
> > > >        "There have some functions be locked-down because
> > > >        there have no appropriate mechanisms to check the
> > > >        integrity of writing data."
> > > >        https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10476751/
> > > 
> > > So your goal is to make hibernation compatible with kernel
> > > lockdown? Do your patches provide sufficient security that hibernation
> > > can be enabled with kernel lockdown?
> > 
> > OK, maybe I am dense, but if the key comes from user space, will that
> > be enough?
> > 
> Good point, we once tried to generate key in kernel, but people
> suggest to generate key in userspace and provide it to the
> kernel, which is what ecryptfs do currently, so it seems this
> should also be safe for encryption in kernel.

Safe against what kind of attack? Please describe what kind of
security you are trying to provide.

I don't think generating key in userspace is good enough for providing
guarantees for secure-boot.

(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) 

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