Hi Herbert,

I am evaluating whether ahash implementation in caam crypto driver
behaves correctly.
One thing I've noticed is that for each ahash tfm there is support for
at most two in-flight requests, and I would like to know whether this is
an issue or not.

In this context, could you please clarify whether your previous answer:
> If any async operation returns EINPROGRESS, the client must not
> proceed until that operation has completed.
refers only to ahash operations OR to any crypto API async operation?
IIUC this would be equivalent to saying that crypto API allows only for
one in-flight request per tfm, correct?

If your answer applies to any async operation, then I see at least one
in-kernel user not complying with the rule - dm-crypt.

Does it actually apply to ahash and, generalizing, to any algorithm for
which chunking is inherently serial (each crypto request having a data
dependency on previous request)?


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