
Le mercredi 18 juillet 2018 à 13:36 -0400, Theodore Y. Ts'o a écrit :

> For those people who are super paranoid and want a "true random
> number generator" (and the meaning of that is hazy) because a
> CRNG is Not Enough, my recommendation these days is that they get
> something like an open hardware RNG solution, such as ChaosKey from
> Altus Metrum[1].
> [1] https://altusmetrum.org/ChaosKey/

I could suggest "Infinite Noise" [1] keys which are also open hardware.
They use a different design, based on "modular multiplication" which
should be immune to most RF noise, 

The original model is currently sold out[2] but a fork exists[3].

One can also have a look at OneRNG [4][5] which uses a more usual
design but adds a nice EMI shield protection.

[1] https://github.com/waywardgeek/infnoise
[4] http://onerng.info/
[5] http://moonbaseotago.com/onerng/


Yann Droneaud

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