On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 05:37:33PM +0100, Stephan Müller wrote:
> I would not understand that statement.
> With the patch mentioned above that I provided some weeks ago, we have the 
> following scenario for an encryption (in case of decryption, it is almost 
> identical, just the tag location is reversed):
> user calls sendmsg with data buffer/IOVEC: AAD || PT
>       -> algif_aead turns this into the src SGL
> user calls recvmsg with data buffer/IOVEC: CT || Tag
>       -> algif_aead creates the first SG entry in the dst SGL pointing to the 
> AAD from the src SGL
>       -> algif_aead appends the user buffers to the dst SGL
>       -> algif_aead performs its operation and during that operation, only 
> the 
> CT and Tag parts are changed
> I.e. with the pre-pending of the SG pointing to the AAD from the src SGL to 
> the dst SGL we have a clean invocation of the kernel API.

But that means you can never invoke the in-place path of the kernel
API, which is the most optimised code path.

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