On 20/07/17 06:36 AM, Horia Geantă wrote:
> include/asm-generic/iomap.h is included before
> include/linux/io-64-nonatomic-lo-hi.h:
> include/linux/io.h -> arch/powerpc/include/asm/io.h ->
> include/asm-generic/iomap.h
> Thus, the "extern" version of ioread64_lo_hi and friends will be used
> (and not the inline version from io-64-nonatomic-lo-hi.h).
> But for this kernel .config:
> -there is no implementation of io{read|write}64[be]{_lo_hi|_hi_lo} in
> arch/powerpc/kernel/iomap.c

Ah, thanks for the triage. I'll take a look at fixing this for a v5.


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