On Tue, 2018-09-25 at 22:12 +0200, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:05 PM Joe Perches <j...@perches.com> wrote:
> > As far as I can tell, zinc doesn't use pr_err, just
> > pr_info
> Yes, pr_info, not pr_err. Apologies for my imprecision. But the
> distinction does not matter at all, since they both use pr_fmt in
> exactly the same way, which is sufficient for the purposes of this
> discussion.
> > >  why can't I just do this from the makefile, since
> > > I want that same pr_fmt to copy the whole directory?
> > 
> > Ideally all of those
> > 
> > #define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt
> > 
> > uses will be removed one day soon and the default
> > will change.
> > 
> > https://lore.kernel.org/patchwork/cover/904507/
> > 
> > This slightly odd use might complicate that.
> Oh, that's good to see. In this case, I'm prefixing all of them with
> zinc: instead of zinc_chacha20: (the modname), but I wouldn't object
> to that changing to KBUILD_MODNAME if your patch lands. IOW, once your
> patch lands, I'm happy to revisit this discussion and fall back to
> using the sane defaults you're in the process of setting up for
> everyone.

I'd still prefer as all these are effectively
debugging output that you convert the pr_info
uses pr_debug and so avoid using pr_fmt altogether.

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