Dear all,

looking for a Freescale RNGB/C driver, I came across this old mail
thread. It seems the review got stuck and the driver was never merged.
This mail is the latest conversation I could find.

I would like to pick up this work and prepare the RNGC driver for
merging into the mailine kernel.

Thus wrote Vladimir Zapolskiy (

> > +#define RNGC_VERID_VERSION_MAJOR_MASK              0x0000ff00
> > +#define RNGC_VERID_VERSION_MAJOR_SHIFT             8
> > +#define RNGC_VERID_VERSION_MINOR_MASK              0x000000ff
> > +#define RNGC_VERID_VERSION_MINOR_SHIFT             0

> All RNGC_VERID_* are not used. And actually quite many other
> defined values are not used, e.g. all *_ZEROS_MASK etc.

I removed unused defines.

> > +   struct mxc_rngc *rngc = (struct mxc_rngc *)priv;
> > +   int handled = IRQ_NONE;
> > +
> > +   /* is the seed creation done? */
> > +   if (__raw_readl(rngc->base + RNGC_STATUS) & RNGC_STATUS_SEED_DONE) {
> > +           complete(&rngc->rng_seed_done);
> > +           __raw_writel(RNGC_CMD_CLR_INT | RNGC_CMD_CLR_ERR,
> > +                        rngc->base + RNGC_COMMAND);
> > +           handled = IRQ_HANDLED;
> > +   }
> > +
> > +   /* is the self test done? */
> > +   if (__raw_readl(rngc->base + RNGC_STATUS) & RNGC_STATUS_ST_DONE) {
> > +           complete(&rngc->rng_self_testing);
> > +           __raw_writel(RNGC_CMD_CLR_INT | RNGC_CMD_CLR_ERR,
> > +                        rngc->base + RNGC_COMMAND);
> > +           handled = IRQ_HANDLED;
> > +   }
> > +
> > +   /* is there any error? */
> > +   if (__raw_readl(rngc->base + RNGC_STATUS) & RNGC_STATUS_ERROR) {
> > +           /* clear interrupt */
> > +           __raw_writel(RNGC_CMD_CLR_INT | RNGC_CMD_CLR_ERR,
> > +                        rngc->base + RNGC_COMMAND);
> > +           handled = IRQ_HANDLED;

> For the code errors seem to be harmless, is it so? Does it make
> sense to inform a user about errors?

Either one of the completions is triggered or we time out when we wait
on a wait queue, see below. In any case, we read the error register and
abort the operation if there's an error.

> > +           wait_for_completion(&rngc->rng_self_testing);

> I would suggest to use wait_for_completion_timeout().

I fixed this.

> > +
> > +   } while (__raw_readl(rngc->base + RNGC_ERROR) &
> > +            RNGC_ERROR_STATUS_ST_ERR);

> Logic of running a self test until error condition is gone looks strange.

Agreed. I don't see why the self test should fail in the first run and
complete successfully when we retry without a reset. I changed the code
to run the self test only once.

> > +
> > +   /* clear interrupt. Is it really necessary here? */
> > +   __raw_writel(RNGC_CMD_CLR_INT | RNGC_CMD_CLR_ERR,
> > +                rngc->base + RNGC_COMMAND);

> Answering the question above I believe it is not needed here.

True. The irq handler clears the error status and interrupt bits.

> > +           wait_for_completion(&rngc->rng_seed_done);

> I would suggest to use wait_for_completion_timeout().


> > +
> > +   } while (__raw_readl(rngc->base + RNGC_ERROR) &
> > +            RNGC_ERROR_STATUS_STAT_ERR);

> Any chance to loop forever?

I exit the loop now for all errors except the "statistical error". This
+ the timeout on the wait queue should prevent us from looping forever.

> > +   if (ret) {
> > +           dev_err(rngc->dev, "Can't get interrupt working.\n");
> > +           return -EIO;

> Leaked enabled rngc->clk clock on error path.

I restructured the probe function such that the clock is disabled when
there's an error after it was enabled.

Best regards,


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