On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 03:12:50PM +0300, Vitaly Chikunov wrote:
> Add GOST/IETF Streebog hash function (GOST R 34.11-2012, RFC 6986)
> generic hash transformation with appropriate testmgr and tcrypt
> tests and vectors.
> Streebog Hash Function (GOST R 34.11-2012, RFC 6986) is one of the Russian
> cryptographic standard algorithms (called GOST algorithms).
> References:
>   https://tc26.ru/upload/iblock/fed/feddbb4d26b685903faa2ba11aea43f6.pdf
>   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6986
> Tested using testmgr and tcrypt on x86_64, arm, arm64, and s390x on qemu.

We don't add algorithms purely used by user-space.

So please clarify who is going to be using this algorithm *within*
the kernel.

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

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