On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 05:18:05PM +0100, Stephan Müller wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2017, 16:55:06 CET schrieb Rabin Vincent:
> > The documentation states that crypto_ahash_reqsize() provides the size
> > of the state structure used by crypto_ahash_export().  But it's actually
> > crypto_ahash_statesize() which provides this size.
> ack for the statesize documentation addition.
> In addition, can you please add crypto_ahash_statesize to Documentation/
> crypto/api-digest.rst.


> nack - The documentation is quite right for reqsize: it returns the *request 
> data structure* size as documented.

It's only that one line which is correct, the rest of the documentation
talked about the state size.  I'll add back that one line, since similar
functions like crypto_aead_reqsize() have it.
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