On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 02:22:22PM +0200, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out necessary locking on the driver side of
> crypto HW accelerator for symmetric hash (actually: CRC). I
> implemented quite simple driver for shash_alg.
> I looked at the docs, I looked at the crypto kcapi core code... and
> there is nothing about necessary locking. kcapi does not perform it.
> My HW is quite similar to drivers/crypto/stm32/stm32_crc32.c so it has
> only one HW set of registers for dealing with CRC. Or in other words,
> only one queue of one element. :) I implemented all shash_alg
> callbacks - init(), update(), final()... and also finup() (manually
> calling update+final) and digest() (init+update+final).
> Now imagine multiple user-space users of this crypto alg where all of
> them call kcapi_md_digest() (so essentially init() -> update() ->
> final()). It seems that kcapi does not perform any locking here so at
> some point updates from different processes might be mixed with
> finals:
> Process A:             Process B:
> init()
>                        init()
> update()
>                        update()
> final()
>                        final()
> My findings show that the requests are indeed being mixed with each other...

After each operation all state must be stored in the ahash_request
object.  The next operation should then load the state from the
request object into the hardware.

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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