On (11/30/18 10:45), Dave Rodgman wrote:
> Looking a bit more closely, these structs are formatted fairly 
> inconsistently in the crypto directory. So, lzo-rle is consistent with 
> what lzo does... but various other files do it differently.
> I'm happy to submit a whitespace cleanup patch if people would like, and 
> get everything in that directory consistent (i.e. adopt a style similar 
> to the example below)?

I'm not in any position to ask you to do this; white-space clean ups
are not very popular (it's OK for staging tree; not so much otherwise).
So we better ask David and Herbert.

> static struct scomp_alg scomp = {
>          .alloc_ctx              = lzorle_alloc_ctx,
>          .free_ctx               = lzorle_free_ctx,
>          .compress               = lzorle_scompress,
>          .decompress             = lzorle_sdecompress,
>          .base                   = {
>                  .cra_name               = "lzo-rle",
>                  .cra_driver_name        = "lzo-rle-scomp",
>                  .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
>          }
> };

Looks nice.


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