The following series:
- Move verbose init messages to debug mode
- Update the queue pointers in the event of an error
- Simplify buffer management and eliminate an unused option

Gary R Hook (3):
      crypto: ccp - Add SHA-2 384- and 512-bit support
      crypto: ccp - Enable support for AES GCM on v5 CCPs
      crypto: ccp - Enable 3DES function on v5 CCPs

 drivers/crypto/ccp/Makefile                |    2 
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto-aes-galois.c |  257 ++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto-des3.c       |  254 ++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto-main.c       |   22 +
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto-sha.c        |   22 +
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto.h            |   44 ++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-dev-v3.c            |    1 
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-dev-v5.c            |   56 +++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-dev.h               |   15 +
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-ops.c               |  522 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/linux/ccp.h                        |   68 ++++
 11 files changed, 1257 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto-aes-galois.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp-crypto-des3.c


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