Am Montag, 24. April 2017, 10:43:24 CEST schrieb Herbert Xu:

Hi Herbert,

> On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 06:35:07PM +0200, Stephan Müller wrote:
> > After checking again, IMHO that is no unreleated cleanup or even a cleanup
> > at all.
> > 
> > void *private used to be struct crypto_aead and is now struct aead_tfm.
> > struct crypto_aead is found in private->aead. Hence, the patch assigned
> > private to tfm and then obtained the struct crypto_aead pointer. As this
> > was not necessary before, it is a required extension IMHO.
> Fair enough.
> But what about the change in aead_sock_destruct? Can you explain why
> it is no longer possible to obtain the tfm from ctx->aead_req?
> Thanks,

aead_request_set_callback(&ctx->aead_req) is set in aead_accept_parent_nokey. 
aead_accept_parent_nokey is only invoked from aead_accept_parent if the key 
was set.

My thought was: Let us assume a caller does not set a key, calls accept and 
then destruct. In this code path, ctx->aead_req is not initialized. Hence, I 
would think that only the path using struct aead_tfm is safe in any case.

But I see that aead_sock_destruct is also linked in by 
aead_accept_parent_nokey. Hence, my initial idea was not correct as the 
destruct path is only callable when the accept_nokey is invoked.

Shall I send an updated patch with aead_sock_destruct cleared?


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