEAD_CTX(a_ctx(tfm));
        int rc = 0;
        if (sub_type == CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_AEAD_RFC4309) {
-               reqctx->iv[0] = 3;
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv + 1, &aeadctx->salt[0], 3);
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv + 4, req->iv, 8);
-               memset(reqctx->iv + 12, 0, 4);
+               ivptr[0] = 3;
+               memcpy(ivptr + 1, &aeadctx->salt[0], 3);
+               memcpy(ivptr + 4, req->iv, 8);
+               memset(ivptr + 12, 0, 4);
        } else {
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv, req->iv, 16);
+               memcpy(ivptr, req->iv, 16);
        if (assoclen)
                *((unsigned short *)(reqctx->scratch_pad + 16)) =
-       generate_b0(req, aeadctx, op_type);
+       generate_b0(req, ivptr, op_type);
        /* zero the ctr value */
-       memset(reqctx->iv + 15 - reqctx->iv[0], 0, reqctx->iv[0] + 1);
+       memset(ivptr + 15 - ivptr[0], 0, ivptr[0] + 1);
        return rc;
@@ -2775,7 +2759,7 @@ static void fill_sec_cpl_for_aead(struct cpl_tx_sec_pdu 
                ((assoclen) ? CCM_AAD_FIELD_SIZE : 0);
        auth_offset = req->cryptlen ?
-               (assoclen + IV + 1 + ccm_xtra) : 0;
+               (req->assoclen + IV + 1 + ccm_xtra) : 0;
        if (op_type == CHCR_DECRYPT_OP) {
                if (crypto_aead_authsize(tfm) != req->cryptlen)
                        tag_offset = crypto_aead_authsize(tfm);
@@ -2785,13 +2769,13 @@ static void fill_sec_cpl_for_aead(struct cpl_tx_sec_pdu 
        sec_cpl->op_ivinsrtofst = FILL_SEC_CPL_OP_IVINSR(c_id,
-                                        2, assoclen + 1 + ccm_xtra);
+                                        2, 1);
        sec_cpl->pldlen =
-               htonl(assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen + ccm_xtra);
+               htonl(req->assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen + ccm_xtra);
        /* For CCM there wil be b0 always. So AAD start will be 1 always */
        sec_cpl->aadstart_cipherstop_hi = FILL_SEC_CPL_CIPHERSTOP_HI(
-                                       1, assoclen + ccm_xtra, assoclen
-                                       + IV + 1 + ccm_xtra, 0);
+                               1 + IV, IV + assoclen + ccm_xtra,
+                               req->assoclen + IV + 1 + ccm_xtra, 0);
        sec_cpl->cipherstop_lo_authinsert = FILL_SEC_CPL_AUTHINSERT(0,
                                        auth_offset, tag_offset,
@@ -2838,10 +2822,11 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_aead_ccm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *phys_cpl;
        struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx;
        unsigned int transhdr_len;
-       unsigned int dst_size = 0, kctx_len, dnents, temp;
+       unsigned int dst_size = 0, kctx_len, dnents, temp, snents;
        unsigned int sub_type, assoclen = req->assoclen;
        unsigned int authsize = crypto_aead_authsize(tfm);
        int error = -EINVAL;
+       u8 *ivptr;
        gfp_t flags = req->base.flags & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP ? GFP_KERNEL :
        struct adapter *adap = padap(a_ctx(tfm)->dev);
@@ -2857,37 +2842,38 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_aead_ccm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        error = aead_ccm_validate_input(reqctx->op, req, aeadctx, sub_type);
        if (error)
                goto err;
-       dnents = sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, assoclen, CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, 0);
-       dnents += sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, req->cryptlen
+       dnents = sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, req->assoclen + req->cryptlen
                        + (reqctx->op ? -authsize : authsize),
-                       CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, req->assoclen);
+                       CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, 0);
        dnents += MIN_CCM_SG; // For IV and B0
        dst_size = get_space_for_phys_dsgl(dnents);
+       snents = sg_nents_xlen(req->src, req->assoclen + req->cryptlen,
+                              CHCR_SRC_SG_SIZE, 0);
+       snents += MIN_CCM_SG; //For B0
        kctx_len = roundup(aeadctx->enckey_len, 16) * 2;
        transhdr_len = CIPHER_TRANSHDR_SIZE(kctx_len, dst_size);
-       reqctx->imm = (transhdr_len + assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen +
+       reqctx->imm = (transhdr_len + req->assoclen + req->cryptlen +
                       reqctx->b0_len) <= SGE_MAX_WR_LEN;
-       temp = reqctx->imm ? roundup(assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen +
+       temp = reqctx->imm ? roundup(req->assoclen + req->cryptlen +
                                     reqctx->b0_len, 16) :
-               (sgl_len(reqctx->src_nents + reqctx->aad_nents +
-                                   MIN_CCM_SG) *  8);
+               (sgl_len(snents) *  8);
        transhdr_len += temp;
        transhdr_len = roundup(transhdr_len, 16);
        if (chcr_aead_need_fallback(req, dnents, T6_MAX_AAD_SIZE -
-                                   reqctx->b0_len, transhdr_len, reqctx->op)) {
+                               reqctx->b0_len, transhdr_len, reqctx->op)) {
                return ERR_PTR(chcr_aead_fallback(req, reqctx->op));
-       skb = alloc_skb(SGE_MAX_WR_LEN,  flags);
+       skb = alloc_skb(transhdr_len,  flags);
        if (!skb) {
                error = -ENOMEM;
                goto err;
-       chcr_req = (struct chcr_wr *) __skb_put_zero(skb, transhdr_len);
+       chcr_req = __skb_put_zero(skb, transhdr_len);
        fill_sec_cpl_for_aead(&chcr_req->sec_cpl, dst_size, req, reqctx->op);
@@ -2897,16 +2883,17 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_aead_ccm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
                        aeadctx->key, aeadctx->enckey_len);
        phys_cpl = (struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *)((u8 *)(chcr_req + 1) + kctx_len);
-       ulptx = (struct ulptx_sgl *)((u8 *)(phys_cpl + 1) + dst_size);
-       error = ccm_format_packet(req, aeadctx, sub_type, reqctx->op, assoclen);
+       ivptr = (u8 *)(phys_cpl + 1) + dst_size;
+       ulptx = (struct ulptx_sgl *)(ivptr + IV);
+       error = ccm_format_packet(req, ivptr, sub_type, reqctx->op, assoclen);
        if (error)
                goto dstmap_fail;
-       chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(req, phys_cpl, assoclen, qid);
-       chcr_add_aead_src_ent(req, ulptx, assoclen);
+       chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(req, phys_cpl, qid);
+       chcr_add_aead_src_ent(req, ulptx);
-       temp = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl) + dst_size +
-               kctx_len + (reqctx->imm ? (assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen +
+       temp = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl) + dst_size + IV +
+               kctx_len + (reqctx->imm ? (req->assoclen + req->cryptlen +
                reqctx->b0_len) : 0);
        create_wreq(a_ctx(tfm), chcr_req, &req->base, reqctx->imm, 0,
                    transhdr_len, temp, 0);
@@ -2931,10 +2918,11 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_gcm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        struct chcr_wr *chcr_req;
        struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *phys_cpl;
        struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx;
-       unsigned int transhdr_len, dnents = 0;
+       unsigned int transhdr_len, dnents = 0, snents;
        unsigned int dst_size = 0, temp = 0, kctx_len, assoclen = req->assoclen;
        unsigned int authsize = crypto_aead_authsize(tfm);
        int error = -EINVAL;
+       u8 *ivptr;
        gfp_t flags = req->base.flags & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP ? GFP_KERNEL :
        struct adapter *adap = padap(a_ctx(tfm)->dev);
@@ -2946,19 +2934,19 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_gcm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        error = chcr_aead_common_init(req);
        if (error)
                return ERR_PTR(error);
-       dnents = sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, assoclen, CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, 0);
-       dnents += sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, req->cryptlen +
+       dnents = sg_nents_xlen(req->dst, req->assoclen + req->cryptlen +
                                (reqctx->op ? -authsize : authsize),
-                               CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, req->assoclen);
+                               CHCR_DST_SG_SIZE, 0);
+       snents = sg_nents_xlen(req->src, req->assoclen + req->cryptlen,
+                              CHCR_SRC_SG_SIZE, 0);
        dnents += MIN_GCM_SG; // For IV
        dst_size = get_space_for_phys_dsgl(dnents);
        kctx_len = roundup(aeadctx->enckey_len, 16) + AEAD_H_SIZE;
        transhdr_len = CIPHER_TRANSHDR_SIZE(kctx_len, dst_size);
-       reqctx->imm = (transhdr_len + assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen) <=
+       reqctx->imm = (transhdr_len + req->assoclen + req->cryptlen) <=
-       temp = reqctx->imm ? roundup(assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen, 16) :
-               (sgl_len(reqctx->src_nents +
-               reqctx->aad_nents + MIN_GCM_SG) * 8);
+       temp = reqctx->imm ? roundup(req->assoclen + req->cryptlen, 16) :
+               (sgl_len(snents) * 8);
        transhdr_len += temp;
        transhdr_len = roundup(transhdr_len, 16);
        if (chcr_aead_need_fallback(req, dnents, T6_MAX_AAD_SIZE,
@@ -2968,7 +2956,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_gcm_wr(struct aead_request 
                return ERR_PTR(chcr_aead_fallback(req, reqctx->op));
-       skb = alloc_skb(SGE_MAX_WR_LEN, flags);
+       skb = alloc_skb(transhdr_len, flags);
        if (!skb) {
                error = -ENOMEM;
                goto err;
@@ -2979,15 +2967,15 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_gcm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        //Offset of tag from end
        temp = (reqctx->op == CHCR_ENCRYPT_OP) ? 0 : authsize;
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.op_ivinsrtofst = FILL_SEC_CPL_OP_IVINSR(
-                                       a_ctx(tfm)->dev->rx_channel_id, 2,
-                                       (assoclen + 1));
+                                       a_ctx(tfm)->dev->rx_channel_id, 2, 1);
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.pldlen =
-               htonl(assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen);
+               htonl(req->assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen);
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.aadstart_cipherstop_hi = FILL_SEC_CPL_CIPHERSTOP_HI(
-                                       assoclen ? 1 : 0, assoclen,
-                                       assoclen + IV + 1, 0);
+                                       assoclen ? 1 + IV : 0,
+                                       assoclen ? IV + assoclen : 0,
+                                       req->assoclen + IV + 1, 0);
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.cipherstop_lo_authinsert =
-                       FILL_SEC_CPL_AUTHINSERT(0, assoclen + IV + 1,
+                       FILL_SEC_CPL_AUTHINSERT(0, req->assoclen + IV + 1,
                                                temp, temp);
        chcr_req->sec_cpl.seqno_numivs =
                        FILL_SEC_CPL_SCMD0_SEQNO(reqctx->op, (reqctx->op ==
@@ -3002,25 +2990,26 @@ static struct sk_buff *create_gcm_wr(struct 
aead_request *req,
        memcpy(chcr_req->key_ctx.key + roundup(aeadctx->enckey_len, 16),
               GCM_CTX(aeadctx)->ghash_h, AEAD_H_SIZE);
+       phys_cpl = (struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *)((u8 *)(chcr_req + 1) + kctx_len);
+       ivptr = (u8 *)(phys_cpl + 1) + dst_size;
        /* prepare a 16 byte iv */
        /* S   A   L  T |  IV | 0x00000001 */
        if (get_aead_subtype(tfm) ==
            CRYPTO_ALG_SUB_TYPE_AEAD_RFC4106) {
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv, aeadctx->salt, 4);
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv + 4, req->iv, GCM_RFC4106_IV_SIZE);
+               memcpy(ivptr, aeadctx->salt, 4);
+               memcpy(ivptr + 4, req->iv, GCM_RFC4106_IV_SIZE);
        } else {
-               memcpy(reqctx->iv, req->iv, GCM_AES_IV_SIZE);
+               memcpy(ivptr, req->iv, GCM_AES_IV_SIZE);
-       *((unsigned int *)(reqctx->iv + 12)) = htonl(0x01);
+       *((unsigned int *)(ivptr + 12)) = htonl(0x01);
-       phys_cpl = (struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *)((u8 *)(chcr_req + 1) + kctx_len);
-       ulptx = (struct ulptx_sgl *)((u8 *)(phys_cpl + 1) + dst_size);
+       ulptx = (struct ulptx_sgl *)(ivptr + 16);
-       chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(req, phys_cpl, assoclen, qid);
-       chcr_add_aead_src_ent(req, ulptx, assoclen);
+       chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(req, phys_cpl, qid);
+       chcr_add_aead_src_ent(req, ulptx);
-       temp = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl) + dst_size +
-               kctx_len + (reqctx->imm ? (assoclen + IV + req->cryptlen) : 0);
+       temp = sizeof(struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl) + dst_size + IV +
+               kctx_len + (reqctx->imm ? (req->assoclen + req->cryptlen) : 0);
        create_wreq(a_ctx(tfm), chcr_req, &req->base, reqctx->imm, size,
                    transhdr_len, temp, reqctx->verify);
        reqctx->skb = skb;
@@ -4178,7 +4167,6 @@ static struct chcr_alg_template driver_algs[] = {
                        .setauthsize = chcr_authenc_null_setauthsize,
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.h 
index 1871500..ee20dd8 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_algo.h
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 #define MIN_AUTH_SG                    1 /* IV */
 #define MIN_GCM_SG                     1 /* IV */
 #define MIN_DIGEST_SG                  1 /*Partial Buffer*/
-#define MIN_CCM_SG                     2 /*IV+B0*/
+#define MIN_CCM_SG                     1 /*IV+B0*/
 #define CIP_SPACE_LEFT(len) \
        ((SGE_MAX_WR_LEN - CIP_WR_MIN_LEN - (len)))
 #define HASH_SPACE_LEFT(len) \
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h 
index d37ef41..655606f 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/chelsio/chcr_crypto.h
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
 #define CCM_B0_SIZE             16
 #define CCM_AAD_FIELD_SIZE      2
-#define T6_MAX_AAD_SIZE 511
+// 511 - 16(For IV)
+#define T6_MAX_AAD_SIZE 495
 /* Define following if h/w is not dropping the AAD and IV data before
@@ -185,9 +186,6 @@ struct chcr_aead_reqctx {
        dma_addr_t b0_dma;
        unsigned int b0_len;
        unsigned int op;
-       short int aad_nents;
-       short int src_nents;
-       short int dst_nents;
        u16 imm;
        u16 verify;
@@ -322,10 +320,8 @@ void chcr_aead_dma_unmap(struct device *dev, struct 
aead_request *req,
                         unsigned short op_type);
 void chcr_add_aead_dst_ent(struct aead_request *req,
                           struct cpl_rx_phys_dsgl *phys_cpl,
-                          unsigned int assoclen,
                           unsigned short qid);
-void chcr_add_aead_src_ent(struct aead_request *req, struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx,
-                          unsigned int assoclen);
+void chcr_add_aead_src_ent(struct aead_request *req, struct ulptx_sgl *ulptx);
 void chcr_add_cipher_src_ent(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
                             void *ulptx,
                             struct  cipher_wr_param *wrparam);

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